Management of personnel training: expediency and approaches

Management of personnel training: expediency and approaches
Management of personnel training: expediency and approaches

Any successful organization, no matter how high technology it owns, no matter how expensive its equipment, is strong primarily with its employees. Competent management of personnel training is the key to prosperity and successful development in business. What should an HR manager consider and how can productivity be improved?

personnel training management
personnel training management

Firstly, the management of personnel training should be based on the real needs and capabilities of both people and the enterprise itself. Unfortunately, in recent times, the management of professional training of personnel is often based on the principle of "residuality". For example, you need to quickly use the budget allocated for these purposes, you need to justify the costs, support some organization or sponsors. At the same time, they teach not those and not to whom and what is needed. For example, all kinds of psychological training, withOn the one hand, of course, they could bring certain benefits - for example, to teach workers assertiveness or the ability to use time efficiently. But if at the same time the tasks do not change, if the daily routine and goals are already set "from above", psychological trainings are perceived only as entertainment, as a way to distract from work. The management of staff training in foreign languages looks similar.

personnel management distance learning
personnel management distance learning

The goal of the firm is to make the most of the new knowledge of employees, and not to "put a tick" and be noted as a "leading organization". Therefore, it does not make sense to spend corporate money, for example, for everyone to take an English course. Let the language be intensively studied by those who can really use it in their practice.

Secondly, the psychological component is extremely important. It is on skillful motivation that effective personnel management is based. Distance learning, advanced training courses, on-the-job training should not be a privilege, nor be carried out as an order. Employees should see the expediency of acquiring new knowledge and skills. For example, it is good to use financial motivation: salary increase may depend on the level of education and training of the employee. Management of staff training should be carried out without pressure and a system of punishments or fines.

personnel training management
personnel training management

In our time, more and more young peopleare disappointed in formal higher and vocational education, believing that the "crust" will give them neither real knowledge nor real advantages in the labor market. And often they are right. Higher education is rapidly losing prestige not only because of the decline in quality, but also because it does not provide training in accordance with the requirements of the time. That is why, in the hands of the employer, the competent use of various methods of advanced training can be a successful method of increasing employee loy alty. Management of personnel training should ideally be carried out according to individual schemes. If people do not feel their need and need for this organization, the risk of staff turnover is high. Consequently, the funds spent will be wasted. On the other hand, if the management of personnel training is carried out competently and in accordance with an individual approach, loy alty and loy alty to the organization increase. Employees feel sincerely cared for and will be able to work with more dedication.
