Jalapeño - what is it and what is it eaten with?

Jalapeño - what is it and what is it eaten with?
Jalapeño - what is it and what is it eaten with?

Spain, Mexico, USA and many other countries love hot spices. They grow jalapenos there. What it is? This is a hot chili pepper, which got its name in honor of the city of Xalapa. It is located in Mexico, in the state of Veracruz and is the main producer of the spicy vegetable.


The vegetable has a miniature size - from 5 to 9 cm. The shorter the length of the fruit, the more valuable it is considered. The average weight of pepper is fifty grams, the color is green. The pods begin to turn red when ripe, but are harvested green. The crop growing period is eighty days after the end of flowering. The plant does not grow more than a meter in height, but even a small jalapeno can produce up to thirty-five fruits in one growth cycle.

There is more than one variety of jalapeno. Photos show that they can be long pods, spiky and oblong. In our latitudes, the latter species is usually found. All varieties differ not only in appearance, but also in the region of growth and hotness temperature. Fruit pickers use gloves when handling the spiciest varieties, as vegetables can irritate the skin.

In southern countries and Europe, this vegetable is respected by loversspicy, in our country it is not very common, but no less popular.

jalapeno - what is it
jalapeno - what is it

Jalapeño - what is it: hot seasoning or an independent dish?

The pods are used to make salsa sauces and are also marinated. Red fruits are less valuable, but they retain their taste and consumer qualities for a long time. Therefore, overripe vegetables are dried and ground into seasoning. They are also applied as a fertilizer to the soil.

Jalapeño peppers can be served on their own or as an ingredient. They are grilled or baked, added to salads and meat, vegetable, fish dishes. In Mexico, for example, vegetable stew with the addition of smoked hot peppers is popular. In Europe, chefs often add pickled vegetables to dishes.

In Russia, you can find hot pepper seasoning or frozen jalapenos on store shelves. What is it - a delicacy or a traditional food? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous: in one state they cannot live without hot peppers, while in another they are wary and consider them a delicacy.

jalapeno peppers
jalapeno peppers

Jalapeño serves as a mandatory addition to the traditional Mexican drink sangrita, which is washed down with tequila. To prepare it, take orange, tomato and lemon juice, add pepper. The drink becomes so spicy that the effect is comparable to the tequila itself.


The hotness or spiciness of a pepper can vary from medium to high. "Degreetaste" is measured by the temperature of sensations. Gourmets claim that the taste of peppers may have a warm sensation temperature at the beginning, which is replaced by a hot one.

If you ask any Mexican a question: "Jalapeño - what is it?", - he will answer that it is a medium hot pepper with a slight taste of nuts and an unforgettable sourness. The inhabitants of this country are so fond of a burning vegetable that they prepare it for future use. Moreover, the pods are not only pickled, but also made into jam!

The spiciness of jalapeno depends on growing conditions and processing method. The most burning are the tissues that hold the seeds in the pod. Peppers that have had these tissues removed to soften the flavor are referred to as "castrated" peppers.

jalapeno photo
jalapeno photo

In Mexico, hot peppers occupy huge plantations. In the USA they are so loved that they honored the vegetable with a flight into space: it became one of the first spices that astronauts took with them.
