Profession cashier: working conditions, necessary education, duties, pros and cons of work

Profession cashier: working conditions, necessary education, duties, pros and cons of work
Profession cashier: working conditions, necessary education, duties, pros and cons of work

Any company that accepts payments from customers needs a cashier. It is with this specialist that visitors to shopping centers and catering outlets, as well as customers of banks and other organizations, have to deal with daily. Not surprisingly, the profession of a cashier is quite in demand among potential employers. She attracts applicants with the low requirements that managers place on the position. Let's look at these and other features of the profession of a cashier in more detail. It is possible that she will interest you for some reason.

profession salesman cashier
profession salesman cashier


The profession of a cashier is a financial position, the representative of which is in charge of the cash desk in any organization. The main responsibility of the employee is to receive and issue money, as well as to serve customers using plastic cards or electronic money.

It must be said that the profession of a cashier may involve a wider range of responsibilities. For example, in some organizations, a representative of this position also acts as an accountant or controller.

At entertainment centers, as well as cinemas and museums, an employee sells tickets and can help visitors decide on a venue or performance.

You need to understand that such a vacancy mainly attracts specialists who are ready to do monotonous work day in and day out. In addition, this activity carries some danger. After all, cash can attract potential robbers.

You need to understand that working as a cashier requires responsibility. A mistake made can turn into trouble not only for the employee himself, but for the entire company. In addition, a lot of patience is required to serve visitors. After all, some of them may turn out to be impatient, rude, etc. However, despite this, the employee behind the cash register must remain friendly. These are the requirements of most employers.

job as a cashier
job as a cashier

Types of cashiers

It must be said that representatives of this profession can have a fairly wide range of responsibilities. Moreover, the position implies some branches.

For example, the profession of a cashier-operator is relevant in banking organizations. This employee performs cash settlements, communicates with customers, monitors changes in accounts, and also makes adjustments to the database.

In addition, the cashier-operator is entrusted with duties related to verifying the authenticity of signatures on payment documents, the correctness of filling out documentation, etc.

Currency teller is another position for bank employees. The employee is engaged in exchange and other financial transactions related to currency.

The cashier-controller is the position that is closest to the classical understanding of the described vacancy. Its representative carries out cash settlements with buyers if he works at a trading enterprise. Such a position is also present at transport enterprises, where the cashier-controller is engaged in the issuance and sale of various tickets, as well as travel documents. The specialist's duty is also to control the availability of consumables. For example, cash tapes.

An accountant-cashier must be able to work with bank cards, check the authenticity of banknotes. Such specialists are able to keep records at any enterprise, therefore they are especially in demand among potential employers. However, the applicant must have knowledge regarding the rules for accepting and issuing securities and documents, as well as compiling cash reports, etc.

profession cashier
profession cashier


The profession of a sales assistant-cashier is in demand in the labor market. This is due to the fact that its representatives are required in most organizations that work in the field of trade and services and accept payment from customers. An exception may be those who, contrary to the law, accept money without issuing a check andpaying no taxes.

Required education

For potential applicants, the fact that the profession of a cashier does not require special education will be good news. It is enough to have basic knowledge in mathematics, be able to use computer programs, a barcode scanner and some other equipment that is used to perform cash receipts and debits.

Those who apply for the vacancy of a cashier do not need a higher education. It is enough to graduate from a college, college or specialized courses.

cashier position or profession
cashier position or profession

An important factor is that some retail chains provide training for future cashiers. Accordingly, potential applicants for this position may be completely unprepared, but ready to undergo training in order to qualify for the vacancy.

Pros of work

The working profession of a cashier, like other vacancies, has concentrated some advantages that attract potential job seekers in the labor market.

  • Stability. The salary of a cashier is usually independent of sales. Each employee is usually assigned a fixed salary.
  • Rated schedule. Clearly knowing the opening hours, the cashier can plan free time depending on their own wishes.
  • Official employment. This means that the employer will make contributions to various funds, and the employee will be able to count on the payment of vacation, maternity or sick leave.
  • Opportunitycareer growth. Starting as a cashier, you can gradually move up the corporate ladder and take a more attractive position.
working profession cashier
working profession cashier

Cons of work

There are no perfect professions. The cashier is no exception.

  • Presence of stress. A representative of the speci alty has to work with a large flow of clients, among which there are completely different people. Not everyone is patient and friendly in communication.
  • A boring activity that involves performing routine activities day in and day out. The vacancy of a cashier will not appeal to those who do not tolerate monotony.
  • Responsibility. The position of a cashier obliges you to work with cash and, accordingly, be responsible for them.
  • Low salary. Most companies offer low salaries to cashiers, while entrusting them with a fairly large number of responsibilities.

For the above reasons, the position or profession of a cashier is not suitable for all applicants. Some don't know how to operate cash registers, some don't want to be held accountable, etc.

profession cashier description
profession cashier description


The professional activity of a cashier is one way or another connected with the implementation of cash payments. Let's briefly list the duties of this specialist:

  • Receiving and depositing cash at the cash desk.
  • Removal of reports and transfer of funds received from visitors to a senior specialist.
  • Provisionstable operation of the cash register.
  • Polite communication with customers.
  • Control of the safety of cash and cash equipment, which the specialist uses to perform his duties.
performing work as a cashier
performing work as a cashier

Working conditions

Any potential cashier applying for this position should be aware of the conditions that await him in the performance of professional duties.

First of all, this concerns the potential place of work, which leaves a certain imprint on the specifics of the duties performed. Cashiers are employed by gas stations, entertainment establishments, grocery supermarkets, shopping malls, etc. Each of the above establishments attracts a certain layer of customers, with whom the cashier must be able to communicate, even if the visitor is impolite.

As for other working conditions inherent in the professional activities of cashiers, it is important to understand that such work is very monotonous and does not suit creative people who are more attracted to creative activities.
