Business on Amazon: reviews, investments, income, pros and cons

Business on Amazon: reviews, investments, income, pros and cons
Business on Amazon: reviews, investments, income, pros and cons

Earnings on the Internet provides broad prospects. Not surprisingly, it attracts a huge number of users who want to try their hand at mastering online business. The number of possibilities available is really great. However, we are interested in the Amazon business, reviews of which will be presented below. You may find this information useful.

business on amazon
business on amazon


Business on "Amazon", reviews of which may be contradictory, provides an opportunity to become the owner of your own business and at the same time does not depend on fluctuations in the national Russian currency. This is due to the fact that you have to cooperate with an American company that makes all payments in dollars. The largest trading platform allows everyone to earn money from absolutely anywhere in the world.

How to make money?

The whole process of actionrelatively simple.

  • First of all, you need to register on the site. This is perhaps the easiest step.
  • Next, the potential seller will have to choose an attractive product that will be in demand among potential customers. You need to evaluate the demand, offers of competitors, your own capabilities, etc. The more information you collect, the higher the likelihood of successful activity on this trading platform.
  • Search for suppliers who offer the product you are interested in. Often start-up entrepreneurs cooperate with Chinese suppliers and only gradually move to more expensive partners.
  • Creating your own exclusive brand, based on which you will offer selected products to users. In addition, for each product you need to write a unique description, and do not forget about the photo that will attract attention.
  • Purchase of goods from suppliers and delivery to the Amazon warehouse. Delivery to buyers will be carried out by the trading platform. This reduces costs on the part of the seller and allows for higher profits.
amazon business negative reviews
amazon business negative reviews


For potential users, there are two main ways that you can use to make money on Amazon.

The first one was described above. It is to become a seller and offer various products to users.

The second way is to become an intermediary and buy the right goods for other sellers. Exactlythis option is the most preferable for some potential businessmen.


This activity, as a rule, brings the organizer from six to ten percent of the profit from each order. In this case, you do not have to send goods to the warehouse of the Amazon marketplace.

A potential reseller can create their own website to inform potential partners. The advantage of such a promotion is that the site will attract targeted customers who are interested in purchasing goods.

In addition, on the site, the intermediary can offer product options that will interest potential sellers. At the same time, you need to choose not too expensive and not too cheap offers. In the first case, the probability of an order is low, and in the second case, the intermediary will receive a low profit.

amazon business reviews
amazon business reviews


If you believe the reviews, the Amazon business has many advantages that attract potential users. Let's discuss them in more detail.

First of all, we note that the company's turnover is increasing every year. Such success of the corporation was brought by cooperation with an impressive number of entrepreneurs. That is why the marketplace is interested in further attracting new partners.

  • Simplicity. Most of the issues related to the business on Amazon, the reviews confirm this, the company takes over. This applies to the creation and further promotion of the site, the organization of a warehouse for storing goods, solutionscustoms issues, etc.
  • Freedom of movement. All business can be done remotely and not be tied to a specific place.


In fact, all the actions of the seller come down to finding suppliers and presenting goods. The rest of the duties are performed by the trading platform. This is convenient for potential sellers, as it allows you to start your own business at minimal cost.

That's why the Amazon business is attracting new partners who don't have the resources to run a standalone enterprise. By becoming part of a huge trading platform, they can start their own business even with a small investment that will be required to purchase goods.

book business on amazon reviews
book business on amazon reviews

Book business on Amazon

Reviews about such activities, first of all, come down to its simplicity. This work can be not only profitable, but also interesting at the same time. This option is suitable even for those who do not have writing talent. After all, you can hire specialists who will compose the text and create an attractive design.

The main difficulty lies in choosing relevant niches that will be of interest to potential customers, as well as in promoting the product. After all, your target audience should know about it. Otherwise, there will be no sales and, accordingly, no income.

Reviews of business with "Amazon" without investments assure that book activity has an important advantage. You don't have to buy goods from third-party suppliers, and you can transfer books inelectronic form, eliminating the need for delivery.


User opinions vary greatly. Negative business reviews on Amazon are also present. They usually come from entrepreneurs who have started their own business but have never been successful. This is not surprising, because even successful traders claim that the greatest number of difficulties awaited them at the very beginning.

Only a few manage to manage and continue to develop their own business. It is much easier to give up at the first failure and leave negative reviews, blaming the site for everything.

business with amazon without investment reviews
business with amazon without investment reviews

Divorce in business on "Amazon" occurs only on the part of intermediaries. There are companies that offer potential sellers a full range of services, from the selection of a supplier to the launch of advertising. However, no one guarantees sales. And without them there will be no profit. That is why experts recommend working directly with the Amazon service, avoiding the offers of dubious intermediaries. However, you need to be prepared to put in a lot of effort.


Business on Amazon is a reality that has allowed many potential businessmen to succeed.

However, this activity is fraught with some disadvantages, which are better to know in advance.

  • Colossal competition. Currently, more than two million sellers cooperate with the trading platform, which creates certain difficulties for beginners.
  • The need to be in touch almost around the clock. It is not known at what time you will receive questions from potential buyers. After all, they can be located in completely different countries. The longer you answer your own customers, the more likely they are to choose another seller.
  • Choice of goods. Not all entrepreneurs are able to predict the demand in the market of their own country, to say nothing of foreign consumers.
amazon business divorce
amazon business divorce


Many users are wondering what is the Amazon business: scam or reality?

As you can see, the marketplace does not deceive its own users if you cooperate with it directly.

At the same time, it is extremely difficult to predict future income. It depends on the number of purchases as well as the value of your items. As with any trade, the principle is simple. The more customers and sales, the higher the income.

Some experts claim that each user can earn several thousand dollars in just a few months and still spend only a few hours a day, combining trading with the main activity. However, such promises are scattered, as a rule, by those who offer to tell beginners about the intricacies of working with the Amazon service. However, the reviews assure that such expectations are not justified, but only turn out to be a waste of their own money and time.

amazon business reality
amazon business reality

If you want to cooperate with thistrading platform, use information in the public domain. As a rule, paid products contain the same tips. The only difference is that you have to pay a considerable amount to get access to them. Better not to.


Some potential sellers make a lot of mistakes, get frustrated with the marketplace, and leave negative reviews. This can be avoided if done right.

  • Lack of preparation. Before you start working with the site, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of cooperation. If you break them, don't be surprised if your account is suddenly banned, creating a lot of additional problems for you.
  • Errors in the calculation of shipping costs. When writing a product description, you need to understand how much shipping will cost for the user. Beginning businessmen cannot afford to provide this service for free.

There are still quite a few mistakes that novice sellers make. As a rule, they concern the choice of goods, suppliers, etc.
