How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki: step by step training

How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki: step by step training
How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki: step by step training

Can I make money on a group in Odnoklassniki? This question worries many. It's no secret that making money on the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks not only in Russia, but also in a number of countries of the former Soviet Union.

The basics of earning money in Odnoklassniki

How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki? To do this, you must, first of all, create a group and promote it. The more visits a group has during the day, the greater the chance to earn. So, with the number of participants up to 10 thousand people, they can earn up to 5 thousand rubles a month, but if the group has more than a million people, there is a chance to earn 250 thousand rubles each.

Main ways to make money

How to earn money in a group in Odnoklassniki? They can be earned by likes, which is done daily by millions of people from different countries. In addition, in this social network you can earn on advertising: the more popular the group, the more interestedadvertiser in placing their advertisements. You can also resell goods from various affiliate programs that pay their percentage, or you can promote a group and sell it, earning good money for it.

Let's look at these and some other ways.

Money from likes

All Odnoklassniki users know that there is a "Class" button that affects the popularity of groups and individual accounts. There are special exchanges on the Internet that pay for likes. These include QComment, ForumOK, Sociate, Plibber and others. In order to choose the site that is right for you, you need to test them all - work for a while to understand what suits you best. This work is mechanical, requiring no special effort. You can’t earn a lot of money, but you can pay for the phone, the Internet, going to a cafe.

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how to make money on groups in classmates

In addition to real money, the so-called oks are earned here, which are the virtual currency of this social network, with which you can purchase access to some games, you can purchase some options.

how to make money in a group in classmates
how to make money in a group in classmates

Other simple ways to make money on this social network include reposting, adding comments, adding friends, joining groups.

Advertising as a source of income

It is possible to make money on advertising in a group in Odnoklassniki, but for this you need to try. It is not enough to create a group on Odnoklassniki. You can only earn money by promoting it.

how to make money on a group in classmates
how to make money on a group in classmates

One advertising banner brings about 500 rubles a day to the average visited group. The owner is immediately tempted to fill everything with advertising so that there is more profit. However, we should not forget that advertising turns away users, and gradually the group may become unpopular, so advertising should be unobtrusive, promoted products should be useful.

The offer to advertise comes from the advertiser. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that advertising is within the framework of the law and the current rules of Odnoklassniki.

is it possible to make money on a group in classmates
is it possible to make money on a group in classmates

Meeting the advertiser with the owner of the group on social exchanges. There is a list of advertisers, advertising platforms. These lists are not in an inactive state, they are dynamic and constantly updated.

To increase traffic, you need to post useful and relevant information on the page, provide it with high-quality pictures and interesting videos, in this case the question of how to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki will disappear by itself.

Financial resources from affiliate programs

This method is similar to advertising, but, unlike it, the group does not place ads, but links to an affiliate program. This is one of the options when answering the question of how to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki.

Using affiliate links, you can attract users to register on affiliatesites, apply for the purchase of something, subscribe to mailing lists.

Affiliate programs can be found independently or using automated services.

Affiliate link must necessarily be preceded by a "leader" to it, which must contain brief information that should interest the user.

The size of the commission depends on the partner and is not limited by anything. The more famous the partner's brand, the more profit the group owner receives.

We make money on sales

Products do not have to be sold through a store or an online store. Is it possible to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki? You can.

To do this, you need to make an electronic product catalog from the group page. At the same time, all photographs must be of high quality, accompanied by a detailed description of the goods sold. It’s not bad if the one who chooses this way of earning will own the basics of marketing and periodically conduct various marketing promotions, such as discounts for regular customers, and occasionally - and non-permanent ones, holding various contests to attract potential buyers. It is necessary that the "buyer - seller" feedback work like a well-adjusted clock. The involvement of trade via the Internet involves, first of all, payment through bank cards. In addition, it is good to provide other payment methods, which can attract additional customers.

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group on classmates create earn

Implement betterproducts that may be of interest to the members of the group. When placing ads, you can involve the user in the process by polling with the help of testing - whether he likes a particular product or not.

The most active users are at half past eight in the morning and half past nine in the evening, at this time it is best to place advertising posts.

If you already have an online store, you can start advertising it in your group.

We implement game accounts

how to make money on groups in classmates
how to make money on groups in classmates

Quite a large number of people are tightly "hooked" on the game.

At the same time, it must be remembered that earnings depend on the promotion of the group. The more people attend the group, the greater the chance that among them will be those who urgently need a "pumped" account of a computer toy. When answering the question of how to make money by creating a group in Odnoklassniki, you can advise this method, because once you get into this group and buy what he needs, the user will advise his friends, and soon this group may become popular, which, as already noted leads to more earnings.

As part of this method, you can "pump" a game character for some real user, receiving material benefits for this.

In closing

Question "How to make money on groups in Odnoklassniki?" is no longer worth it for many thousands of users. Repost, put likes, sell goods, and maybe someremote services, earn on affiliate programs, place ads, do not forget to apply marketing moves, earning the popularity of your group.
