Pig breeding business

Pig breeding business
Pig breeding business

Agriculture attracts many modern entrepreneurs. Especially when it comes to such a subject as raising pigs in the countryside. This business idea has many advantages, since nature has endowed pigs with unique properties. In terms of productivity, no other type of farm animal can be compared with them.

Pig breeding
Pig breeding

Benefits of pig farming

The pig is considered a real champion in terms of speed and the amount of meat and fat built up. A piglet is born weighing approximately one kilogram. A week later, his weight already reaches 2-15 kilograms, and after two months - 25-30 kg. No other animal can boast such rapid growth.

Breeding Vietnamese pigs
Breeding Vietnamese pigs

The advantage of pigs is also a good breeding rate: one sow breeds twice a year. This is a great opportunity to get up to 14 piglets annually, which by the end of the season will turn into 150 kilograms of meat each. And this is only from one sow, but what if there are more than ten of them?

In addition, pig breeding is beneficial because pork is in high demand among our citizens. And this means that your product will always be very popular.

Pig room

To keep pigs, you need a room that must be dry and warm. At the same time, it should be designed so that it is well ventilated, there should always be clean air inside.

In order to ensure the dryness of the room, it is necessary to lay a foundation up to 50 centimeters high before construction. You also need to carefully select the site. Groundwater must pass at a depth of at least a meter and a half, otherwise there will be high humidity in the room. And this will not reflect well on the breeding of pigs.

Pig breeding as a business
Pig breeding as a business

Pig Breed Selection

There are no special rules in choosing a particular breed for breeding. Something depends on climatic conditions, the region, something on the financial capabilities of the farmer. All breeds can be divided into five main types:

  1. Lard-meat breeds.
  2. Meat.
  3. Bacon.
  4. Meat-bacon.
  5. Greasy.

One thing is for sure, breeding Vietnamese pigs is a very promising and profitable occupation. Asian pigs can be bred for fattening or breeding. The first option is the easiest to obtain financial returns from pig farming. The farmer only needs to provide the Vietnamese piglets with the required nutrition and living conditions.

Pig breeding
Pig breeding

Breeding pigs for a tribe can also become a very profitable activity, but subject to a number of important rules. For breeding pigs, the purity of the breed is very important. In order not to degrade its quality, it is necessary to avoid family ties and carefully record which pigs you cross.

Pig breeding, as a business, can bring a steady income if the business is properly organized. Salo, pork, bacon are all very popular foods. The main thing is that your product should be of really high quality, and then there will always be a buyer for it. You can sell your products at your own outlet or deliver them to cafes, shops and restaurants in your city.
