Social efficiency: what is it and what is it for?

Social efficiency: what is it and what is it for?
Social efficiency: what is it and what is it for?

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The productivity of managerial activity is usually assessed in two closely related categories: economic performance, on the one hand, and social efficiency, on the other. Let's figure out what the second means.

Social efficiency of management is a category that expresses the degree of satisfaction of the demand of a potential consumer for services and goods. The more a person buys a particular product, the more susceptible he is to marketing tools.

social efficiency
social efficiency


Social management efficiency is assessed in two ways:

  • external;
  • internal.

Management practice implies periodic comparative analysis of the level of its effectiveness with that which was available in the previous reporting period, or with what was obtained in similar organizations. This allows you to track the dynamics of a decrease or increase in efficiency. Based on the results obtained, decisions are made aimed at further improvement of the main or managementactivities. For this, certain indicators and management criteria are used, the most important of which are profit and parameters for achieving planned results.

What is it for?

assessment of social efficiency
assessment of social efficiency

Justification of the economic productivity of activities that are carried out to improve the organization of management activities must be supplemented with such a parameter as an assessment of social efficiency. Without it, it is absolutely impossible to get the right feedback from the consumer.

Social efficiency is established by the ratio of a number of indicators that reflect the results of management to the costs that are required to be incurred to achieve them. The above results are judged by embodied characteristics such as:

  • improving the living conditions of the population and living standards;
  • improving the effectiveness of measures aimed at strengthening and protecting human he alth;
  • increasing productivity and facilitating the work of the working population, etc.

In other words, social efficiency is the degree of expectation of the interests and needs of people acting as employees, realized in practice. In addition to sales, it is often used in recruiting.

social efficiency of management
social efficiency of management

Economic, on the one hand, and social efficiency, on the other, symbolize the unity and struggle of opposites. Mutually complementing each other, they simultaneously contradict each other.

To achieve an optimal balance of interests in this matter is the most important, central task, the solution of which should be directed by the efforts of top managers of any enterprise or organization.

That is why it is believed that the social effectiveness of management, which is the social result of this activity, characterizes how fully it was possible to use the capabilities of each employee and the team as a whole (their potential), as well as their creative abilities and the degree of success of the decision such an important task as the social development of personnel.
