2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Goats began to breed people back in 10-9 millennium BC. e. At the moment, farms can contain MRS of this type of a variety of areas of productivity. Very often on farms, for example, downy goats are bred. You can get quite a lot of meat from this variety of MRS. At the same time, such goats usually give a small amount of milk. In most cases, it is enough only to feed the cubs.
The main value of such cattle is, of course, high-quality wool. In this article, we will consider in detail what downy breeds of goats are with names, breeding history, photos, etc.

General Description
From goats of other varieties, downy ones differ primarily in their large size. You can recognize these animals by:
- strong bones;
- hard hooves;
- developed chest.
Six goats of this direction of productivity consists of an awn and a delicate fluff. Transitional hairs on the skin of MRS of these breeds sometimes grow, but not too largequantities. When processing fluff, they can be easily selected and removed. Delicate structure is not the only feature of the wool of such goats. The fluff of the MRS of this variety is also valued for the fact that it contains little fat. When shearing, the wool of such goats does not stick together, easily spreading into individual strands.
What are downy breeds of goats: the most popular MRS
In most cases, animals of this variety are bred on farms in Russia:
- Orenburg;
- Angora;
- Gorno-Altai;
- Pridonskiye;
- black.
All these breeds can differ in the amount of fluff, coat color, body weight and some other indicators.
Orenburg goat: history of the breed
This variety of downy MRS was bred by folk selection. Such animals are bred in the Southern Urals - mainly in the Orenburg region. It is this downy breed of goats that has received the greatest recognition in our country and around the world. This variety is known even to people far from agriculture, it has become, thanks to the traditional folk craft of the Orenburg region - knitting very high-quality scarves and cobwebs.

This craft originated in the Southern Urals about 200 years ago. It is believed that it was then that Asian goats were brought to these parts, which were later crossed with local ones. Subsequently, the animals were selected for breeding precisely on the basis of the quality of down. As a result, the famous Orenburg goat was breddowny breed.
The quality of the wool of these animals, among other things, is greatly influenced by the local climate. The Orenburg MRS of this type was repeatedly exported to other regions of the country for breeding. However, the quality of animal down in other areas, unfortunately, deteriorated sharply after a few years. In addition to the Orenburg region, such goats are bred only in the north of Kazakhstan, in the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria.
Description of goats
Goats of the Orenburg region differ from representatives of other downy breeds primarily in their large size. Also features of this MPC are:
- very rough bones;
- located above the withers sacrum;
- thin strong limbs;
- pointed withers;
- small light head with elongated profile;
- goats have very big horns.
The wool of the Orenburg goats is monophonic. She is mostly black in color. But sometimes in the farms of the Orenburg region goats of this variety are also bred gray, white and red.
This downy breed of goats is currently considered the best in the world in terms of wool quality. In the photo below you can see what this popular MPC looks like.

Breed productivity
The diameter of the villi of the undercoat of these goats is 14-15 microns, and their length is 5-6 cm. In young animals, the fluff is more delicate, but at the same time short. The percentage of its content in cattle of different ages in wool can reach 31-45%.
The growth of the queens of this breed at the withers is 65 cm, males - 75 cm. At the same time, adult goats weigh up to 85 kg. The body weight of the queens of this breed is on average 35-50 kg. The pile of fluff from goats is usually 400-450 g. For queens, this figure is 300-400 g.
Of course, according to farmers, this old breed has just a huge number of advantages. Orenburg goats are unpretentious in care and undemanding to feed. On natural pastures, these animals gain weight, judging by the reviews, very well. And of course, the most important advantage of goats of this variety is the excellent quality of fluff.
Farmers attribute not too high productivity to the shortcomings of the Orenburg MRS. The fluff from these animals is less combed, for example, than from the same Don ones. Yes, and milk goats of the Orenburg downy breed give very little.
Meat from these animals can be obtained more than from representatives of other varieties of this productivity group. At the same time, it has good taste, judging by the reviews.
Pridon breed: selection
The place where these goats were bred is, unfortunately, unknown. In the Volgograd, Voronezh and Rostov regions, animals of the Don breed have been kept on farms for a long time. It is known that this variety was formed in the south of Russia for several centuries.
There is an opinion that this downy breed of goats, the description of which will be presented below, was obtained as a result of crossing local coarse-haired queens with Turkish Angora producers. Some researchers also considerthat the Pridon breed is the result of a Rex mutation.
What goats look like
Distinctive features of the exterior of animals of this breed are:
- strong constitution;
- correct physique;
- small, slightly flattened head;
- short neck;
- massive breasts;
- long back.

The limbs of the Don MRS, unlike the Orenburg MRS, are massive. Six representatives of this breed of downy goats have a predominantly gray color. Occasionally there are also black or snow-white animals.
Productivity Metrics
Down in the wool of the Don goats can contain up to 80%. The length of its villi at the same time reaches 6 cm. The Orenburg goats differ from the Orenburg goats in that their down is longer than the outer hair. Therefore, he curls into rings on such animals.
The average weight of females of this breed is 40-45 kg. The body weight of goats reaches 65-80 kg. The height at the withers for the queens is 60-62 cm, for males - 64-67 cm. Down from one goat of this breed can be combed 600-800 g. It is removed from males up to 1300-1500 g.
Opinion of farmers about the breed
Thus, this variety has excellent productivity. Above, a detailed description was given for this downy breed of goats. And there are, of course, mostly only excellent reviews about the Pridonsk MRS from farmers in this regard. The advantages of this downy goat include, first of all, high ratesproductivity. Wool from these animals can be combed almost twice as much as from the Orenburg MRS. Don goats deserve good reviews from farmers for the fact that their fluff differs, among other things, in medicinal properties.
Another indisputable advantage of this breed is considered to be multiplicity. At one time, the Don uterus usually brings 2-3 kids. As with the Orenburg, in such cattle, when bred in other regions, the quality of the fluff may decrease. This farmers, of course, refer to some of the shortcomings of the breed.
Gorno-Altai MRS: selection history
These goats were obtained in 1944 by Soviet specialists. The name of the downy goat "Gorno-Altai" was given to her at the place of breeding. Officially, this breed was approved only in 1982. The progenitors of this variety were the Don goats, which were crossed with local and Angora goats. Currently, this breed, unfortunately, is absorbed by the coarse-haired Altai.
This breed has spread in the Central and South-Eastern regions of the Altai Mountains, in Dagestan, Tyva, Khakassia. Also, these goats are bred in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China.
Description of MPC
Distinctive features of the representatives of the Gorno-Altai breed are:
- small sizes;
- strong constitution;
- harmonious physique.
The limbs of these goats are strong and strong, covered with short hair. The color of the coat of animals of this breed is gray.

Animal productivity
Like the Orenburg and Don goats, the down of the Gorno-Altai goats is suitable for knitting scarves. Its bouffant from adult queens is 500-700 g, goats - 700-1000 g. The length of the fluff villi in these animals is approximately 8-9 cm.
The weight of the uterus of this breed can reach 38-40 kg, goats - 63-70 kg. These animals are usually 62 cm tall at the withers.
Feedback from farmers
The owners of farmsteads consider unpretentiousness to be the main advantage of this breed. These animals, among other things, are considered suitable for year-round grazing on scarce mountain pastures. Judging by the reviews, this MRS also adapts very well to harsh climatic conditions.
Farmers consider resistance to various diseases to be another unconditional advantage of the Gorno-Altai downy breed of goats. The meat of these animals, according to the owners of household plots, is also tender and tasty.
Reviews about this downy goat breed are therefore mostly positive. Farmers believe that the only drawback of the Gorno-Altai MRS is that its horns are often crossed or rudimentary.
Black Downy Goat: History of the Breed
This MPC was once bred in Uzbekistan. To obtain a new variety, breeders crossed local goats with Angora goats imported from the USA.
The main purpose of creating a new breed in those days was to obtain animals of white color with mohair-type wool. Some crossbred kids were born black. Such offspring were collected in a separate flock and began to spend with herbreeding work.
Description of animals
In another way, these goats are called Fergana or Uzbek. Their exterior features are:
- delicate but well developed bones;
- moderately large sizes;
- correct physique;
- hanging ears;
- small, well-furred ponytail;
- long straight limbs.
A feature of this breed, among other things, is a noticeable difference in the size of males and females (up to 54%). The coat color of these goats is black. At the same time, their fluff is not uniform. Chevro is made from the skins of these animals, among other things.

Economic value
Fleece from an adult black goat is usually equal to 450 g, from a male - up to 700 g. The length of the hairs of down in a black MRS depends on the sex of the animal. In males, this figure is 10 cm, in queens - 8 cm.
Adult goats of this breed can weigh up to 80 kg. The body weight of Uzbek queens usually does not exceed 40 kg. Such goats give milk about 100 liters per lactation period. Queens of this breed usually bring no more than 1 cub.
Opinion of farmstead owners
The advantages of this breed, farmers include, first of all, good fleece and good quality down. Also, the advantage of a black goat is considered very tasty meat. Owners of farmsteads and unpretentiousness in food, as well as undemanding to the conditions of detention, are attributed to the pluses of these animals.
The lack of goats of this breedfarmers consider, first of all, the possible loss of some of the down due to the spring molt. In no case should you be late with the procedure for combing wool while keeping this MPC. Even with a 5-day delay, you can lose almost half of the fluff.
Angora MRS: history
What other downy goat breeds are there? Basically, it is the black, Orenburg, Don and Gorno-Altai varieties that are bred in our country. But some farmers, mostly in Transcaucasia, also keep Angora goats.
This breed was originally bred in Turkey. Such goats were brought to Europe already in the 16th century. In Russia, the Angora MRS began to breed rather late. For the first time such animals were brought to our country in Transcaucasia in the middle of the 20th century. Angora goats, unfortunately, turned out to be unprepared for the Russian climate. To improve resistance to cold and dampness, they were crossed with local Transcaucasian relatives.
General description of the breed
Outwardly, Angora goats look very attractive. Their coat is uniform and dense, and the horns are twisted downwards. The exterior features of Angora goats are also:
- short neck and small head;
- short torso;
- small strong legs.
The wool of goats of this breed is usually white. There are also black, red, silver, gray and brown colors. A feature of this goat's coat is the presence of a reflective effect.
Angora goat hair lengthcan reach 30 cm. For a year, farmers collect up to 2-4 kg of fluff from only one such queen, and up to 7 kg from a male. These goats are sheared twice a year. A feature of this breed is that in queens the coat has a much more delicate structure than in males.
Weight goats of this breed can reach up to 50 kg. The body weight of males is 50-60 kg. Growth at the withers of the uterus of the Angora breed reaches 55-65 cm, goats - 65-75 cm.
Reviews from farmstead owners
To the pluses of the Angora breed, farmers include, first of all, unpretentiousness in food. Of course, there are excellent reviews from the owners of farmsteads in terms of the quality of the fluff of these goats. The meat of the Angora MRS, according to farmers, is also quite tasty.
The shortcomings of representatives of this breed, the owners of farmsteads include in the first place:
- poorly developed maternal instinct in females;
- possibility of birth of diseased offspring;
- strong influence of climate on wool quality.

Instead of a conclusion
Thus, we found out what are the downy breeds of goats with names and descriptions. All varieties of such MRS bred in Russia are distinguished by good productivity, unpretentiousness and endurance. Keeping such goats on the farm can be quite profitable. However, in addition to proper care, it is possible that such breeds also require supportive selection. Otherwise, the downy qualities of goats of this variety can be significantly reduced. This is what happens today, for example,unfortunately, with Gorno-Altai and Orenburg breeds.
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