Raw materials are the basis of production

Raw materials are the basis of production
Raw materials are the basis of production

Raw material is a material intended for further processing in production. In fact, it is with him that the release of any product begins. It is difficult to overestimate the role of the source material, since the quality of the product depends on it. Today there are a huge number of different groups, subgroups and types of raw materials. Let's try to understand this diversity.

raw material is
raw material is

What are raw materials for production

Collected or mined materials are usually processed to give them the necessary commercial qualities. Then they either go on sale or continue to participate in subsequent production cycles until they reach the stage of the final product.

what is raw material
what is raw material

Types of raw materials

Classification of raw materials is a very conditional concept. It is customary to distinguish two main groups: industrial and agricultural. The industrial sector includes minerals and energy resources. Agricultural raw materials are cereals, dairy products, meat, medicinal plants. All types of raw materials can be divided into two more groups: it can be primary (directly mined or collected) and secondary (in the form of a by-product or production waste). The secondary group of materials is widely used in industry,which can significantly reduce costs. By origin, all types of raw materials can be divided into 4 subgroups:

  1. Plant origin (cereals, fruits and vegetables, herbs).
  2. Animal origin (dairy products, animal excrement).
  3. Mineral origin (natural gas, coal).
  4. Biosphere (water and air).
raw material classification
raw material classification

Use of raw materials in production

Today there are a huge number of industries. The list of traditional industries is replenished daily with new names, which means that new raw materials are being developed and used. This is due both to growing global demand and to developing technologies. The most relevant direction today is the development of energy carriers. If a hundred years ago a person was able to obtain energy from oil and coal, today other sources are being actively developed, for example, natural gas. There is an alternative technology for generating electricity, based on natural fermentation processes, when cow dung acts as an energy carrier. But such production as the production of cotton fabric has practically not changed over many centuries. The process itself has been improved and mechanized, but the raw materials are cotton bolls - just as it was 3-4 centuries ago. And the food industry is constantly changing. The desire of the manufacturer to reduce costs turns into a search for new types of the original product. Natural raw materials are the best option. However, unfortunately, in order to save money, it is oftenreplaced by an artificial one. Thus, today one can observe a situation in which some manufacturing industries continue to use any raw materials for centuries, while others develop technologies and develop new types of raw materials.
