Job description of the project manager: sample

Job description of the project manager: sample
Job description of the project manager: sample

The main responsibility of an employee accepted as a project manager is responsibility for all stages of project implementation and the final result. He is responsible for ensuring that the work is completed on time, in accordance with all requirements, and does not exceed the allocated budget. This position is extremely responsible, and implies a good career growth. A sample job description for a project manager in construction should include general provisions, functions, responsibilities and rights of an employee.

General provisions

To get the position of a project manager, you must first obtain a higher professional education and work in your speci alty for at least three years. Only the CEO of the organization where he works can appoint or remove an employee from a position.

project manager job description
project manager job description

Also, according to the job description of the project manager, the employee holding thisThe position reports directly to the CEO. During his absence, his duties are performed by a designated person who assumes not only the duties of the project manager, but also his responsibility.

What should I know?

The job description of the project manager suggests that he must have certain skills, including knowing and understanding how personnel and projects are managed. In addition, he must understand how client relationships should be built from a psychological point of view.

job description of the project manager in construction
job description of the project manager in construction

The specialist must study all regulatory and guidance materials, as well as all the methods by which algorithms and programs for project management are developed. It's great to know how to operate the computers needed to process data. His knowledge should include the basic principles of structure type programming and types of software.

Also, the job description of the project manager implies that he knows the rules for the technical operation of electronic computing equipment, its characteristics, design features, what it is intended for and in what modes it can work. His knowledge should include technology for automatic data processing and encoding, formalized programming languages, as well as standards for computing systems, codes and ciphers.

construction project manager job description
construction project manager job description

He must know how technical documentation is formed and drawn up, know the basics of economics, how production is organized, the work of the enterprise and resource management. Constantly be interested in advanced world and domestic experience in programming and using computers. And also know the regulations of the organization where he works, its rules and regulations.

What should I be able to do?

The job description of the project manager of a construction organization implies that the specialist must have certain skills. He must be able to select a team of professionals to carry out the project, plan work on it, be able to correctly distribute responsibilities between employees, clearly and correctly formulate the tasks and goals of the project, and be a moderator at general meetings.

job description of the project manager of a construction organization
job description of the project manager of a construction organization

Also, using knowledge of labor legislation, he must resolve conflicts between employees, delegate their powers and tasks, and exercise full control over them. He must be able to calculate the costs necessary to complete the object, search for solutions to eliminate problems, carry out all necessary analytical calculations, including risk calculations.

project manager job description sample
project manager job description sample

In addition, according to the job description of the project manager in construction, he must be able to build a structural plan for the project, form its charter and manage it. He must be able todevelopment of work schedules, conduct negotiations with executors and project managers, set tasks and goals. Carry out management activities with personnel, information and quality, and so on.

Job Responsibilities

The job of a project manager is to supervise the engineers, programmers, and other staff needed to complete tasks. He gives tasks, controls the time and quality of their implementation, and convenes meetings of the project staff. The job description of the project manager in construction implies that he must, together with the entire team, choose a programming language with which the project data will be described in the future.

project manager job description
project manager job description

He is engaged in the development and construction of work plans. His responsibilities include operational and strategic planning regarding the implementation of the facility. He must check whether the facility is ready for operation, maintain all project documentation. He must participate in the management of financial resources allocated for the creation and implementation of the project. It creates and modifies project presentations and presentations.


The project manager job description sample contains the rights that an employee holding this position has, namely:

  • Familiarization with the decisions of the senior management of the organization that relate to its competence and work;
  • Introducing any suggestions that would help improve his working conditions oroverall project execution;
  • If he noticed shortcomings or errors in the work during the performance of his direct duties, he has the right to notify the management about them and suggest methods for correcting the situation;
  • Request any documents that he needs for work and its quality performance, both independently and with the help of his immediate superior;
  • He can involve employees of the company who serve in other departments to perform tasks related to his work activity, if this is required for the quality and timely completion of the project;
  • If necessary, ask management to assist in the performance of their job duties.


The job description of the head of the project department assumes that he is responsible for the improper performance or complete failure to fulfill his direct duties. All of them are listed in the job description and comply with the current legislation of the country.

job description for project manager in construction sample
job description for project manager in construction sample

He is responsible for any violations of labor, administrative and criminal law that he commits in the course of doing his job. As well as for material damage caused to the company. The project manager is also responsible for the execution of work by his subordinates, spending the budget allocated for the project and for meeting the deadlines and quality of the prepared project.

Working conditions

Job descriptionThe project manager assumes that decent working conditions should be created for the employee. The work schedule and other nuances should be clearly established and regulated in the company's work schedule. If necessary, the company must provide all the necessary conditions so that the employee can carry out business trips, including local ones.

In closing

One of the most responsible positions in real estate development companies is the head of construction projects. The job description of this specialist may vary depending on the direction of the company and the scope of its activities. Also, duties and functions can be changed in connection with what tasks the management assigns to this employee. In any case, all points of the instruction must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, norms and procedures provided for by the current legislation of the country. In addition, it is very important that the employee's responsibility is spelled out in the job description, because this position is a managerial one and there can be many nuances regarding the management of finances, human resources and other company capabilities, for the timely and high-quality implementation of the project.
