2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
One of the most common terms in economics is the concept of "labor". They include those people who, due to their intellectual and psychophysical qualities, can produce services or material goods. In other words, this is that part of the population of the state that is employed in the economy or does not participate in it, but is able to work.
The concept under consideration is used on the scale of the country and region, a separate branch of the national economy or within the boundaries of a certain professional group. Along with this, another concept is used in economics. These are "human resources". This term carries a slightly different semantic load and content. Human resources are understood as the main we alth of any organization. Moreover, its prosperity becomes possible only if they are used taking into account the interests of each employee. After all, inthis term contains a set of personal-psychological and sociocultural properties of people.
Definition of concept
The development of modern management is impossible without recognizing the ever-increasing role of each person in production processes. Under the current conditions, in which technological innovations are significantly accelerating, competition is intensifying and the economy is globalizing, the main resource for increasing the efficiency of the organization is the entrepreneurial and creative abilities, qualifications and knowledge of employees.

Throughout the 20th century. Significant changes took place in the personnel management system of organizations. Initially, workers were considered only as a means necessary to obtain a result. Therefore, at enterprises within the framework of technocratic management, there was a personnel management system. At the same time, people were considered on the same level as machines, raw materials and equipment, within the framework of their main function - labor, measured by the cost of working time.
In the 50s and 60s of the last century, personnel management arose. At the same time, the employee began to be considered not as one who performs labor functions, but as a subject of labor relations, an active element of the internal environment of any organization. In the same period, a new concept appeared. He approved the existence of "human capital". It was a whole complex of inherited and acquired qualities (education, knowledge acquired at the workplace),he alth and other components that could be used to produce services and goods.
Over time, a concept even more capacious appeared. Employees of the enterprise began to be evaluated as a human resource with its own specifics due to the fact that:
- People are intelligent. That is why their reaction to any external influence (or control) is not mechanical, but emotionally meaningful.
- People, due to their intelligence, are able to constantly improve and develop. And this is the most long-term and important source of growth in performance indicators not only for any organization, but also for society.
- People choose for themselves a certain type of activity. It can be industrial or non-productive, physical or mental. At the same time, they all set specific goals for themselves.
However, the knowledge and abilities of people, their professionalism and qualifications are unevenly distributed among them. That is why every employee needs retraining and constant training, as well as support for his work motivation.
Need for HR management
The leaders of most Russian companies in their work focus on financial and production issues, as well as marketing. At the same time, they lose sight of the issues of developing a system of human resource management methods.

This direction is the most important link in the work of the leader. After all, the use of management methodsEnterprise Human Resources has the following characteristics:
- Has a direct impact on the value (capitalization) of the company. This happens due to the growth of intangible assets (personnel policy, brand and intellectual potential of employees) among the assets of the organization.
- It is an internal competence of an organization that provides it with leadership among competitors.
- Allows a successful and good company to become a leader in a particular market segment.
Managing people is one of the most important areas of managing an organization. After all, the employees of any company are its most important resource. It is with their help that new products are created, funds are accumulated and used, and the quality of the final product is controlled. At the same time, unlike other reserves, the initiative and possibilities of employees are limitless.
Various methods of human resource management have been developed. These are the techniques and methods by which the manager directs the activities of the workforce, including individual performers, which, as a result, allows solving the tasks set.

Moreover, all methods of human resource management are tools for the practical application of the laws of economics. That is why their study and application plays an important role in the practical substantiation of all decisions of the manager regarding personnel that contribute to the fulfillment of tasks,which are priorities for the company.
HR technologies
Human resource management is possible with the normal functioning of such a system, as well as with the availability of tools to influence the employee. All this together constitutes HRM technology. In its most general form, it means services, skills and techniques that are used to change any material.
Technologies used in human resource management are:
- multi-link, representing a whole series of interrelated tasks that are performed sequentially (hiring, training a specialist, his adaptation, labor activity, etc.);
- intermediary, which is the provision of services by one group of people to another to solve a specific problem (the interaction of the company's personnel department with the heads of structural divisions);
- individual, applying skills and techniques to a particular worker.
HRM Goals
The end desired result of the implementation of human resource management is the selection of personnel with such qualitative and quantitative characteristics that correspond to the objectives of the organization.

Every business must set itself four goals:
- economic, which is the growth of profits;
- science and technology, carried out through the implementation of the achievements of scientific and technical progress and productivity growth;
- production-quantitative, leading to efficient production andimplementation;
- social, designed to meet human social needs.
Based on the specific purpose of the organization, various methods of human resource management can be applied. But at the same time, they are all considered in two ways. On the one hand, their use should take into account the needs of employees, and on the other hand, all actions of the staff must be subordinated to the implementation of the goals set. And it is important for all these parties not to conflict with each other.
HRM functions
This concept refers to certain types of people management. At the same time, the following functions of HRM are distinguished:
- recruitment of personnel with their further employment;
- adaptation processes;
- employee evaluation;
- staff growth and training;
- strategic HR planning;
- providing security;
- formation of a system of benefits and rewards;
- coordination of all labor relations.
HRM principles
HRM management adheres to the following basic rules:
- Science. This principle means constant knowledge of the patterns of development of the team, which is under the influence of various external and internal factors, and the resolution of emerging contradictions, taking into account objective possibilities.
- Progressiveness. The principles and methods of human resource management should provide qualitatively new solutions to the problems that arise before the manager without using outdated techniques.impact on staff.
- Collegiality and unity of command. The adoption of managerial decisions should take into account the opinions of all specialists expressed on a whole range of issues. For their implementation, personal responsibility rests with the leader.
- Optimal combination of decentralization and centralization. This principle is very important for running a company.
- Building an HRM system. When carrying out such work, company managers at all levels must be guided by principles that are the norms and rules of objectively operating psychological, social and economic laws.
- Purposefulness. All functions of HRM should be formed and changed not arbitrarily, but based on the goals and needs of the organization.
- Optimality of human resources. The number of employees and the organizational structure of the company should depend on the volume of production.
- Prospects. The formation of a human resource management system should take into account the further development of the organization, as well as take into account the latest experience of domestic and foreign firms.
- Complexities. The construction of the HRM system must be carried out taking into account all the factors that will affect it in the future (economic, psychological conditions of the facility, as well as tax and contractual requirements).
- Hierarchy. According to this principle, the interaction between all levels of management should be based on the observance of stepwise relationships.
Following the above principles is importantcondition of the company.
Let's move on to the consideration of human resource management methods. Each of them can be used to achieve collective goals.
Administrative method
This method of personnel management is characterized by its compliance with existing legal norms, as well as orders and acts of higher management.
The administrative method of human resource management is distinguished by the direct nature of the impact, because any regulatory act is mandatory.
The impact on the employee when using the administrative method of HRM is the way:
- direct instruction, binding, addressed to a specific managed entity;
- establishing principles (rules), as well as norms designed to regulate the activities of subordinates with the development of standard procedures for managerial influence;
- development and subsequent implementation of recommendations that contribute to the organization and improvement of administrative principles;
- supervision and control over the activities of each employee, as well as the staff of the organization as a whole.
The administrative way of HRM cannot be implemented without prompt intervention and direction. Such an action is designed to direct employees to the effective solution of their tasks.
Administrative methods of managing human resources in an organization are divided into three groups. The first of them includes a system of organizational and stabilizing influences, whichare called upon to establish stable organizational ties and assign certain responsibilities to employees. This includes regulation and rationing, as well as instruction.
The second group of administrative methods for managing human resources in an organization is subject to the principles of administrative influence. Such methods reflect the use of existing organizational ties, as well as their some adjustment in case of changes in working conditions. These include an order and a resolution, a resolution, an instruction and an order.
The third group of the administrative system of human resource management methods includes disciplinary methods. Their purpose is to maintain organizational relationships through responsibility. This includes orders that announce reprimands and comments, as well as the dismissal of employees.
All of the listed groups of administrative methods of human resource management can be used both separately and in combination when they complement each other.
Economic methods
This is a special way of solving control problems. Unlike administrative, it is based on the use of economic laws. At the same time, the management of the company can apply various methods in their work.
Economic methods of human resource management take the form of planning and analysis, as well as economic self-sufficiency. Such conditions make it possible to arouse the material interest of employees in the results of their work.

Key approaches and methods of human resource management in a market economy include setting clearly defined goals and developing a strategy to achieve them. This becomes possible due to the fact that in modern conditions the work of enterprises is not subject to centralized planning. Each of them is considered as a free commodity producer, acting as one of the partners in the framework of social cooperation of labor.
Economic methods of human resource management allow you to reach your goals only if a number of requirements are met. They are as follows:
- Individualization, that is, getting each employee what he deserves, based on the final results of his work.
- Unified system for the formation of material remuneration for personnel.
In matters of human resource management, the main methods of economic orientation are as follows:
- Direct material remuneration, which includes salary, bonuses, and dividends.
- Social payments, providing for food and subsidies, full or partial payment for the education of the employee and his family members, soft loans, etc.
- Pen alties.
Economic methods of human resource management are methods aimed at activating the work of each employee in the right direction and at the same time increasing the financial potential of the enterprise. When used positivelythe end result of the company's activities will be quality products and high profits.
Socio-psychological method
This method involves a control action. At the same time, he relies on the principles and laws of psychology and social development.

The objects of influence of this method are individuals and whole groups of people. According to the direction of its influence and its scale, this method is divided into two groups:
- Technologies and methods of human resource management aimed at the external world of a person, that is, at groups of people, as well as their interaction carried out in the production process.
- Psychological methods. Their use allows you to purposefully influence the inner world of a particular person.
The use of socio-psychological methods allows you to establish the place and appointment of employees in the workforce. With the help of these methods, leaders are identified and their support is provided, and the motivation of people is connected with the final goals of production. In addition, socio-psychological methods are designed to ensure effective communication and resolve conflicts in the team. When used at the enterprise, a creative atmosphere is created, social norms of behavior are strengthened.
Such methods include sociological research conducted in a team. Within the framework of this method, competitions, communication, negotiations and partnerships are carried out.
Psychological method
This method is also important for the successful work of the manager with the staff. It is directed at a specific employee or worker and is strictly individual and personified. The main feature of this method is the appeal to the inner world of each person, to his intellect, personality, images, behavior and feelings. This method has its varieties, presented:
- humanization of labor by reducing its monotony and taking into account the ergonomics of the workplace;
- encouraging independence, initiative, creativity, the ability to make innovative decisions and reasonably take risks;
- meeting the professional interests of a person through his vertical and horizontal mobility within the company;
- professional training and selection of personnel to better use their potential;
- assembly of teams designed to solve the most pressing problems, which is possible due to the psychological compatibility of employees and the maximum use of their capabilities.
Among these methods is also psychological planning, the formation of personal motivation among employees, minimizing conflicts within the team.
Persuasion plays a special role among these methods of human resource management. Its application is especially relevant at the present time, when the intellect, as well as the skills and professional knowledge of the personnel, are increasing. In this regard, it becomes increasingly difficult for the leader to exercise his own power, based on merematerial rewards, coercion and traditions. This can be done through the persuasion of subordinates. This largely determines the success of achieving the goals set for the enterprise.
Usage rates
There are certain methods for assessing the effectiveness of human resource management. The most common of these is cost analysis. Moreover, the latter can be both initial and restorative. The first includes the costs of finding new personnel, their involvement and adaptation. Recovery costs are current expenses for increasing the level of competence, qualification, motivation of employees, as well as for replacing employees.

Among the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of human resource management is also the method of benchmarking. It lies in the comparison of staff turnover rates, staff training costs, etc. with the same data of similar companies operating in the market.
How effective the methods and functions of human resource management were, will also be indicated by the way in which the return on investment is calculated. This indicator is equal to the difference between income and costs, divided by costs and multiplied by one hundred percent.
Modern HRM methods
Currently, company leaders successfully apply:
- Management by results. This is a way of modern human resource management, in which the main tasks of the company are brought to the working groups. In the future, they control their implementation, comparing with the necessaryresults.
- Using motivation. Among modern methods of human resource management, this one is one of the most effective. It provides for the orientation of personnel policy towards strengthening the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, as well as the implementation of social programs.
- Framework management. Such a system provides for independent decision-making by employees within established boundaries.
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