Addresses of Rive Gauche stores in Moscow and opening hours

Addresses of Rive Gauche stores in Moscow and opening hours
Addresses of Rive Gauche stores in Moscow and opening hours

Today, more than 40 Rive Gauche boutiques operate in Moscow. Many of them are open in the largest shopping and entertainment centers of the city. The addresses of the Rive Gauche chain of stores in Moscow are presented below. For the convenience of buyers, their working hours have also been analyzed.

Rive Gauche in shopping malls in Moscow

The address of the Rive Gauche store in Moscow near the Aviamotornaya metro station: Entuziastov highway, house 12. It is located on the first floor of the Gorod-2 shopping mall. Working hours: from 10 am to 10 pm.

The following address of the Rive Gauche store in Moscow: Rublevskoe shosse, 52, letter A. You can buy cosmetics or perfumery on the first floor of the Zapadny shopping center. Open from 10 am to 10 pm.

Rive Gauche in Moscow
Rive Gauche in Moscow

Citizens of the capital can also buy cosmetics or perfumes in the Vodny shopping mall at Golovinsky Highway, 5, building 1. A spacious Rive Gauche store is located on the 1st floor of the shopping mall. Working hours: from 10 am to 10 pm.

Next store address"Rive Gauche" in Moscow: Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, building 1, not far from the metro station "Akademicheskaya". There is a shopping center "Rio-2". Customers can visit the point of sale from 10 am until 10 pm.

Rive Gauche Store
Rive Gauche Store

The following address of the Rive Gauche store in Moscow: Novinsky Boulevard, 8. The boutique is located on the 1st floor of the large Lotte Plaza shopping complex. The store opens at 10 am and closes at 10 pm.

Fresh Line Corner

You can also find your favorite cosmetics boutique in the "Airport Gallery" shopping complex at 62 Leningradsky Prospekt. It is worth noting that purchases can be made from 9 am to 11 pm. The store also features a Fresh Line brand corner.

Fresh Line can also be purchased at the Rive Gauche store in Moscow at the address: Leningradskoe shosse, 16, letter A, building 4. Opening hours of the Metropolis shopping center, in which it is located on the 1st floor point of sale, from 10 am to 11 pm.

Rive Gaucher, located in the Prince Plaza shopping center at 129 Profsoyuznaya Street, letter A, also has a Fresh Line corner. A wide variety of skin care cosmetics made from natural ingredients is also presented in the online store of the chain.

Image studio in the store

"Rive Gauche" is open at the EuroPark MTC on Rublevsky Highway, 62. Opening hours: from 10 am to 10 pm. Customers can also visit the image studio, opened on the territory of the store. The cost of services can be found atconsultants.

You can also use the services of the image studio in the store of the same name, located in the Oceania shopping center. The exact address of the shopping and entertainment center: Slavyansky Boulevard, building 3. Nearby is the metro station "Slavyansky Boulevard". SEC opening hours: on all days except Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 22:00, on Friday and Saturday it is open from 10 am to 11 pm.

rive gauche store locations in moscow
rive gauche store locations in moscow

The address of the Rive Gauche store in Moscow in the center: Manezhnaya Square, 1. At this address is the Okhotny Ryad shopping mall, where this popular cosmetics and perfumery boutique is happy to meet customers on the ground floor. It is important to note that the working hours of the image studio may differ from the schedule of the store itself. In order to sign up for one of the services, you should call the studio or contact the administrator.

Rive Gauche Beauty Salon

Salons offer a much wider range of services than image studios. One of them is located in the shopping center "Rio-1". Exact address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, 163, letter A. Opening hours: from 10 am to 10 pm. It is important to note that the appointment of clients to the masters of the beauty salon is made in advance. To do this, you must either contact the administrator or call the number listed on the network's official website.

rive gauche store addresses in moscow metro
rive gauche store addresses in moscow metro

The beauty studio is also open on the territory of the Rive Gauche store in Moscow at the address: Presnenskaya nab., 2 (AFIMALL CITY shopping center). Nearby is the metro station "Vystavochnaya". Working hours: from 10 to 22 hours. It is important to note that the boutique is currently closed for renovations.

Shops open until midnight

"Rive Gauche", located in the Vegas-2 shopping center, is open on Friday and Saturday every week from 10 am until midnight. Professional consultants - representatives of world cosmetic and perfume brands will help customers enjoy excellent shopping. Every week, Rive Gauche hosts client days of a particular brand. What are they? The make-up artist of the brand can make up any visitor to the store, as well as clients get the opportunity to individually select skincare products. Among other things, on client days, customers receive exclusive gifts from brands.

The exact address of the Vegas-2 shopping mall: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk city, Mezhdunarodnaya street, 12. Near the Myakinino metro station. Also, Rive Gauche, located on the 1st floor of the VEGAS shopping mall, is open until midnight on Friday and Saturday. Exact address: crossroads of Kashirskoe sh. and 24 km of the Moscow Ring Road. Nearby is the metro station "Domodedovskaya".

chain of stores rive gauche in moscow addresses
chain of stores rive gauche in moscow addresses

As mentioned above, there are currently 42 Rive Gauche boutiques open in Moscow. At the stands you can find luxury and mass-market products from leading manufacturers of cosmetics and perfumes. To date, the Rive Gauche range includes products from brands such as Pupa, Clarins, Sensai, N1, Guerlainand many others. Regular customers get the opportunity to purchase products at a discount using bonus cards: classic or gold.
