Brokerage account - what is it and how to open it?

Brokerage account - what is it and how to open it?
Brokerage account - what is it and how to open it?

A brokerage account (from the English phrase Brokerage Account) is a special agreement between a brokerage company, which must have a license, and an investor. Such an agreement gives the investor the opportunity to deposit his funds to deposit accounts with the company, place orders with his broker, who, accordingly, performs operations on behalf of the investor. The brokerage account holds assets owned by the investor. Accordingly, any capital gains are a type of income that will be taxed.

Brokerage account
Brokerage account

The brokerage account of different companies may differ in the speed of execution of orders, the number of instruments for analysis, the volume of assets traded, the degree of use of the advantages of margin trading (trading using the so-called "leverage").

There are several types of brokerage accounts and a variety of brokerage companies. The investor can choose a broker and the type of account that best suits his requirements. At the moment, many brokers not only offer the widest range of a wide variety of services, but also provide investment advice, training in details and subtleties, and other specific services. A very popular service with manyOnline Brokers is a special brokerage account on demo, virtual funds. For such needs, special servers have been developed, where the conditions do not differ from real conditions in real trading using a real brokerage account.

How to open a brokerage account
How to open a brokerage account

However, the main and most important issue is the question of how to open a brokerage account. It's pretty simple. At the very beginning, the investor must decide on the platform on which he is going to open a brokerage account (this can be the stock market, where stocks are traded, and the futures market, where futures and options are traded). Naturally, one should also not forget about the now popular Forex currency market. Before choosing a broker with which an investor intends to open a brokerage account, it is very important to find out comments, reviews and opinions about this brokerage house. You can look up information on the Internet, consult with friends, colleagues and / or employees. Then carefully study the conditions and tariffs (such information is usually provided on the official website, however, you can seek advice directly from an employee of the brokerage company). The next important step is to determine the amount that the investor is going to invest in the opening

Special brokerage account
Special brokerage account

own brokerage account. This item is completely individual, however, many brokers stipulate a minimum amount for opening a brokerage account. Also, the amount can affect the conditions, so it is important to carefully specify andlearn all the details. The procedure for opening a brokerage account is simple and fast. It will not take more time and effort than, for example, opening a deposit in a bank or the process of obtaining a loan. An agreement will be drawn up between the investor and the brokerage company, which will specify the conditions for opening a brokerage account.
