Liven breed of pigs: description, breeding, reviews

Liven breed of pigs: description, breeding, reviews
Liven breed of pigs: description, breeding, reviews

The Livensky breed of pigs was bred in the Orel region of the Russian Federation, in the Livensky state breeding nursery by crossing local long-eared, late-ripening with early maturing tallow and meat-tallow breeds. To obtain the Livenskaya, the medium white, large white snub-nosed type, Berkshire, large white and Polish-Chinese breeds were used. During the breeding work, young animals were selected for further breeding.

Liven breed of pigs description
Liven breed of pigs description

When breeding the Liven breed of pigs, the goal was to get animals of a strong constitution with a high rate of fertility, early maturity, with good fattening qualities. As a result of painstaking work, breeders have received a universal meat-fat breed with excellent performance, easily adapting to any conditions.

Young growth

Piglets of the Liven breed of pigs are bornlarge and strong, with excellent immunity, high survival rate. They quickly gain weight: they can add up to 800 grams of live weight per day without a special fattening ration. Thus, by the age of six months, piglets weigh 100 or more kilograms. The young of the breed is resistant to diseases, although it is recommended to keep it in insulated pigsties in severe frosts.


The following is characteristic of the Liven breed of pigs:

  1. The body is elongated, wide, with a slight overhang in the belly area.
  2. Short neck and broad head.
  3. Ears hanging over eyes.
  4. Strong and short legs.
  5. White and thick stubble.
  6. Chest is wide.

According to the description, the Liven breed of pigs is black, red, and also with dark spots. With the right diet, females reach a weight of 200 kg, and males - about 300 kg.

Content Features

Representatives of the breed are unpretentious in care and feeding. They are easily accustomed to grazing content. To get a stable income from the breed, you should adhere to the correct feeding diet, as well as keep the pigsties clean.


According to its characteristics, the Liven breed of pigs needs high-calorie combined feeds that will contribute to rapid weight gain. The diet should include:

  1. Green feed.
  2. Dairy products, whey.
  3. Fruits are seasonal.
  4. Minerals, vitamin supplements, chalk, s alt.
  5. Fodder root crops, gourdsculture.
  6. Green feed in the form of silage, hay, fresh grass.
  7. Cereals.
Liven breed of pigs
Liven breed of pigs

Also, food waste can be introduced into the diet, but only with caution, avoiding the ingress of harmful products. Pigs gain weight quickly on mashes made with mixed feed, dairy products, root vegetables and potato peels.

Containment conditions

Pigs of this breed can be kept both in open and closed pens, depending on the season. For open keeping, it is enough to equip a pasture fence and build a canopy under which animals can hide from the heat. When closed, pigs are kept in warm rooms that are protected from the penetration of cold air. The floors in the room are made of wood to prevent hypothermia. As a rule, additional heating of pigsties is not required, but heating may be required in severe frosts.

Description of the breed
Description of the breed

Features of reproduction

Sows of the breed differ from others in their multiple pregnancies. They are able to bring up to 12 piglets. At the same time, they will have enough milk to feed the young. Usually the mating of pigs is carried out when the sows reach the age of 7 months. The term of bearing offspring is 110-120 days. Farrowing usually goes smoothly.


The Livenskaya breed is valued for its excellent taste of meat. As a rule, the thickness of the fat layer is on average 3-4 cm. The back ham weighs about 10 kilograms. Pigs are slaughtered when they reach six months of age.

Liven breed slaughter
Liven breed slaughter

Meat of the Liven breed is considered dietary. Before slaughter, some breeders start fattening pigs. This period lasts no more than four weeks. At this time, they are given more dairy products, vegetables, grains.

Reviews of breeders

According to reviews, the Liven breed of pigs is quite strong, but even she needs to follow the rules of hygiene in order to avoid the occurrence of infectious diseases. To do this, livestock breeders clean the feeders, change the bedding daily, wash equipment, dishes with a solution of potassium permanganate. Twice a month, livestock breeders disinfect the pigsty with slaked lime. Be sure to young animals are vaccinated by age against various diseases. With the correct management of pigs, livestock breeders can quickly get large pigs, which are usually slaughtered at 7-10 months.
