Contract Specialist: job description, admission requirements and working conditions

Contract Specialist: job description, admission requirements and working conditions
Contract Specialist: job description, admission requirements and working conditions

Not every employee currently, when applying for a job, knows that he is obliged to sign the so-called job description. It must be submitted directly to the Human Resources Department. This document predetermines the future employment of the employee according to the work schedule of the company or enterprise.

If there is no job description, and no one talks about it, this means that the employee remains socially unprotected and may be subjected to an enormous burden from the management, which is often observed today. Overtime working hours have a negative impact on the state of he alth, affect the quality of work. In this case, wages are also in question.

Let's consider what this document can be on the example of the job description of a specialist in contract work.

Nuances of the position

Before you startthe job description itself and its provisions, you should figure out what the position of a contract worker is.

This work is connected with the conclusion of an agreement between several contractors. They can be various companies - legal entities in fact. The main counterparty is a company that hires a contractual employee for this job. The rest are partners, for example, in the supply of materials, the sale of goods, the provision of certain paid services to provide companies with all kinds of resources.

contract specialist position
contract specialist position

A person engaged in contractual activities is not a party to contractual relations. He is just a performer. Mostly technical. In other words, he is engaged in drafting contract templates, which are subsequently signed by counterparties.

Requirements for a contracting specialist may be extended. Often, the person who draws up such documents is empowered to monitor the fulfillment of the conditions prescribed in them.

What is a contracting specialist job description?

In his work, the employee under study must rely on a certain number of his powers. In other words, to understand what the employer requires of him, what efficiency is expected from his employment, and what is the benefit for him personally from the fulfillment of the tasks set. All these nuances are described in the job description of a contract work specialist.

officialposition instruction
officialposition instruction

Thus, this document allows you to perform work according to a strictly defined regulation established in a company or enterprise. This document also predetermines the relationship of the contract department with other structural divisions of the company. And even the redistribution of responsibilities between several separate structural units.

Who writes the instructions?

The job requirements of a contract work specialist are determined directly by the management of companies or enterprises. The head of the personnel department is responsible for fixing and proper execution of the duties of a specialist. A specialized lawyer can also draw up job descriptions, if such a position is provided for in the state.

After drafting, job descriptions are studied by management, if necessary, supplemented with necessary or missing items, and then approved.

Who signs job descriptions?

Without the affirmative signature of the director of the company or enterprise, the job description is invalid. When hiring, the approved document must also be signed by the employee being hired for the relevant position. At a personal request, an employee may be given a copy of the job description, according to which he will fulfill the requirements assigned to him.

signature of job descriptions
signature of job descriptions

Who controls the implementation of the provisions of the job descriptions?

Fulfillment of the duties of a specialist in contract work is controlled by the director of the company or enterprise. As well aspersonnel department employees. If the state has only one position for contracting activities.

control over the execution of job instructions
control over the execution of job instructions

Companies often form contractual departments of several employees. Then the redistribution of responsibilities begins with the highest rank:

  • chief specialist of the department - reports directly to the management and is responsible for the implementation of the job descriptions of each subordinate from his department;
  • leading specialist - reports to the chief specialist, controls the performance of the duties of employees of the lowest level of subordination;
  • technical specialist - reports to the lead specialist.

Who is responsible for non-compliance? For non-fulfillment of official duties by a specialist in contractual work, responsibility rests not only with the higher management, but also with the employee himself. Which is also stipulated in the instructions.

Sample document structure

The following is a sample job description for a contracting specialist. If necessary, it can be finalized by employees of personnel services and departments at the discretion of the management of companies and enterprises, which will be correct and lawful.

Generalized provisions

This section should describe the position Namely, such moments:

  • title and rank of the position – Contractual Specialist, Leading Contracting Specialist, Chief Contracting Specialist;
  • subordination structure -predetermination of the order of reporting for the work performed;
  • qualification requirements for the position held - education, skills, work experience in the position;
  • general rules for the recruitment of employees to the staff of a company or enterprise and their dismissal, in particular regarding the position of a contract work specialist;
  • order of possible substitutions if necessary (transfer to another position, sick leave, business trips);
  • list of legislative documents, the provisions of which an employee of the contract department can operate in their professional activities.

Working schedule

This section should contain information about the standard or irregular work schedule of a contract worker. All items in this part of the job description must be supported by legislative acts and regulations governing the working hours of employees.

contract work schedule
contract work schedule

Overtime should be rewarded with additional pay increases.


This section should list the rights that an employee of the contract department is vested with regarding their future professional activities. For example:

  • make requests for necessary information in other departments of the company or enterprise;
  • have access to company or enterprise management decisions;
  • make adjustments to improve workflow efficiency and communicate your suggestions directly to the managerlink of a company or enterprise;
  • contact personally with contractors regarding the provision of the necessary package of documents for concluding contracts;
  • monitor the execution of contractual provisions, personally take part in negotiation processes regarding the fulfillment of contractual requirements by counterparties.


This section of the contracting specialist's job description details the responsibilities assigned to an employee. For example:

  • draw up the text of contracts after oral agreements with counterparties;
  • keep records of contractual documentation;
  • monitor the deadlines for contractual requirements, notify in a timely manner of the need to extend the contractual relationship between counterparties;
  • identify debts and make demands for their closure within their competent rights;
  • to exchange primary documentation regarding the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties that signed the agreements;
  • develop and amend documents by drawing up additional agreements to concluded agreements for a certain period.
monitoring the performance of employees
monitoring the performance of employees

The job description of the chief specialist in contract work can be supplemented with a number of duties. For example:

  • monitoring the fulfillment of requirements for lower-level employees;
  • report department performance to senior company management;
  • take part innegotiation processes between counterparties;
  • resolve conflict situations regarding the provisions of concluded contractual relations between counterparties;
  • be a representative of the company when concluding contracts with counterparties.

The list could be much longer.

The job description of a leading contracting specialist can also be wider. And be supplemented, for example, with such duties:

  • technician training;
  • control over the drafting of contractual documents, verification of contractual provisions;
  • control over the signing of contracts and their accounting;
  • replacing the chief contracting specialist if necessary;
  • doing the organizational work of the department.


This section contains information about what threatens an employee with direct failure to fulfill his duties. This may be disciplinary, administrative, financial or criminal liability.

liability for non-compliance
liability for non-compliance


This section contains information about remuneration for your work as a Contract Specialist. Often, the size of the basic salary according to the staffing table is indicated here, as well as the schedule of possible bonus accruals and their value, equivalent to monetary units.


The job description is one of the documents regulating the activities of employees of companies and enterprises. Gives an understanding of what is required ofemployee and how he should perform his duties. In turn, the management has the opportunity to assess the professionalism of the employee in relation to the requirements and calculate how effective his activity is for the company in particular.
