Vet clinic on Dubninskaya "Achille": review, features and reviews

Vet clinic on Dubninskaya "Achille": review, features and reviews
Vet clinic on Dubninskaya "Achille": review, features and reviews

We can no longer imagine our life without pets: cats, dogs, fish, birds and reptiles. For people, these are full-fledged family members who, unfortunately, can get sick just like people. The Achilles veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya will do everything to keep your pet he althy.

What is this clinic? Where is it located, what are the reviews about it? You will learn all this from the article.

Vet clinic address and opening hours


The first clinic was opened in 1997. The Achill veterinary clinic is located on Dubninskaya, 32, in the Vostochnoye Degunino district in the city of Moscow, near the Seligerskaya metro station.

Veterinary center working hours: from 9:00 to 21:00 daily without lunch and days off.

There is another branch of the Achilles Center in Moscow - on Belozerskaya, 17G, not far from the Bibirevo metro station.

Clinic Services

Achilles veterinary clinic
Achilles veterinary clinic

Doctorsveterinary center for diagnosis and treatment "Achilles" carry out daily reception of animals. Here you can get a consultation, make a surgical operation of any profile for your pet, conduct laboratory tests.

The veterinary clinic provides all types of necessary veterinary care: for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, rabbits, ferrets and other animals in the following areas:

  • gynecology and obstetrics;
  • medical examination with a hospital;
  • vaccination;
  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • castration and sterilization;
  • therapy;
  • dentistry;
  • orthopedics and traumatology;
  • surgery;
  • chipping;
  • Ultrasound, ECG.

Prophylactic medical examination and examination of the animal

Achille veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya 32 (Moscow) is carrying out a set of activities that will help determine the he alth status of a pet, a predisposition to certain diseases. Here they will help to identify chronic and acquired pathologies, as well as analyze the vulnerability of the animal to dangerous pathologies.

Prophylactic medical examination is an in-depth examination that includes an examination and a full range of laboratory tests. The standard medical examination procedure at the Achill veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya includes the following:

  • Examination by a veterinarian to assess the general condition of the animal.
  • Laboratory tests, including complete blood count, biochemistry and other tests that will need to be taken inaccording to the diagnosis.
  • The conclusion of the veterinarian on the results of the tests.
  • Selection of an individual treatment and vaccination regimen.
  • Recommendations for protecting your pet from worms, ticks and other parasites that can attack the animal.
  • Carrying out hygiene measures - cutting nails, ears, sanitation.
  • Recommendations for feeding and caring for a particular type of animal.

If the animal is an adult (over 7 years old), additional tests and diagnostic measures are prescribed, since such animals are at risk. If necessary, X-rays, ultrasound of organs, ECG, examination of intraocular pressure and other procedures will be carried out.

If pathologies are detected during the medical examination, the veterinarian will send the animal to a narrower specialist.

Immunoprophylaxis and vaccination of pets

animal inspection in Achilles
animal inspection in Achilles

Veterinarians at the Achilles veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya do not recommend vaccinating the animal yourself. It is important to know where and how to prick a pet.

Before vaccination, the pet will undergo an external examination, a complete history will be taken. Depending on the results, an individual schedule for vaccination and treatments against various parasites will be selected. Specialists of the veterinary center will find an approach to any animal and vaccinate in comfortable conditions completely painlessly.

Laboratory and diagnostics

Achille veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya offers a full range of laboratoryresearch. The center has its own laboratory, thanks to which fast and high-quality processing of analyzes is ensured in order to promptly make a diagnosis.

The clinic performs the following tests:

  • Common urinalysis. It is given to determine the functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys. You can also detect urolithiasis in time, which is especially dangerous for cats and dogs.
  • Clinical blood test, which reveals many diseases, the presence of various parasites and infections.
  • Examination of feces, which will tell about the work of the digestive tract, the presence or absence of worms and pathologies of an infectious nature.
  • Blood biochemistry is a comprehensive study, thanks to which you can assess the condition of your pet and identify certain pathologies.
  • The study of hormones in the blood, which is prescribed by an endocrinologist. Its need arises in case of violations of the functioning of the organs of internal secretion.
  • Microbiological studies that determine the presence of parasites, fungi, bacteria that cause certain diseases.
  • Cytological studies, through which tumor formations are detected.
  • Infection testing and PCR to detect the most dangerous infections.

Functional diagnostics

dog checkup at the vet
dog checkup at the vet

In the Achilles veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya, reviews of which are mostly positive, the following types of functional diagnostics are carried out:

  • Ultrasound examination, thanks to which you can get information about the state of internal organs in order to see the full picture of the disease. With the help of ultrasound, clinic specialists find kidney pathologies, tumors, urolithiasis, internal inflammation, hidden infections and much more that can threaten the life of a pet.
  • Electrocardiography will help detect cardiac abnormalities. Veterinary clinic "Achilles" is equipped with the necessary modern equipment for the procedure.
  • X-ray diagnostics aimed at detecting fractures, dislocations, abnormal changes in the spine, pathologies of the chest, abdominal cavity, as well as in case of suspected presence of foreign objects in the pet's body.

Traumatology and Surgery

Achilles Veterinary Center performs surgical operations and recovery procedures for various fractures and injuries. The clinic is equipped with modern equipment, and specialists resort to innovative techniques to get excellent results and save the lives of our little brothers.

The clinic also performs castration and sterilization of animals with removal of the ovaries and uterus.

Laser and magnetic therapy

animal physiotherapy
animal physiotherapy

This is a restorative therapy method that is used to restore pets after surgery, bladder pathologies and other diseases.

The duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian in accordance with the condition of each animal anddegree of disease.


This is a popular branch of veterinary medicine, which is available at Achilles Veterinary Clinic. Thanks to the method, complex diseases of the stomach, pharynx, intestines, and chest can be treated.

Before an endoscopy is scheduled, the animal will be carefully examined by a specialist. Also, before the procedure, the owners will have to keep the pet on a starvation diet for several days.

Additional veterinary services

animal grooming
animal grooming
  • There are times when it is not possible to quickly bring the animal to the clinic. Achilles specialists can provide professional assistance not only in a veterinary center, but also at home.
  • The clinic treats rodents, reptiles, various birds.
  • If you want to get chipped, the Achill veterinary center has all the necessary equipment for this.
  • Tooth and gum care is provided.
  • The owners are offered such a procedure as grooming - combing, washing, cutting, cleaning and other manipulations designed to care for the pet.

Clinic specialists and prices

Only highly qualified specialists work in the veterinary center:

  • surgeons;
  • cardiologists;
  • ultrasound diagnostic doctors;
  • ornithologist, rodentologist;
  • traumatologists;
  • veterinarians with long experience in their speci alty.
animal examination
animal examination

In the veterinary clinic"Achille" on Dubninskaya prices do not go beyond the standard in Moscow. Some even note that they are somewhat lower than other veterinary centers. Moreover, promotions are constantly held here, according to which you can go through this or that procedure at half price or even for free. For example, you can undergo a clinical examination for 480 rubles.

On the basis of the Achill veterinary clinic there is a pet shop and a veterinary pharmacy where you can purchase the necessary medicines for your pets.

The main advantages of the Achilles veterinary pharmacy are only original medicines, high quality products, affordable prices, which are lower than those of competitors, convenient location. Here you can buy everything you need for the he alth of your pet.

Host Reviews

patient reviews about Achilles
patient reviews about Achilles

At the moment, there are both positive and negative reviews about the Achilles veterinary clinic on Dubninskaya. Some call the doctors of the clinic professionals "with a capital letter" and thank them for saving the lives of their pets. Others claim that the clinic is simply extorting money from the owners.

Of course, if a beloved pet falls ill, the owners are ready to give any money for his he alth and life. Unfortunately, most medications are very expensive, and hosts start saving or turn to professionals when it's too late. Because of this, many animals die, and the owners blame the clinic staff for their deaths.

Therefore, such reviews about the veterinarythe Achilles clinic, where prices are not the highest in the city, is left more by those who did not seek medical help on time.

If you detect a disease in time and start timely treatment, in most cases the animal can be saved. It is for this that it is necessary to regularly take animals for examination to the veterinarian, vaccinate and treat diseases at an early stage. And the specialists of the Achilles veterinary clinic will be happy to help you with this.
