Production discipline is Definition of the term, features, ways to achieve

Production discipline is Definition of the term, features, ways to achieve
Production discipline is Definition of the term, features, ways to achieve

Participation in collective work at the enterprise requires all employees to strictly follow certain rules, regulations and labor institutions. One of them is production discipline. This phenomenon helps managers at any level to maintain the necessary order at work, due to which the overall success of any organization is achieved.

This article will tell you in detail about what labor (production) discipline is, how to analyze its level. It will also describe how to strengthen discipline at the enterprise, what to do with those employees who violate it.

Production discipline - what is it? Definition of concept

Before considering how to build labor discipline in an enterprise, it is very important to define this concept.

production discipline is what
production discipline is what

So, production discipline is a set of clearly defined rules and norms of behavior that apply to all workers involved inteamwork.

In other words, workplace discipline is the means by which management personnel correct the behavioral shortcomings of subordinates and enforce the established rules of the organization. It is important to note that the purpose of discipline is to achieve correct behavior on the part of personnel, but this process is not intended to belittle the status of a subordinate or unreasonably punish him.

With the help of industrial labor discipline, a high level of productivity and quality of the work performed, which the organization is aimed at, is achieved. In addition, it is designed to educate in all employees a conscious attitude towards their own work.


In order to understand the level of discipline at the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  1. Analyze the number of pen alties (including layoffs) that were previously carried out on the basis of violations of production discipline. To do this, the personnel department needs to raise the documentation and, through calculations, establish which norms and rules were violated by employees. For example, you can determine how many people were reprimanded for being late for work, for violation of subordination, appearing at the workplace in a state of intoxication, etc. It is best to do such an analysis for each month or quarterly.
  2. Analyze the number of pen alties and layoffs for the reporting period.
  3. Compare the results or make a visual graph that will help determine the overall trend andthe effectiveness of existing norms, rules, rewards and punishments for violation of production discipline.

Low labor responsibility (frequent delays, violations, negligent attitude to work, etc.) will indicate that the staff does not understand or does not accept the rules that are established at the enterprise, and also that the existing system of incentives and Punishment just doesn't work. If it is found that the violations are not widespread, and the indicators are within the normal range, then we can conclude that the management has nothing to worry about, and the staff is very disciplined.

industrial discipline and diligence
industrial discipline and diligence

Strengthening production discipline

Diligence and personal responsibility to achieve from subordinates is not always easy. Most often, production discipline is perceived as an infringement of human creative impulses, and sometimes even as something fettering. In order for employees to understand why this process is needed and begin to agree with the rules of discipline, it is necessary to create favorable economic and organizational conditions at the enterprise.

Next, it is important to convey to the consciousness of all employees the main goal of the norms of industrial discipline, and for this sometimes management has to turn to methods of education and persuasion.

In order to nurture in subordinates the consciousness of following the norms and rules of discipline in the workplace, one should:

  1. Establish the relationship of all departments with the HR department.
  2. Improve methodsorganizational and educational work.
  3. Ensure strict regulation of rules (documents such as the Labor Code, internal labor regulations, etc. can help with this).
  4. Develop a program of material and non-material labor motivation and incentives, as well as a program of pen alties for violation of the norm.

In addition to all of the above, it is important to establish proper control over this system. As a rule, this function is performed by the heads of departments, who have subordinate personnel (within a department, sector, department, etc.), and the personnel department (in the whole enterprise).

violation of industrial discipline
violation of industrial discipline

Ways to encourage

According to the Labor Code, there are several ways to reward employees who clearly adhere to production discipline. It could be:

  • issuance of a cash bonus;
  • declaration of thanks;
  • rewarding with a valuable gift or diploma;
  • provision of title.

Of course, within the framework of the company's charter or internal labor regulations, management may provide for other types of incentives.

It is very important to pay attention to the way in which a high level of discipline was achieved, and to thank the workers involved for this in a timely manner. Such action by management will encourage such behavior.

industrial labor discipline
industrial labor discipline

Pen alties

Of course, it is much more pleasant to encourage than to punish, but to achieveawareness on the part of employees is difficult if you do not stop attempts to violate and do not punish the perpetrators. However, it should be remembered that all pen alties must be based on labor law, especially when it comes to dismissal.

low labor and production discipline
low labor and production discipline


In order to achieve the proper level of labor discipline, it is necessary to be systematic, clear in all norms and rules. In addition, it is important to make sure that subordinates know them, and that they can be disciplined for their violations. It is for this that the enterprise must necessarily develop and bring to the attention of all the rules of the internal labor schedule.
