How do I find out where my funded part of the pension is? Description of the procedure, recommendations and reviews

How do I find out where my funded part of the pension is? Description of the procedure, recommendations and reviews
How do I find out where my funded part of the pension is? Description of the procedure, recommendations and reviews

How do I find out where my funded part of the pension is? This question interests many. The topic is really very serious. Indeed, at the moment in Russia, the provision of old age is mainly formed from pension payments from the state. They are divided into main and cumulative parts. The latter has to be looked for from time to time. I don’t want to lose a rather important component of money prepared for old age. What solutions to the problem are available? Where to go for information about the location of the funded part of the pension?

how to find out where my funded part of the pension is
how to find out where my funded part of the pension is

We decide for ourselves

To begin with, it is worth considering one very interesting fact: until recently, such a problem did not arise. After all, the entire pension was in the power of the state. Only recently in Russia the system has undergone changes. And now it is necessary to independently, albeit partially, provide for a comfortable old age. The so-called funded part of the pension helps here. These deductions serve as a kind of increase to the basic payments. But how do I find out where my funded part of the pension is? This is not as difficult to do as it seems. The main thing is to prepare in advance for the process.

Possible options

So how do I find out where my pension (contributory part) is? The thing is that modern citizens are offered several options for solving a problem to choose from. You have the right to use absolutely anyone. Some methods quickly give out the necessary information, somewhere you have to wait a bit. But in the end, information about the location of the funded part of the pension will still become known.

What is offered to the population? If you have forgotten or, in general, are not aware of where part of your savings “for old age” is stored, just contact the following authorities:

  • Territorial department of the pension fund.
  • Your employer's accounting department.
  • FIU.
  • Any bank.
  • Portal "Public Services."
  • Third Party Internet Services.
how to find out where my pension funded part
how to find out where my pension funded part

Across the territory

Thinking about how to find out where my pension (contributory part) is? To do this, you can use any of the above methods. Next, we will describe each method in more detail. Everyone has their own characteristics.

The first and easiest way is to apply to the territorial pension fund. You will only need an identity card and SNILS. Apply with the appropriate statement, you can sometimes even verbally. Fund employees will have to check the location of your funded part of the pension in the database, and then give you information. Important: this information is not disclosed to third parties. Therefore, it is important that, in addition to SNILS, you have a passport with you. Other ID is not usually accepted by pension funds.

Where can I find out about the funded part of the pension
Where can I find out about the funded part of the pension

Through employer

How to find out where your funded part of the pension is? To do this, you can contact your employer. You will need to go to the accounting department of the organization where you work. After all, it is from wages that interest is initially transferred to form savings “for old age”. All you need is to ask the accounting department to give you information about the transfer of your pension to a particular fund. You can express your desire in writing or orally. You will then be given the required information. Nothing difficult. True, this method is not always appropriate. Rarely does anyone use it.


Where can I find out about the funded part of the pension? You can contact the Pension Fund of Russia. In the main branch. It stores information about all pension contributions. To obtain the necessary information, you will need to present your passport, as well as SNILS. Based on these data, the staff will provide you with the information you are interested in. Sometimes they may be asked to write a request-statement in writing. Not too common, but it does happen.


Where can I find out the size of the funded part of the pension and its location? Any major bank can help here. BUT,more precisely, those financial institutions with which the Pension Fund of Russia has agreements. Usually these are large organizations like VTB and Sberbank.

how to find out where your funded part of the pension is
how to find out where your funded part of the pension is

It is in these banks that you can get data on the location of pension contributions. To do this, you will need to draw up an application-request, as well as attach your identity card and SNILS to it. After some time, the bank will check the accounts of Russia's pension funds. After that, it will give you information about the state of yours. His whereabouts will also be brought to your attention. Quite a common option that is not so difficult to implement.

Public Services

How to find out where your funded part of the pension is? At the moment, even the Internet can help in the implementation of this idea. More precisely, the portal "Gosuslugi". It appeared not so long ago, but now it makes life easier for the population in many ways. You will need to register on the service, and then go through authorization there. Please note that this process takes several weeks. After all, after registering a user, your profile must be activated. Once you have a working account, you can get started.

Further information is ordered in the "Personal Account". To do this, in the list of offered services, select the appropriate request. After some time, you will receive the information you are interested in. But how can I find out where my funded part of the pension is using the Internet yet?

Other ways

A variety of onlineServices! They help to quickly get data about any citizen and his money savings. Including pensions. All you need to do is dial the account holder's information, as well as your phone number. It's all. We can wait for information about the funded part of the capital set aside "for old age".

where to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension
where to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension

Just keep in mind - 99% of Internet services (with the exception of "Gosuslug") are a scam. In fact, it will not work to check the location of the pension in this way. It's just a swindle of citizens for money. They will be debited from your account on your mobile phone. This is normal. Therefore, try to use only proven methods for solving the problem. All you need is a passport and SNILS, sometimes a TIN. And a little patience. Now it’s clear how to find out where my funded part of the pension is.
