Primer for metal GF-021: consumption per 1m2, purpose, specifications

Primer for metal GF-021: consumption per 1m2, purpose, specifications
Primer for metal GF-021: consumption per 1m2, purpose, specifications

It is known that in order to give greater durability to the colorful coating, construction specialists use a primer. The modern market of building materials will be represented by a wide selection of products of the type in question, in the total number of which there is a separate type intended for coating metal surfaces (GF-021). Consider further its main features, as well as some characteristics.

How to use primer GF-021 per 1 m2
How to use primer GF-021 per 1 m2

What the material is for

When evaluating the technical characteristics and consumption of the GF-021 primer per 1m2 of metal, first of all, you should pay attention to the purpose of the product in question. Like any other similar material, the GF-021 primer is designed to improve adhesion between the surface and the coloring agent. Moreover, this material performs a protective function, preventing the negative impactwater on the treated surface, corrosion, as well as the appearance of various biological formations.

The considered type of building material is intended for processing not only metal surfaces, but also plastics, as well as plywood and wood, with varying degrees of relief.

GF-021 consumption per 1 m2 for metal
GF-021 consumption per 1 m2 for metal


The certificate of conformity for GF-021 indicates certain technical characteristics that the material in question must comply with. They indicate that a normal product manufactured in accordance with GOST must have a viscosity degree equal to at least 45, and the grinding level of a high-quality primer cannot exceed 40 microns. The product may contain no more than 55-60 mass non-volatile components.

Dilution of the primer GF-021 can be done solely on the basis of adding no more than 20% of the liquid from the total mass of the material taken.

In the considered type of material, slight delamination of the product is allowed - up to 5% of its total mass.

As for the adhesion indicators characteristic of the GF-021 primer, they are decent - 1 point is assigned to this product.

Consumption of GF-021 for metal per 1m2

Speaking about the features of the consumption of the building material in question, it should be noted that after applying the solution, a very thin (up to 1 mm thick) layer remains, which has high strength indicators. Practice shows that under normal environmental conditions, whichare, first of all, in positive temperature, the applied layer can dry in a minimum amount of time - 50-60 minutes.

Speaking about the consumption of GF-021 per 1m2 for metal, it should be noted that to cover the indicated area, it will take from 60 to 100 g of the product, depending on what quality surface treatment is planned.

In order to apply the product, you can use both mechanical and manual methods. Specialists in the field of construction recommend using manual, motivating this by the fact that in this case the consumption of GF-021 for metal per 1 m2 will be much less. Don't do this with a roller, which absorbs most of the material.

The type of primer in question leaves behind a thin, opaque layer of a matte or semi-gloss finish that is uniform.

Primer consumption GF-021 per 1 m2 of metal
Primer consumption GF-021 per 1 m2 of metal

Pros of material

Like all other types of building materials, the GF-021 primer has a number of positive and negative qualities. Let's consider them further in more detail.

Among the positive characteristics of the product in question is the fact that it is in an affordable price category - the average cost of the material is about 100 rubles. It should be noted that at such a price, the Russian product is in no way inferior to foreign counterparts.

A positive quality is also the fact that it contributes to a significant increase in the adhesive qualities of the base in the event of its further coating with paints and varnishes.

Specialists in the field of construction often note that a significant advantage of the GF-021 primer is the ease of its application to the surface. Moreover, they note the versatility of the use of the product - it can be applied both indoors and outdoors.

Speaking about the consumption of GF-021 for metal per 1m2, it should be noted that the material is quite economical - to cover the specified surface area, you need to use about 60–100 g of the product.

Certificate of conformity for GF-021
Certificate of conformity for GF-021

Cons of material

Speaking about the negative qualities of the product in question, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the operational period of its use is usually less than that indicated on the packaging of the material. In addition, one of the disadvantages of the product is the fact that if it is applied in a thick layer, complete drying can be expected no earlier than in a day.

Primer GF-021 does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, as well as its negative indicators. This is another negative point. If the temperature balance is disturbed, the coating begins to delaminate and loses its positive properties.

In the comments of experts in the field of construction, it is often noted that the material in question is not characterized by penetrating ability, which is also a big minus of the product.

How to apply primer

In order to obtain a high-quality coating, it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties of applying the material, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Before coatingit is necessary to clean the surface of excess elements and allow it to dry. After that, the base must be covered with the prepared solution, applying it in one layer, using a roller, brush or a special spray gun.

Next, the surface must be allowed to dry at a temperature not lower than +20 degrees. During this period, it is advisable to regularly ventilate the room - this is the only way to properly ensure the main purpose of the primer GF-021.

For 1m2 of complex surface, about 120 ml of prepared solution, prepared in strict accordance with established requirements, will be required.

Primer GF-021 technical characteristics, consumption
Primer GF-021 technical characteristics, consumption

How to store primer GF-021

The building material in question must be stored in the correct conditions - this will ensure its suitability for use for the foreseeable future.

The average shelf life of this type of building material is about 8 months. This indicator directly depends on the components that make up the product. The suspension contained in the container provided by the manufacturer must be carefully protected from exposure to sunlight, as well as from excessively high and low temperatures. Moreover, after opening the container, it must immediately be diluted with a pre-prepared solvent, which is ideal for xylenes, solvents, as well as mixtures with the addition of white spirit.
