Additives "Suprotek" for manual transmission. Why choose them?

Additives "Suprotek" for manual transmission. Why choose them?
Additives "Suprotek" for manual transmission. Why choose them?

The gearbox is one of the main components in a car. The normal performance of both the engine and the transmission depends on its functioning. Often, it is her condition that affects the life of the car.

suprotek for manual transmission
suprotek for manual transmission

To increase the durability of the gearbox, drivers use various methods - regularly carry out maintenance or operate their "iron horse" in a gentle mode. But the most effective way of protection is the use of special compositions "Suprotek" for manual transmission, which are special tribotechnical compositions.

New car maintenance tool

Additive "Suprotek" - a special tribological composition that supports the processes occurring in the friction zone by changing the properties of the contact surfaces of the parts. In their composition, additives contain mineral substances that optimize the contact of rubbing parts and lead to improved technical characteristics. solution molecules"Suprotek" form a protective layer on the surfaces of intensively moving elements, increase their antifriction properties, that is, reduce the coefficient of friction. Thanks to this, efficiency is increased, fuel consumption is reduced, and the durability of the units is increased.

suprotek for manual transmission reviews
suprotek for manual transmission reviews

The main purpose of the composition "Suprotek" for manual transmission is the optimization of worn edges of intensively rubbing parts, reducing gaps in friction zones. The product can be used in standard operating conditions in conjunction with regular lubricants.

Features of additives "Suprotek"

Features of the "Suprotek" additive are due to its composition, which includes finely dispersed minerals of the group of layered silicates - serpentines, chlorites. They have high anti-friction properties. Various types of mineral oils are used as particle carriers, such as Dextron.

Suprotek additive for manual transmission, reviews of which are only the best, is specially adapted for work in a gearbox and has a number of features:

  • forms an anti-friction protective layer up to 15 microns thick on the surface of the parts, which optimizes the geometry and restores the friction surface;
  • creates an oil-retaining surface, resulting in hydrodynamic friction;
  • optimizes the operation of the units until the complete wear of the formed protective layer even after a complete change of gear oil;
  • is a chemically neutral substance, that is, it does not interact with other compounds.
suprotek additive for manual transmission reviews
suprotek additive for manual transmission reviews

Suprotek additives for manual transmissions also reduce the wear rate of working elements, prevent scoring and are used as an addition to the main lubricant.

Optimization of manual transmission

The active action of additives has been proven by laboratory tests. But much more important is what they say about Suprotec additives for manual transmission reviews of real people. Most drivers after applying the composition notice a significant improvement in transmission performance, which is:

  • in facilitating gear shifting;
  • in noise and vibration reduction;
  • in increasing vehicle travel in neutral.

All this suggests that these additives are not just a "promoted brand", but a proven tool for optimizing car performance by motorists. Some drivers also noticed an acceleration in the process of grinding in the main components after a manual transmission overhaul.

How it works

Additive "Suprotek" for manual transmission begins to act immediately after entering the working body along with the main lubricant. Here begins the formation of the optimization layer, which takes place in three stages:

  • Preparation of working faces - a finely dispersed abrasive substance eliminates defects at the points of contact of friction pairs.
  • Creation of a protective layer - due to the wear products of parts in the oil, a new crystalline structure is formed layer by layer, which penetrates and adheres to the materialmechanism.
  • Dynamic regulation - maintaining optimal parameters of the protective layer for optimal operation of manual transmission units.
suprotek additive for manual transmission
suprotek additive for manual transmission

At the end of the third stage, the wear of the contact surfaces stops, since the additive "Suprotek" for manual transmission shifts the operating mode of the friction forces to the area of hydrodynamic interaction. The so-called "oil wedge" effect is achieved.
