What does cash on delivery mean and how popular is this form of payment at present

What does cash on delivery mean and how popular is this form of payment at present
What does cash on delivery mean and how popular is this form of payment at present

It's no secret that today people are showing increased interest in information about the sale of various goods and services posted on the Internet. And this is quite understandable, because it is convenient and practical to purchase your favorite music, films, household appliances, etc. through the World Wide Web. However, most people are wary of transactions on the global network, for fear of falling for the bait of scammers who will take money and not send the purchased goods.

What does cash on delivery mean
What does cash on delivery mean

At the same time, it should be noted that the solution to this problem does exist. You can pay for goods purchased online using cash on delivery. How? First, let's define what cash on delivery means. This is a certain amount of money that the post office collects at the request of the seller from the addressee when the latter receives notification that the goods have been sent. At the same time, the post office acts as a deliverer of products.

There is a simpler explanation of what cash on delivery means. Shipper who chose the above formsettlements, instructs the post office or the transport company to transfer the goods only after the buyer has paid for it. It should be emphasized that if the recipient refuses to pay for him, then he is automatically returned back to the supplier.

Delivery by mail cash on delivery
Delivery by mail cash on delivery

Considering the question of what cash on delivery means, it should be noted: as a guarantee of the fulfillment of obligations to pay for goods in a non-cash manner, checks or payment orders are provided that are accepted by a banking institution. Currently, this form of payment is very popular among the owners of virtual stores and Internet users. In the Soviet era, cash on delivery by mail was also considered a common service. Crockery, clothes, interior accessories and much more were purchased in this way.

Let's analyze what cash on delivery means in relation to online sales and what is its advantage.

Have you decided to buy clothes for overweight people in a virtual store? The postal service will act as the deliverer of the above goods. With the same success, you can also order, for example, books by mail cash on delivery. One way or another, when placing an order, you will need to indicate your own postal address and nothing else, while no one can force you to pay for the goods right away.

Books by cash on delivery
Books by cash on delivery

After completing the application, the online store will send you clothes for overweight people by mail. Later you will receivea notice that the goods you ordered are in the local post office, and all that remains is to pay for it and pick it up. Also, the buyer must pay for the cost of transporting the goods.

This calculation option is very convenient for several reasons. Firstly, a person saves his own time, compared, for example, with the purchase of goods on a prepaid basis, since you also have to visit a banking institution. Secondly, you get additional protection against fraudsters, because you pay for the goods only after they are delivered by mail.

Don't hesitate: cash on delivery is convenient and profitable!
