Income of officials. Declared income

Income of officials. Declared income
Income of officials. Declared income

The income of officials has always been of interest to ordinary people who are curious where the deputy has a car worth more than 10 million rubles, given that he receives only 50 thousand a month.

This is at a time when ordinary people working in the public sector simply cannot live on the minimum they receive. And you can’t talk about pensioners without tears at all. Why is there such a division of income between citizens? Why are the salaries of officials incomparable with the salaries of ordinary citizens?

And everything is as usual: the rich get richer, the poor get even poorer. Every time we see officials, we perceive them as corrupt officials. They are not to blame, the system itself is to blame, which allows you to take bribes, have "left" money.

At the same time, the income declaration of officials is not a weapon in the fight against corruption. This is because our smart politicians have long since learned to stay clean thanks to their families.

What makes government officials file income tax returns?

Since the law “On the Fundamentals of Corruption Prevention” came into force, journalists have been constantly finding “black spots” on the reputation of officials. Do we want it orno, and a deputy who lives only on his salary cannot go on vacation to expensive resorts, drive expensive cars, and also own several apartments in the center of Moscow.

officials' income
officials' income

Despite the fact that the declarations are published, there is still confidence that they show far from the real income of officials. After all, where do they get large corporations, property abroad and a large fleet of vehicles? For a long time, everyone has learned to register their business with relatives and close friends, this has become the norm for any we althy person. Therefore, official information about the income of officials cannot be considered reliable.

Why do deputies hide their income?

The main problem of the modern government of the Russian Federation is that almost all deputies are businessmen or represent the interests of not the people, but some specific groups. All this leads to the fact that the real income of officials is hidden from the general public. They do not want the public to know all the information about the financing of parties and business projects.

What is the income abroad?

In different countries of the world, the income of officials is different. In some, it is at such a level that they are the richest not only within their own country, but throughout the world. In other states, these are ordinary people with an average level of income. But in any case, the incomes of Russian officials are at a very high level, especially when compared with the average earnings of ordinary citizens.

And this is not surprising. After all, inIn developed countries, to be an official is simply to work for your state and people. In countries that are developing, being a deputy means having unlimited access to the state feeder.

Poroshenko overtook all political leaders in terms of income

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko earned the most. In 2014, he managed to generate an income of 6.49 million US dollars. He earned the lion's share through his business, especially through the Roshen company, which he promised to sell immediately after the elections if he wins.

officials' salaries
officials' salaries

Does having a business have a bad effect on political activity? It has long been proven that this state of affairs encourages corruption and the adoption of laws that are necessary to unwind their business projects, and not to improve the lives of ordinary citizens.

All other presidents compared to Petro Poroshenko earned at least 15 times less.

For comparison, it can be noted that the average Ukrainian salary in 2014 was up to 3,500 hryvnia per month. At today's foreign exchange rate, this is 166.67 US dollars. In one year, the average Ukrainian earned $2,000.

Obama earns 10 times more than the average American

For example, US President Barack Obama earned 395 thousand US dollars. Last year, he managed to get about 100 thousand dollars more. For the president of such a huge country, he received an adequate income, given his politicalinfluence.

officials' official income
officials' official income

In addition to his salary, the President of the United States receives income from the publishing house Dystel and Golderich, which sells a biography of the President.

If we take into account that the average salary of Americans is almost 4000 US dollars per month and 48 thousand per year, then the president overtook them only 10 times.

Angela steps on the heels of Barack Obama

Angela Merkel, who tirelessly leads the European Union after Germany, also did a good job in 2014. She earned a little less than the President of the United States of America - 327.7 thousand US dollars.

official income statement
official income statement

The average resident of Germany receives a little over 3 thousand euros per month, so the approximate ratio between the income level of a deputy and a local resident is close to the US.

How much does the President of South Africa earn?

President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Zuma received an income in 2014 in the amount of 227,576 thousand US dollars. Which is pretty good, considering the average salary of the population - 1838 dollars. That is, the ratio is approximately the same as that of Obama and Merkel.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that Zuma has five wives and twenty children. To feed them all, you need to have a solid income.

Vladimir Putin got more than Alexander Lukashenko

In total, 147,267 thousand US dollars, which is equivalent to 7.5 million rubles, managed to earn the President of Russia in 2014. Thanks to the increase in the wages of officials, he managed to double hisincome almost doubled compared to last year.

information about the income of officials
information about the income of officials

As you can see, Vladimir Putin receives less than the President of South Africa. But when compared with the average salary of Russians, which is approximately 30 thousand rubles, this is a lot.

The President of the fraternal country of Belarus was able to work hard last year, according to official figures, for 33,873 thousand US dollars. One of the most modest heads of state, Lukashenko owns no houses, no apartments, no dachas. He doesn't even own a car.

There is no business in the assets of the president's family, everyone receives a low income. Perhaps, all Belarusians love him for such modesty and closeness to ordinary people.

income of Russian officials
income of Russian officials

Incomes of some officials of the Russian Federation for 2014

Official salaries of officials are gradually rising, despite the hard times for the economy. Unfortunately, there is not enough money in the budget for teachers and doctors to raise salaries.

Most of all Russian officials last year managed to earn a former history teacher Sergei Siushov. The deputy of the State Council of Mordovia showed in the income statement of 2014 no less than 6.788 billion rubles. Yes, this is not a typo, almost seven billion rubles. How did he manage to earn so much? The production and sale of building materials are the backbone of his business. He is also engaged in agriculture and other business areas. Despite such income, the official is consideredrather modest and non-public.

Vladimir Gruzdev, who is the governor of the Tula region, managed to earn 1.074 million rubles, and if we consider family income, then 1.7 billion rubles.

Such figures no longer surprise anyone. Among politicians, it is not customary to register property, business and other valuables in the name of a public person. As we have already said, very often the names of relatives are written in the documents.

What to do?

Declaration of income, which officials are required to fill out, does not justify itself to the extent that it is necessary. It is enough just to transfer your business to a friend - and that's it, it will be very difficult to track business flows.

declared income of officials
declared income of officials

The declared incomes of officials are not the value by which one can navigate when trying to sort out this problem. In the fight against corruption, it is necessary to carry out a number of reforms. For example, most civil servants complain about the lack of high salaries, which does not encourage fair play. Because of this, there is a need and a search for ways to earn extra money. But even the official incomes of officials over the past five years have grown 4.5 times, judging by their tax returns.

But, it would seem, what does it matter for a person who earns more than 1 million rubles from his business, an increase in salary? In the total amount of income, the earnings that they are paid from the state budget is a very small percentage, which is not able to radically changeattitude of an official to his work.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the business and political activities of each deputy. Their work only prevents them from working.

Secondly, it is necessary to toughen punishment for various manifestations of corruption. Fines should scare those who are considering whether or not to take a bribe. And there should be not only fines, but also imprisonment.

Thirdly, it is necessary to strengthen public control over the activities of civil servants, hold open events where people will exchange experiences and share comments.

And most importantly, the average salary of an official should not increase faster than the income level of ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.
