Gypsum mixes: composition, top best, instructions for use and reviews

Gypsum mixes: composition, top best, instructions for use and reviews
Gypsum mixes: composition, top best, instructions for use and reviews

Plaster mixtures in construction are used very widely. Such compositions can be used for interior walls, ceilings, facades, columns, etc. There are several types of such mixtures on the modern market. And one of the most popular varieties is plaster based on gypsum. Many companies produce such compositions. However, some brands of gypsum mixtures are, of course, the most popular among consumers.

By what criteria are judged

When choosing gypsum plaster, first of all, you should pay attention to its characteristics such as:

  • maximum allowable layer thickness;
  • drying time;
  • base type;
  • expenditure.

Gypsum plasters are usually used only for finishing indoor surfaces. For facades, such compositions are not used. In most casesmanufacturers also recommend using such products only in dry rooms.

Wall plastering
Wall plastering

The best plasters

Most of the products of this type sold on the market today are of good quality. But still, the most popular gypsum plasters among consumers are:

  • Rotband.
  • Volma.
  • Gipswell.
  • Bergauf.
  • Prospectors.
  • "Eunice Teplon".

Rotband plasters

Dry mixes on a gypsum binder of this brand belong to the group of universal products. The composition of Rotband plasters, among other things, includes special additives designed to increase their adhesive properties. Also gypsum mixtures "Rotband" contain all sorts of natural impurities that determine their color. Depending on the manufacturer, such compositions can be:

  • grey;
  • white;
  • pink.

Rotband pink plaster is considered the highest quality. Such mixtures are produced by the Knauf Gips Chelyabinsk and Knauf Gips Kolpino enterprises. White and gray gypsum plasters of this brand are produced in Krasnogorsk, the Krasnodar Territory and the Astrakhan Region. Such funds can also be considered of sufficient quality. However, when using them, you should still be a little more careful. White and gray plasters "Rotband" flow down the wall a little, as a result of whichhorizontal waves.

Plasters "Rotband"
Plasters "Rotband"

Consumer Reviews

The advantages of Rotband plasters are primarily attributed by consumers to their plasticity, strength and the ability to achieve the smoothest possible surfaces. Working with such compositions, judging by the reviews, is very easy, and on the walls in the future, such a finish lasts as long as possible. Also, consumers consider the advantages of Rotband plasters, of course, their excellent adhesive qualities, as well as minimal shrinkage.

Some disadvantage of such gypsum mixtures, consumers consider not too long "survivability" of the solution. It is necessary to work with such plaster as quickly as possible or not to knead a very large amount of it at the same time. Also, consumers attribute a rather high cost to the disadvantages of Rotband.

Volma Blends

A feature of this brand of plaster is considered primarily plasticity and the ability to "breathe". This mixture is produced by the domestic company Volma, founded back in the 40s. There are several types of this plaster on the market today, slightly different in composition:

  • "Volma-Sloy", designed for use in rooms with temperature fluctuations.
  • "Titanium Layer" and "Ultra", the most resistant to cracking.
  • "Canvas" with mineral additives that maximize adhesion.
  • "Plast" - universal, very plastic.
  • "Lux" - designed to work on foam concrete.

This manufacturer also produces gypsum dry building mixes intended for machine application: Gypsum-Active with additives that provide increased moisture resistance, and crack-resistant Gypsum-Active Extra.

Plaster "Volma"
Plaster "Volma"

Volma mix reviews

The most popular type of plaster of this brand among consumers is Volma Canvas. It is about this gypsum binder mixture that the Web has the best reviews. The advantages of Volma Holost formulations are primarily attributed by consumers to ease of application and versatility. This mixture, as noted by some craftsmen, can be used to level walls, texturing under decorative plaster, and even, for example, sculpting bricks.

The masters consider the main disadvantages of Volma Canvas to be too fast setting and the need for puttying after drying for a fine finish.

Dry building mixes with gypsum binder "Gipswell"

The compositions of this brand are a cheap analogue of "Rotband". Several varieties of such plasters are supplied to the market today. The most popular among the consumer is the Gipswell Osnovit mixture. Such plaster also comes in several series. For example, the mixture "Gypswell Osnovit T25" can be applied to walls with a layer of up to 8 cm. This plaster is also plastic.

In addition to gypsum itself, Gipswell Osnovit T25 contains additives that increase the “pot life” of the solution and plasticity. Like "Rotband", this plaster gives a very smoothsurface and does not need additional puttying.

Consumer opinion about Gipswell

Good reviews about this plaster on the Web are available in the first place, due to the ease of application. The compositions of this brand, as noted by consumers, give a very high-quality finishing layer and at the same time are inexpensive. Low consumption is also considered an advantage of Gipswell building gypsum mixtures.

If the plaster on the surface needs to be applied in a thick layer, many consumers are advised to purchase this particular brand of T25. The finished finish in this case is guaranteed not to crack. Also, judging by the feedback from consumers, "Gipswell Found T 25" practically does not shrink. The advantages of this tool, many masters include the fact that the solution prepared with its use is able not to dry out for 1.5 hours.

Plasters "Gypswell"
Plasters "Gypswell"

Plaster "Bergauf": composition, description

The composition of gypsum-based mixtures from this manufacturer may include, in addition to the binder itself, the following components:

  • perlite;
  • quartz sand;
  • mineral supplements;
  • plasticizers.

The solution prepared from the Bergauf mixture hardens in about an hour. Additives make it plastic and easy to apply. Also, mixtures from this manufacturer have excellent adhesive properties.

Bergauf Blend Reviews

The main advantage of plasters of this brand, consumers consider their low cost. The price of Bergauf dry gypsum mixes, with their high quality, is often lower than for some similar compositions even from domestic manufacturers.

Despite the fact that these plasters contain sand, which is noticeable, judging by consumer reviews, even to the naked eye, they give a finishing layer that is quite even and smooth.

Plaster "Prospectors"

The mixture of this brand is great for finishing all kinds of surfaces. The same quality layer when using them is obtained both on brick and on foam concrete. A special light component is added to the composition of the Starateli plaster, which can significantly reduce its consumption. Also, mixtures of this brand contain mineral components that provide rapid hardening.

It is believed that the Starateli plaster is just great for applying to surfaces both under ceramic tiles and just under wallpaper or painting. It is possible to apply dry mixtures on a gypsum basis of this brand on the walls with a layer of up to 5 cm. The "life" of the solution prepared using the composition of this brand is 45 minutes.

What do consumers think about Prospectors plaster

Consumers consider the main advantage of the mixture of this brand to be a very low cost with good quality. Also, the advantages of plaster "Prospectors" masters include:

  • smoothness of the finished surface;
  • easy to apply;
  • optimal setting time.

Some disadvantage of the funds of this brand, the masters consider that in its composition sometimesthere are large grains of sand. Therefore, when working with Prospectors plaster, you should be a little more careful. Sand grains can leave grooves on the surface. If they are not sealed immediately, the wall may need to be puttied later.

Plaster "Prospectors"
Plaster "Prospectors"

Gypsum mixture "Eunice Teplon"

Plasters of this brand contain perlite, which reduces their setting time. A distinctive feature of Eunice Teplon products is their low weight and maximum strength of the finished layer. Also, the plaster of this brand is able to additionally protect the premises in the house from the cold outside.

The "life" of Eunice solutions is approximately 50 minutes. You can apply them on the walls with a layer of up to 5 cm.

Consumer Opinion

The main advantage of Eunice plasters is ease of application. Many consumers, judging by the reviews available on the Web, consider dry gypsum mixes of this brand to be just perfect for beginners. The Eunice Teplon solution is applied to the walls very easily. In addition, the finished finishing layer does not require additional puttying when using it.

Some disadvantage of Eunice mixtures is considered by consumers to be the difficulty in preparing the solution. Knead this plaster for a long time and thoroughly until all lumps are removed.

Gypsum mortar
Gypsum mortar

Instructions for use

For the most part, gypsum plasters are thus plastic. That is, working with them is quite easy. But of course, to get a beautiful durableready-made finishing layer, when working with such compositions, all the required technologies should be observed.

Before starting plastering work, the surface must be cleaned of dirt, dust off and primed in two layers. Next, you can start preparing the solution. At the same time, the amount of dry gypsum plaster mixture should be taken such that the finished composition could be fully used while it retains its "viability". This is necessary in order to avoid overspending the product, as well as damage to the container in which the solution was prepared.

Like any other mixtures, it is desirable to apply gypsum on the walls using the "beacons" technology. That is, first put the guide strips on the walls, and then level the solution using the rule.

About 20 min. after applying the gypsum plaster layer, it is desirable to level it with a special paint float. To make the finished surface as neat as possible, after a few more hours it needs to be moistened with water and walked over it with a trowel.

Other mixes: types and manufacturers

Of course, the most popular type of such compositions are plasters. But on the basis of gypsum, of course, other gypsum mixtures are also produced. For example, when decorating premises, the following types of compositions of this variety can be used:

  • putty;
  • assembly mixes;
  • adhesives.

There are many brands of such funds on the market. But the best manufacturers are those who produce the mostquality plaster. That is, this is primarily "Rotband", "Volma", "Eunice", etc.

Gypsum mixes
Gypsum mixes


This kind of gypsum mixture is used for finishing the plaster layer. The advantages of such putties include, first of all, the smoothness of the finished surface, white color, setting speed. In addition to finishing, gypsum products of this variety can also be used to correct various kinds of surface defects before plastering.

Installation compounds and glue

Compositions of this type have the same advantages as plasters or putties. That is, they set very quickly and give a white surface that can be easily stained. Such mixtures are used when cladding walls with gypsum boards or gypsum boards.
