How to make a person repay a debt: ways and tips

How to make a person repay a debt: ways and tips
How to make a person repay a debt: ways and tips

Are you in an awkward situation? Did someone you know borrow money from you and never pay it back? Not only very gullible and soft-hearted persons may face such a situation. You could lend money to a friend, and at the same time did not expect that the person would forget about his promise to pay you back in the week. How to force a person to repay a debt? Read more about it below.

Find out the reason for the delay

man's duty
man's duty

The first thing a person who has been forgotten by the credited person should do is to speak frankly with the person. No need to beat around the bush. If you can't think of a way to get a person to pay back a money debt, then go straight ahead. Remind the person that they took money from you and ask when the person will return it. Don't let the person evade. Be frank and ask the person to act directly as well. Such an approach would be optimal. But remember that in this case you can hear an honest answer,which doesn't sound very encouraging. For example, you were hoping to hear that the person simply forgot about the debt, but in reality it turns out that the person squandered all the money and now he cannot return the required amount to you. Tell the person that you will not tolerate this kind of treatment for a long time, so ask the person when she will have the next cash flow. How to recover a debt on a receipt without a court order? On the day when a person will receive a salary or an advance, come with a receipt to the person and exchange the piece of paper for the amount you need.

Appeal to conscience

repay a person's debt
repay a person's debt

Don't want to talk heart to heart with a person? You don't have to go into the details of the life of the person who took the money from you. You can resolve an unpleasant situation not only personally, but also remotely. How to talk to debtors on the phone? Put pressure on a person's conscience. This method cannot be called too honest, but it can be used if circumstances so require. Try to dissuade the person by telling him that you will not tolerate this state of affairs for too long. Emphasize the words that the person has a conscience and needs to wake up from time to time. The phrase can be supplemented as follows: only fallen people who do not have responsibility to friends and cannot be called full members of society do not return debts. Sounds like humiliation? A little. But what to do, all means are good in war.

Is it possible to return the debt if there is no receipt? In this situation, pressure on conscience will be especially relevant. tryconvey to the person the idea that he treats you very unfairly by not returning your money. Remind yourself of debt as often as possible. Then a person's conscience will wake up faster.

Pressure on pity


Can't make a person feel bad? How to collect a debt from a debtor in another way? You can put pressure on pity. This method of returning money back is also not the most honest. But you may have no other choice if the person does not want to understand in a good way. Tell the person that you are having a hard time without money. You are forced to save on everything and are not even sure that you can make it to the next salary. Such sayings can cause you pity and help you repay the debt. What else can you tell a person who withholds money? Say that you need to feed your family and just need to buy medicine for one of your relatives. In this case, it's not worth it. Just remember what you have long wanted to buy or what you really urgently need money for now. If you speak sincerely, you will be more likely to repay the debt.

Writing a Claim

Do you have a receipt form? Then you have every legal reason to demand the money back. How to do it? Write a free-form letter to the person who is withholding your money. Attach a copy of the receipt to such letter. In such a letter, there is no need to put pressure on conscience or pity. It should be in the driest terms to demand money back. And in order for the person’s motivation to repay the debt to be higher, you shouldscare the person a little. For example, notify your debtor that if he does not return the money to you this week, or better on the day you have specified, then you will sue the person. Threats to people is not very nice. Many are afraid to do this, because after going to court about the existence of a friend against whom you filed a lawsuit, you can forget. But think about whether you need such friends who only need finance from you. If the person was decent, he would return the money on time. And since the person doesn't treat you too well, don't try to be gentle with her.


how to get someone to repay money
how to get someone to repay money

A person withholding money for a long time? Then hurry up to sue the debtor. There is nothing wrong with asking a person for their money back. You will have every chance to win the case if you have a receipt on hand. And to make your arguments about the return of money sound even more convincing, you can invite several witnesses who will confirm that for a long time your debtor has not made any attempts to return the money to you. The court will be able to make a decision according to which the person will return the money to you during the current month. And if the person does not do this, then she may go to jail or be given a suspended sentence. It is unlikely that anyone would want to be involved in such cases. Therefore, the person will try to satisfy your requirement on time. But remember that judgment is your last hope. Such measures should be taken only if the person with whom youcommunicate, absolutely does not want to give you money.

Public accusation

is it possible to return
is it possible to return

Are you on good terms with the debtor? Then don't sue right away. You can publicly bring down your anger on the debtor. Such scenes greatly embarrass decent people, and they will make every effort to ensure that the scene does not repeat itself. When is it appropriate to claim a debt? You can do this while visiting mutual friends. Start a topic about debts, and then, by the way, ask the person when she plans to return the money. If the person hesitates, act with more force. You need to unleash a scandal. At the same time, you can act by all available methods: put pressure on conscience, pity, or threaten the court. All this comedy will be played out for a person who will feel very uncomfortable in such a situation. In such conditions, it will be easy for you to receive a second receipt from a person, which will confirm the person’s desire to give you money before the date you need, and ideally, right today or tomorrow.

Talking to relatives

You can't get through to the person? Then go on the other side. How to force a person to repay a debt? To do this, you should talk to the relatives of the person. Whom to choose? It is best to talk to the parents of the individual who did not return the money to you. The second half can stand up for the beloved, while the parents themselves will be ashamed of the behavior of the child and they will make every effort to no longer blush for their child. In extreme cases, you can ask for money fromyour debtor's parents. If the relatives have a good relationship, then they will give the necessary amount of money, and they will somehow return their money back. So don't write off the person's parents.

Are you unfamiliar with the debtor's parents? Then contact your soulmate, brothers or sisters. Relatives will help you find the strings you need to pull so that the person repays you.

Collectors agency

Is it possible to return the debt if there is no receipt
Is it possible to return the debt if there is no receipt

Want to get your money back without big problems? Do you need at least some amount, and you no longer hope to return the entire debt? Then a collection agency will help you. How to force a person to repay a debt? If you have a receipt, you can easily resell the debt to a third party. You will not receive all the money, but you will get rid of many problems. In this case, you do not have to humiliate yourself, put pressure on your conscience, or constantly visit the debtor. Specially trained people will be engaged in similar work. Experienced psychologists and lawyers will be able to arrange the case so that the person returns the required amount within one week.

How to protect yourself?

how to make a person
how to make a person

Don't want to wonder how to get a person to repay a debt? Then you need to follow the following simple rules. Namely:

  • Always ask for a receipt form. A person must leave a receipt even if he took a small amount from you and plans to return it tomorrow. It is clear that a receipt for 100 rubles is not worth writing, but for 1000 it is already possible.
  • Don't lend large sums. The ideal amount you can lend someone is the amount of money you can do without paying back. In this case, you will not have to struggle with the question of how to repay your debts.
  • If you don't trust a person, then don't give him money. The thought seems quite logical, but for some reason many people neglect it.
  • If you are forced to give money to one of your relatives, for example, for treatment and think that the person will not be able to return your savings to you, then try to certify the receipt with a notary. In this case, you can be sure that if the person fails to pay his debt, then the money will be claimed from children or other close relatives.
  • Always pay back your debts on time. Remember, how you treat people is how they treat you.