How to distinguish a turkey from a turkey: appearance, bird behavior, difference

How to distinguish a turkey from a turkey: appearance, bird behavior, difference
How to distinguish a turkey from a turkey: appearance, bird behavior, difference

The owners of modern farms often breed turkeys for sale. And this is not surprising. The weight of an adult bird can reach up to 35 kg. Tender turkey meat is popular around the world for its nutritional value and great taste.

Need to differentiate the sex of chicks

Turkey care is more complicated than chickens and ducks, but you can get much more meat and eggs. To obtain the maximum amount of products, it is necessary to provide the birds with a complete diet, and it is also important to comply with sanitary standards. As a rule, fattening of birds for slaughter begins from the first weeks of life.

The most valuable is the meat of 5-month-old turkeys, at which time the feathered one weighs 12 kg. Non-breeding males are sent for slaughter, the identification of which is necessary at the earliest possible age. That is why the question of how to distinguish a turkey from a turkey is far from idle and is of great importance in poultry farming.

What does a turkey look like
What does a turkey look like

Ways to differentiate

There are severalmethods of sex differentiation in birds. Moreover, it is easier to distinguish a turkey from a turkey than a rooster from a chicken. Experienced poultry farmers are able to identify a male turkey within a day after birth.

There are several basic signs for distinguishing gender:

  • feather marks and length;
  • behaviour;
  • weight;
  • comb, spurs, beard;
  • volume and consistency of excrement.
  • Turkey spurs
    Turkey spurs

Turkey and turkey: differences at an early age

The very first sign that can be detected is spurs and a goatee. The method is used until the age of 3 months of birds, since at half a year the floor is already clearly visible. Sharp spurs are given to the male by nature, as well as to many other species of birds. The tool helps the turkey to protect himself from enemies, as well as his chosen ones and chicks. Females do not have spurs, soft feathers of small size are visible in their place.

The beard in males is already visible at the age of one month, and their feathers are stiffer than those of females.

Turkey chicks
Turkey chicks

The weight of the bird can also help in the question of how to distinguish between a turkey and a turkey. The method is relevant during the first weeks of the chick's life. Females are smaller than males and do not gain weight as quickly. Turkeys, on the other hand, recover quickly and by the age of four weeks have a fully developed body.

Scallop, feathers, tail

How to tell a turkey from a turkey by the comb? In females, it is smaller and has a pale tint. Males have bright combs and beards.

Turkey and turkey, differences
Turkey and turkey, differences

Tail feathersturkeys grow rapidly, and by the second month of life, the tail becomes fan-shaped. However, during the first weeks, males have longer tail feathers. With age, the tail of turkeys becomes like a real fan. The male fluffs it up when danger approaches or during mating. A magnificent tail is a real decoration of a turkey. In females, it is graceful and small.

Feathers on the wings of turkeys are another natural feature that helps in determining the sex of a bird. The method can be used on the first day of the chick's life. In males, the feathers are of the same size, while in females they grow at an angle. A similar phenomenon has not yet been explained by scientists, but it also helps in determining the sex of birds.

Using this method, poultry farmers select large males for breeding, and transfer small ones to high-calorie feed. The disadvantage of this method is that it is relevant only in the first week of the chick's life, and then the feathers will begin to grow actively and become different in length.

Behavior of birds

Behavioral features of males distinguish them from females. Some poultry farmers, by observing the behavior of the chicks, can distinguish a turkey from a turkey.

Turkeys are prone to collectivism, communicate with representatives of their own species, and with other birds, huddle in a herd. However, females behave more aggressively, often initiate fights, and can easily run into a drake or a rooster.

Sex determination by this method is possible only in a large group of birds, and among individuals of different ages. If the number of birds on the farm is small, behavioral characteristics may notappear so brightly.

In the team, males usually behave more calmly than females, so they are put away for fattening. Turkeys do not tend to stray into a herd, walk by themselves, show an unobtrusive interest in females.

During the period of sexual hunting, the latter are the first to flirt with males. They coo, circle around the "chosen one", peck at his nose. This behavior means that the turkey is ready to mate. At the same time, the turkey behaves much calmer and slower. Poultry farmers have noticed that females do not care who they choose. Before starting mating dances, they look at the males for a long time.

Being chosen, the male changes his behavior dramatically. His nasal process swells. The turkey fluffs its feathers and proudly approaches the female. Then he opens his beautiful tail with a fan, bubbles and lets the female know that he is ready to mate.

Turkey and Turkey
Turkey and Turkey

How to tell a turkey from a turkey by the genitals

Another way to determine the sex of birds is the structure of their genitals. The method works for the second or third month of the chick's life.

The turkey needs to be turned upside down, spread the feathers in the area of the cloaca. At the same time, the bird is held behind its back.

With a rubber glove lubricated with petroleum jelly, the hole is stretched and the genitals are examined. Males have two round formations in the cloaca, while females have pale pink folds and their organs are elongated.

The method allows you to distinguish a turkey from a turkey with 100% certainty. But it should not be carried out in the first monthlife of the bird due to the risk of injury. A novice poultry breeder should consult with more experienced breeders or a veterinarian before performing the procedure.

male and female
male and female

Other ways

If young animals have reached the age of 4-6 months, they should be analyzed:

  • anatomical data;
  • quantity and quality of litter;
  • ultrasound perception.

At the age of 5 months, males actively grow the mammary gland. This is the difference between a turkey and a turkey. How to determine gender in this way? If you feel the body of a bird, you can find a seal in the neck, resembling a wart. This method allows you to "find" the males, since at this time the weight of the chicks is almost the same, and the differences in appearance are not pronounced.

Turkey head
Turkey head

Females leave more litters by 8 weeks of age than males. At the same time, turkey stools are characterized by a lower density. A similar idea of sex determination was proposed by American poultry farmers. The method is considered non-traditional, but its accuracy is 100%.

An interesting way to distinguish a turkey from a turkey is ultrasound. It has been experimentally proven that males and females hear noises at different frequency levels. Some frequencies scare females, others - males. If you watch birds, it will not be difficult to distinguish males from females. But it should be borne in mind that the use of such devices unnerves the bird, so it is still advisable to use other options for determining sex.



So, now it becomes clear how to distinguish a turkey from a turkey. The photo presented in the article also demonstrates the difference between individuals of different sexes.

In this process, the number of birds and their age matters. Which method to use, each owner decides independently. Experienced poultry farmers will quite determine the sex by seeing the behavior of the bird. For beginner breeders, it makes sense to use the tips given in the article to clearly understand how a turkey differs from a turkey. And as soon as there is clarity in the question, you can safely separate the males and transfer them to enhanced complementary foods.
