Binary options in Russia. Development and prospects

Binary options in Russia. Development and prospects
Binary options in Russia. Development and prospects

Fixed income options were standardized in 2008. Binary options in Russia became known in 2010. In general, the Russian market is quite attractive for brokers. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing surprising in the fact that such contracts have appeared in the Russian Federation. This segment of the market is developing quite rapidly. And in conditions of tough and high competition, traders have very good chances to earn extra money.

However, you should not expect instant enrichment from binary options. They say that it is not so difficult to make money here even in comparison with Forex, however, you will have to work hard to stay with good money. After all, apparent simplicity can play a bad joke and leave a would-be newbie with a loss.

Appearance in Russia

Binary options in Russia
Binary options in Russia

Such a new type of trading as binary options in Russialaunched by Anyoption. Prior to this, Russian firms trumpeting in their advertisements that they deal in such assets, in fact, simply deceived traders in sports betting according to the Western scheme. Most of the players on them lost a lot of their money. Then the Anyoption company entered the Russian market, until 2013 it held a leading position in the sales of such contracts. But then other firms appeared and forced Anyoption off the bench of the undisputed leader.

Binary options in Russia today

Sale of options
Sale of options

In Russia and today there are many companies trying under the guise of selling binary options just to cash in on traders. But deception in this area can be avoided by turning to world-famous firms, well known to everyone.

Companies operating in Russia can be roughly divided into two types:

1. Some have a website in Russian, but there is neither a representative office in our country, nor employees who speak Russian. They occupy approximately thirty-five percent of all binary options sellers in Russia.

2. Other, the largest companies, have a Russian website, representative offices located in different Russian cities, and Russian-speaking employees. There are only seven such firms. Of these, the following stand out:

  • OptionBit. In 2013, the company introduced a system called Algobit. It became a great success, and the company soon took a leading position in the Russian market.

  • 24option. Companyinvests in training traders, which is why it has the most traders.
  • DragonOptions. The company operates in four countries and is licensed by Russian and European regulators. This broker has the most experienced analysts, the company's support service is the most prompt.
  • "Constructor ". An organization that is great for beginner traders.
Binary options for beginners
Binary options for beginners

Binary options with a minimum deposit and bet for beginners are good because they minimize risks. This, of course, is true, but here it is necessary to warn against some common misconceptions. Due to the fact that the risks are minimal and the possible loss does not bother the trader at all, he will not be able to learn how to really work for them. Therefore, such binary options are suitable for a beginner only at the very initial stage.

Prospects for the development of binary options in Russia

The fact that such large companies operate on the Russian market indicates the seriousness of their intentions to gain a foothold here for a long time and work successfully. But traders should not forget about the large number of one-day companies and should be careful not to get caught in their network. However, based on the state regulation of binary options that has appeared in Russia and other indicators, the likelihood is growing that this market segment will become more transparent, and the number of scammers will decrease.

Binary options in Russia
Binary options in Russia

Growth rates

  1. On the market now and then there are more and more new brokers, whose specialization is the sale of options. Previously, such investment could only be found in small offices that did not guarantee anything. However, now the situation has qualitatively changed due to the arrival of serious and large players on the Russian market.
  2. Competition among brokers is increasing, which is subject to options with a minimum deposit, the amount of which is decreasing. What matter are the various bonuses offered to customers, insurance of the first transactions and more.

Binary options in Russia are also attractive due to their simplicity. Here you just need to understand in which direction the value of the asset is moving, unlike the exchange, where you need to constantly monitor prices and calculate how the value will change. However, do not be deceived. Many novice traders immediately lose a lot of money on their first trades. And this is not due to the fact that they are not familiar with the stock market, but due to a lack of understanding of the strategy of options. This will be discussed further.

Trading strategies

Options Strategies
Options Strategies

They serve to reduce the risks arising from trading through the use of various financial type instruments. Option strategies are used not only in analysis, but in general as a financial management tool. They may also cover systematic norms, such as the timing of investments and options, and so on.

Russian assets

There is also growthdomestic assets. For Russian traders, it will be easier and more convenient to work in such conditions, since price fluctuations are easier to track within their own country while understanding the political and economic situation that ultimately determines price movements.
