Incubation of turkey eggs: temperature, terms

Incubation of turkey eggs: temperature, terms
Incubation of turkey eggs: temperature, terms

Turkeys are considered pretty good hens. However, it is possible to obtain young growth of this valuable economic bird immediately in large quantities only if it is bred using an incubator. Modern models of such devices can be designed to hatch 50-250 chicks at the same time. Of course, the incubation of turkey eggs, like any other, must be carried out with strict observance of temperature and humidity conditions.

Features of breeding turkeys

Puberty in this economic bird occurs at the age of 8-9 months. Turkeys begin to rush around mid-late May.

incubation of turkey eggs
incubation of turkey eggs

To get as many eggs as possible from each bird, the farm owner should follow some rules:

  1. Turkeys of the same age must be kept in the herd.
  2. The poultry house needs to be kept at the optimum temperature.
  3. Don't put too many turkeys in the barn. There must be at least 1 m2 per head2 of the room area.

Actually, the egg-layingturkeys is periodic. The owner of the farm, who wants to get a lot of chicks, should take this feature into account. The bird lays 4-6 eggs and then pauses for 1-3 days. Over time, these gaps increase. To prevent this from happening, the house should be well lit (approximately 14 hours a day).

Turkeys usually begin to cackle immediately after they lay 10-12 eggs. To force the bird to continue laying, it must be moved to a cooler place. You can also allow male turkeys or use strong irritants (very bright lights or noises).

incubation of turkey eggs at home
incubation of turkey eggs at home

Which incubator to choose

Almost all models of devices existing on the domestic market are suitable for hatching young turkeys. When choosing an incubator, you should pay attention mainly only to its quality and functionality. The easiest way to comply with all the conditions for the incubation of turkey eggs, according to many owners of poultry houses, is when using devices of the Poseda and BLITZ brands. The main advantages of these incubators are large capacity, automatic tray rotation and not too high cost. Owners of household plots and small farms also consider such brands as “Ideal mother hen”, “Ryaba” and “Cinderella” to be good brands.

Egg storage

Modern models of incubators are designed, as already mentioned, for the simultaneous withdrawal of 50-250 chicks. In order to fill the apparatus completely, eggs usually have to be stored for some time. It should be done correctly. Turkey eggs intended for incubation are stored for no more than one and a half weeks at a temperature of 8-12 degrees. The humidity in the room should be 75-80%. If these rules are not violated, the development of the embryo interrupted after laying will easily resume, and the incubation of turkey eggs will begin successfully.

conditions for incubation of turkey eggs
conditions for incubation of turkey eggs

Importance of following the regime

Hatching eggs, the mother hen can turn them several dozen times a day. At the same time, with her body, she creates an optimal microclimate for the development of embryos. The same thing happens in an incubator. But, of course, the coup in this case is performed much less frequently. Therefore, the incubation of turkey eggs must be carried out with the strictest observance of temperature and humidity conditions. With any violations, the embryo in the egg can stick to the film. As a result, he simply will not be able to go outside in the future. Turns a turkey embryo into a full-fledged chick within 28 days.

How to lay in an incubator

The position of the eggs in the chamber of the apparatus depends primarily on the specific model. In some incubators they are placed horizontally, in others - vertically. In the second case, when laying, it is important to ensure that there is no gap between the eggs. Otherwise, when you turn the tray, they can simply fall out and break. If there are gaps, they should be laid with foam rubber.

turkey egg incubation table
turkey egg incubation table

Incubation of turkey eggs at home in a horizontal positionusually done when the machine does not have an automatic rotation function. With such a bookmark on the shell, you need to immediately make small marks. This is necessary in order not to get confused when you turn manually. Markings should be done with a simple pencil. Markers cannot be used for this purpose. The chemicals they contain can penetrate the shell and harm the fetus.

Incubation of turkey eggs: mode table

Temperature and humidity when hatching the chicks of this economic bird should be about the same as when breeding chickens. Many owners of mini-farms are even advised to incubate eggs of chickens and turkeys together. This is quite acceptable, but only if the regime is strictly observed.

What exactly should be the humidity and temperature of incubation of turkey eggs, as well as the number of necessary turns and ventilation in a given period of embryo development, can be found in the table below.

Incubation rules

Period (days) Humidity (%) Temperature (C) Ventilation (per day) Turn (per day)
1-6 56 37, 8 No 4
7-12 52 37, 5 1 time for 5 min.
13-26 37, 2 2times for 20 min.
27-28 70 37, 0 1 time per 10 min. no

Since the incubation of turkey eggs at home usually begins at the same time, the chicks also hatch together in most cases. This procedure usually lasts no more than a day. If not all turkeys hatch during this time, the eggs can be left in the incubator for another day. It is not advisable to keep them in the cell any longer.

turkey egg incubation mode
turkey egg incubation mode

A few tips

If the incubation of turkey eggs is followed exactly, the chicks will come out he althy. They usually begin to hatch from the thick side of the egg, punching their way around the circumference. The result of this hatching method is often that the turkey comes out with a “cap” on its head.

After the first cracks appear on the egg, it is undesirable to turn it. The only exception is when the exit starts from the bottom. With this position of the cracks, the chick may not hatch.

Determining exactly when the output will start is not too difficult. Approximately 6-12 hours before hatching, the chicks in the eggs begin to squeak.

incubation temperature for turkey eggs
incubation temperature for turkey eggs

What to do with the youngsters

Immediately after the turkey eggs have finished incubating and the chicks are out, they should be placed in a clean, cloth-lined box. So that the kids do not freeze, you also need toput a small plastic bottle with warm water.

One day after hatching, turkeys should be fed and watered. If they themselves do not want to eat millet or a boiled chopped egg, you just need to lightly tap the bowl with your finger. The instinct will work for the chicks, and they will slowly begin to peck at the offered food.
