Processing eggs before incubation in different ways

Processing eggs before incubation in different ways
Processing eggs before incubation in different ways

Home poultry farming is considered one of the most profitable and fast payback businesses. Therefore, many people begin to engage in this activity. However, inexperienced farmers have to face many problems. After reading this article, you will learn why and how eggs are treated with hydrogen peroxide.

What is pre-disinfection for?

Let's just say that this is indeed a legitimate need. Pre-treatment of eggs allows you to increase the yield of he althy livestock and protect hatched chicks from all kinds of infections. Asymptomatic diseases of adults do not give complete purity of the shell.

egg processing
egg processing

In most cases, the pathogens of a particular disease are excreted along with the droppings. Also, worm eggs are often present in the waste products of birds. This is especially true for waterfowl and ducks. It is these birds that pollute eggs with droppings more often than turkeys or chickens.

Home technology

Let's make a reservation right away that treating eggs with peroxide before placing them in an incubator is not the only possible method of disinfection. At home, for such purposes, a solution of potassium permanganate is often used. Water is poured into a pre-prepared tank, the temperature of which is about thirty degrees. If the eggs are dipped into a colder liquid, then their contents will simply shrink.

processing eggs with peroxide before laying in the incubator
processing eggs with peroxide before laying in the incubator

Potassium permanganate is added to a bowl of warm water and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. As a result, you should get a liquid of a rich pink hue. After that, eggs can be dipped into it. This must be done with extreme caution. Keep them in solution for five minutes. After that, the softened dirt is removed with an old toothbrush, the eggs are carefully laid out on a dry, clean cloth and they are waiting for the water to drain from them. After the processing of eggs is completed, they can be laid out in cassettes.

Industrial disinfection

In large enterprises, the treatment of eggs with hydrogen peroxide before incubation is widely used. For this, a one and a half percent solution is used. The eggs placed in it are aged there for five minutes. Then they are pulled out, washed in warm clean water and dried.

treating eggs with hydrogen peroxide
treating eggs with hydrogen peroxide

It is important to keep the peroxide solution slightly hotter than the egg itself. The optimum temperature of the disinfectant liquid is 35-40 degrees. In addition to peroxide, “Persintam” and “Deoxon” have proven themselves well. Processing must be carried out with the utmost care, as there is always a risk of breaking the film that covers the shell. Such carelessness can cause clogging of the holes that allow air to pass to the embryo.

General recommendations for bookmarking

After the pre-treatment of the eggs is completed, they can be placed in the incubator. Moreover, chicken is recommended to be laid in the evening, duck - in the morning. It is advisable to choose eggs of approximately the same size for these purposes.

Before laying, you need to wait until they warm up a little. Cold eggs should not be placed in the incubator. Otherwise, moisture may begin to collect in the shell. Therefore, after the pre-treatment of the eggs is completed, they should be brought into a warm room, the air in which is warmed up to 25-27 degrees, and left there for eight hours. At higher temperatures, the embryo may begin to develop incorrectly.

treatment of eggs with hydrogen peroxide before incubation
treatment of eggs with hydrogen peroxide before incubation

It is important that the start of incubation is quick. The first warm-up should take no more than four hours. For the same reason, the tray is filled with water, the temperature of which is about 40-42 degrees.

Eggs affected by bacterial or fungal infections should not be placed in the incubator. It is important that all selected specimens have the correct shape. They should not have belts, growths and too fragile shells. Good offspring cannot be obtained from such samples.

It should also be remembered that only fresheggs that have been stored for no more than a week. The quality of selected specimens is checked by an ovoscope, which allows you to enlighten the shell. The age of the egg is determined by the state of the air chamber. In specimens suitable for incubation, its size reaches from two to five millimeters.
