Proper rearing of turkeys at home

Proper rearing of turkeys at home
Proper rearing of turkeys at home

The turkey can be considered one of the most interesting species of birds bred in households. Their meat is distinguished by simply excellent high palatability and is considered dietary. Growing turkeys at home can have its own nuances and difficulties.

rearing turkeys at home
rearing turkeys at home

Raising chickens, for example, is much easier. However, you can get much more meat from one turkey than from a rooster.

In order to breed turkeys, you can, of course, use an incubator. However, no one can cope with this task better than a hen. Growing turkeys at home begins with preparing a nest for her. Making it is easy enough. To do this, you need 2 bars 10 x 10 and hay. The nest is made in the corner of the shed. Bars are stuffed on the floor and the resulting niche is covered with hay.

It is better to lay eggs under the hen in the evening. At this time, when a person appears, she does not worry and does not jump off the nest. Turkeys are very caring mothers and do an excellent job of hatching, turning eggs whennecessary for better heating.

growing turkeys at home
growing turkeys at home

Chicks hatch around day 28. They begin to come out from under the brood hen only on the second or third.

Growing turkeys at home is different in that the first 14 days of life they require increased attention. Feed them at this time you need at least seven times a day. To do this, use millet, eggs, mashed cottage cheese. It is very good to give babies finely chopped herbs, the taste of which is bitter. This will prevent bowel dysfunction. Water should be changed at least two to three times a day.

Maintaining the optimal temperature is a very important point in such a difficult business as rearing turkeys at home. Directly at the floor, it should be at least 26 degrees Celsius. Also, you can not pour cold water into the drinkers. Only water at room temperature can be used. In addition, the drinkers themselves should not be too deep. A wet turkey will definitely get sick, and curing these birds is very problematic.

feeding turkeys
feeding turkeys

As they grow older, the diet is made more varied and the number of feedings is reduced. Grown up turkey poults will have enough 3 - 4 meals a day. However, during this period, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the chicks. If one of them sits with closed eyes and drooping wings for a long time, this may mean that his stomach hurts. You can cure such a turkey by putting a small pea of an ordinary unscented one into its beak pepper.

Feeding turkeys is a rather responsible process. Adult birds in the winter period 2 times a day impose a mash (greens, bran) and once a grain. During the breeding season, that is, in summer, the number of feedings is increased up to four times. At the same time, both grain and mash are given 2 times each. Particular attention must be paid to feeding turkeys. They are very sensitive to vitamin deficiencies. Therefore, appropriate preparations must be added to the feed.

Growing turkeys at home is not an easy task. However, by showing maximum attention to the chicks, especially in the first fourteen days, you can do absolutely without any losses.
