Little family - what is it, a full-fledged apartment or is it still a communal apartment?

Little family - what is it, a full-fledged apartment or is it still a communal apartment?
Little family - what is it, a full-fledged apartment or is it still a communal apartment?

Simply put, a small family is a living area of no more than 18 square meters, including a shared bathroom and bathroom, a separate kitchen and room. However, all these separate rooms are very small. It is quite suitable for a family of three, especially at the initial stage, until you manage to save up for more spacious apartments. You need to be prepared for neighbors located right behind the wall and a few meters from the front door, since all apartments are located in the same corridor. It should be noted that this is the most ideal version of a small family, in fact, there are much worse options.

Types of small families

little family what is it
little family what is it

Many residents of megacities do not even know that there is such a type of housing as a small family, that this is not an ordinary one-room apartment, but a more economical option. It's worth starting with the worst offers.

  1. A hostel where there are small rooms and a shared toilet with a shower, a kitchen. This is a large communal apartment. No privacy, everything that happens behind the wall is heard by the rest. There is no way to go to the toilet or shower when you want. Frequent quarrels with tenants in the kitchen and other difficulties. The disadvantage of such communal apartments is the inability to buy such housing or acquire ownership. You need to understand that all these apartments belong to one enterprise, where everything is privatized and is owned by one owner.
  2. Individual apartments ranging from 12 to 45 square meters, designed for two or even three rooms, but small in size. This is the most economical option. Any opportunity to buy a home is considered a real success, including a small family. What's this? Not a mansion, but still a roof over your head, under which you can fully live. A separate long corridor, designed for 8-12 apartments, is an ideal option for a small family.

Who is the small family suitable for?

small family property
small family property

Newcomers, students, young families - all this contingent of people needs permanent housing. These people know what a small family is, that this is not a separate full-fledged apartment, but still the most affordable way to buy a small living space. In areas remote from the center, you can find quite acceptable options for buying an apartment of this type. The cheapest will be, of course, the hostel, which is ideal for students. For a young family, a small family apartment with its own bathroom and bathroom is better suited. For visitors, you can find numerous advertisements in newspapers or contactreal estate agency, where there are a lot of such offers.

small family apartment
small family apartment

Little families now

Today's real estate - small families, hotels and other types of housing - has undergone significant changes. Many construction companies are building panel houses with apartments of small areas of the economy option. Thus, you can buy quite normal housing at affordable prices. To date, a small family - what is it? Practically modern one-room apartment with eurowindows, repair, private bathroom and toilet. All this speaks of convenience and comfort for living, even if not in luxury apartments.
