Modern poultry farming in Russia: features and interesting facts

Modern poultry farming in Russia: features and interesting facts
Modern poultry farming in Russia: features and interesting facts

The agro-industrial complex in our country occupies a special place, as it includes several areas of human activity at once: agriculture itself in the form of crop production, animal husbandry and poultry farming; branches and services that are engaged in providing agriculture with the means for production, as well as material resources; industries involved in the processing of agricultural raw materials (this includes the food and light industries); infrastructure elements that serve the agro-industrial complex.

poultry farming in russia
poultry farming in russia

A bit of history

Such human activity as poultry farming originated when people began to domesticate animals and birds. Geese were the first of the winged creatures to be domesticated. After the process of domestication, chickens, guinea fowls, ducks and turkeys have undergone.

In the 20th century, when poultry farming begins to reach a large industrial level, gradually gaining momentum, poultry farmers start breeding quails, which was the first step towards introducing innovations into the poultry industry. Poultry farming in Russia begins to develop rapidly in the 20th century.

India three thousand years ago beforeAD became one of the first territories where chicken breeding originated. Then it reached Egypt and Ancient Rome, where it reached great perfection. Even before our era, breeding of domestic ducks and geese begins in Europe and Asia, and turkeys are domesticated in America. Turkey came to Europe only in the 17th century.

poultry farming in russia regions
poultry farming in russia regions

Where in Russia?

It is typical for our country that birds are bred throughout the vast Russian territory. This is one of the reasons why poultry farming is considered a promising area of development along with animal husbandry. Let's move on to the specifics of poultry farming in Russia. There are really many regions. Our country has one key advantage when it comes to breeding birds. Poultry farming on the territory of the Russian Federation is possible in almost any region, all this is due to the climatic conditions in which poultry farms exist. They have the opportunity to create such a microclimate in which birds can exist regardless of external factors. One of the additional conditions for the location of poultry factories is the presence of large industrial centers nearby in order to reduce transport costs.

state of poultry farming in russia
state of poultry farming in russia

Modern industrial production

The state of poultry farming in Russia is as follows: more than six hundred and forty industrial organizations operate throughout our country; about four hundred and twenty-five egg factories; approximately one hundred and thirty factories specializing in breedingbroilers; about fifty companies put breeding breeding into their activity; nine farms breed ducks, twelve farms breed geese, five farms breed turkeys, and three farms breed quails. Together, these enterprises produce fifty-five billion eggs and almost two million tons of poultry meat a year.

current state of poultry farming in russia
current state of poultry farming in russia

Production downturn

The nineties of the last century were marked by a significant growth of the poultry industry, when in one year only about thirty-five billion eggs and one thousand seven hundred tons of poultry meat were obtained. But by the beginning of 2000, the number of bird population decreased by almost 2 times. The industry noted the onset of a decline in production, a significantly reduced efficiency of poultry farming. These problems are partly due to the decrease in the percentage of state financing of the poultry industry, the low solvency of the Russian population, high prices for poultry food and wear and tear of industrial equipment with no possibility of its replacement. The consequence of the crisis in the poultry industry in Russia was that the production of technological equipment for this area has practically ceased.

development of poultry farming in Russia
development of poultry farming in Russia

Regions that could

In 2005, thanks to the Vologda, Kostroma, Belgorod, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Udmurt and Altai regions, it was possible to stop the protracted decline in the poultry industry. The areas of location in Russia of this industry were largely designated precisely during the revival. They also start from scratchthe work of factories located in the Leningrad, Smolensk, Sakhovsky regions. They gave a significant increase in the production of meat and eggs. The Irkutsk and Smolensk regions were among the first to make the transition to extruded feed, which helped to reduce the feed conversion rate while increasing the egg production of birds by almost ten percent.

Krasnoyarsk Territory and Kursk Region showed a tendency to increase in meat production by almost eight percent. Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Smolensk, Ryazan and other regions practically stopped producing meat and began to specialize in the production of eggs. The Kurgan region is beginning to breed geese and ducks. Bashkortostan specializes in breeding turkeys - white and black. To date, Bashkir poultry farms grow five different breeds of these birds, which account for a large share in the total production of the industry for the year.

The Moscow region is breeding guinea fowls. It is also planned to organize the breeding of this type of poultry in the Orenburg, Bashkir and Volgograd regions. Quails are grown in the Moscow region and the Stavropol Territory. The Rostov region is known for turkey breeding. Speaking further about poultry farming in Russia, it should be noted that hatching stations were opened in the Chelyabinsk and Tomsk regions. The plan is to supply poultry farms with almost sixty million chickens a year.

poultry farming locations in russia
poultry farming locations in russia

Features of poultry farming in Russia

Poultry farming in our country has its own distinctivesigns, they distinguish Russia from other states. The current situation in the Russian poultry industry is characterized by the promotion of three innovative areas: biological, technological and organizational. Innovation is a very fashionable word, but one way or another, everything that is being done in this area is connected with it.

Modern biology and its help

The development of poultry farming in Russia is inextricably linked with the development of modern biology. She deals with genetics and breeding of birds. Its purpose is to improve the main economic traits such as productivity, rapid growth and feed conversion. More recently, new breeds of birds were supplied to Russia from abroad. Now we are engaged in breeding new breeds on our own, which can significantly enrich the bird's gene pool. The study of biological processes contributes not only to the breeding of new breeds of birds, but also to the creation of the latest types of feed that are most suitable for the livestock and each individual species.

features of poultry farming in Russia
features of poultry farming in Russia

Modern technologies as the backbone of production

The innovation of the technological field is due to the fact that the methods and conditions in which birds are kept are being improved. With innovative development, it is possible to create a system for the uninterrupted production of poultry products. Advances in technology are driven by mechanized and automated improvements in manufacturing. The development of technology contributes to lower industrial costs, as well as an increase in labor productivity.

Organizational Innovation in Management

The current state of poultry farming in Russia is largely due to the development of the organizational component of the industry. New management systems introduced into production contribute to the improvement of management processes and reduce costs of almost all types. Optimization of the management structure leads to a decrease in the frequency of information distortion and a decrease in the number of barriers in its path.

In recent years, there has been a significant improvement in the positions of modern poultry farming in Russia. The constant increase in livestock and the increase in output lead to the annual strengthening of the industry. The development of innovations in the poultry industry makes the sphere competitive with respect to other countries. Poultry farming in the modern era is both science and the latest technology.

The most relevant and emerging trends in this industry are the introduction of resource-saving technologies, the development and modernization of the deepest processing of eggs and poultry meat, aimed at improving product quality indicators. In addition, there is a tendency to create products that are more useful in their properties, for example, contain less fat and cholesterol, have more vitamins and trace elements in their composition.
