Nichrome thread and features of its application

Nichrome thread and features of its application
Nichrome thread and features of its application

Technologies for obtaining special metal alloys in some industries have been successfully superseded by composites. This process does not stop, but there are directions in which more traditional materials still dominate. These, in particular, include nichrome thread, which, due to the unique range of technical and physical qualities, has found application in a variety of industries.

nichrome thread
nichrome thread

What is nichrome?

This is an alloy formed by two base metals, nickel and chromium. Moreover, the former sometimes makes up to 80% of the structure of the alloy. Also, other metals are introduced into the composition of nichrome, including iron, aluminum, silicon, etc. The operational features of the material include high electrical resistance, heat resistance, and ductility. Individually, these qualities are not something special for traditional metals, but the nichrome thread wins precisely due to their combination in one structure. For example, the same plasticity just makes it possible to produce alloy filament fibers, then using them in furnaces, where the working environment can be about 1,200 ˚C in temperature. In addition, depending on the purpose, the alloy can be additionally alloyed, which gives it new or improves the main characteristics. So, to increase the working resource, nichrome is diluted with rare earth metal components.

Nichrome thread characteristics

nichrome thread where to get
nichrome thread where to get

There are several modifications of nichrome fibers that have their own special characteristics, but in general, the range of values is located in one narrow spectrum. For example, in terms of density, the alloy is in the corridor from 8200 to 8500 kg/m3. The operating temperature of most grades is in the 1000-1200˚C range. At the same time, the size range of formats is quite extensive. The most popular nichrome thread, the diameter of which is 0.01-0.08 mm. There are also products that go beyond this standard size, but these are rather exceptions, designed for the use of material in highly specialized areas. With regard to physical resistance, on average, the thread withstands 0.65-0.7 GPa, but to maintain this level, the warnings of technologists in terms of the operational safety of the material should also be taken into account. For example, the thread cannot be left in a sulfurous atmosphere, since such environments have a detrimental effect on both the properties of nichrome and its structure.

Nichrome production

To begin with, it is worth emphasizing that the thread is only one of the nichrome release formats. It is the closest in quality to wire products. The material is produced using the technique of drawing under pressure. But before the start of the operation, the workpiece is not heated, so the technology is called cold-drawn. Alsoetching methods can be used - they qualitatively improve the physical properties that a nichrome filament receives at the output. Where can I get this material? Usually metallurgical plants are engaged in manufacturing. But here it is important to understand that the very procedure for creating nichrome materials is not common. This is largely due to the specifics of the application of the alloy. Nevertheless, there are many enterprises involved in metal rolling, which concentrate in their assortment the most popular standard sizes and brands of nichrome threads.

cutting with nichrome thread
cutting with nichrome thread

Application Features

Due to their high electrical resistance, these fibers are used in heating equipment. This direction of use of the alloy is also determined by the strength and heat resistance of the structure. It is the thread that is used in small round furnace structures. In addition, this material has found its place in the field of medicine, where it is used as a means of stitching. The construction industry was also not without a unique alloy. So, to obtain even panel products, for example, from foam plastic or drywall, cutting with a nichrome thread along a curly line is used. Unlike traditional electric jigsaws, the thread allows for more accurate and accurate cutting with minimal damage to the workpiece. However, the quality of the result also depends on the technique of shape cutting, as well as on the conditions of the organization of the process.

nichrome thread diameter
nichrome thread diameter

What can replace the nichrome thread?

In the householdOn the farm, there are often problems updating heating elements in various electrical appliances. The most suitable replacement is considered to be a working spiral, which can be found in electric stoves, irons, some models of kettles, etc. But if you want to provide protection from electrochemical exposure, then you should turn to stainless steel. As practice shows, a nichrome thread usually has the same resistance index as stainless material, but loses to it in protective properties in terms of oxidization. The best solution for such a replacement may be to cut the braids of the old hose, which uses stainless steel reinforcing fibers.


how to replace nichrome thread
how to replace nichrome thread

The use of high-quality nichrome gives a lot of advantages to the user of a particular device or design. This material cannot always compete with analogues in terms of wear resistance, but protection against thermal shock and electrical resistance put it in a separate row already in terms of technical and operational properties. At the same time, nichrome thread should not be considered as a universal solution for the same electrical appliances. Again, some brands show their strengths most clearly as a piece of cutting equipment, and others as a stable conductor of heating infrastructure. Endowment with certain properties largely depends on the introduction of additional modifiers. Actually, in its pure form, nichrome is almost never found today, since against the background of improving the characteristics of the target equipment, the requirements forconsumables. Therefore, there is a need to improve the quality of the nichrome thread.
