Debit card "Tinkoff Black": reviews of the owners. Terms, rates

Debit card "Tinkoff Black": reviews of the owners. Terms, rates
Debit card "Tinkoff Black": reviews of the owners. Terms, rates

The Tinkoff Black debit card receives the best reviews: users say that it is equipped with modern banking technologies and is easy to use. Tinkoff offers its clients excellent service and participation in bonus programs. Using a TCS debit card allows you not only to spend money profitably, but also to accumulate them. In the article, we will consider the conditions for obtaining it and the package of services provided by the bank with Tinkoff Black. Customer reviews about the card will allow the potential user to form a real idea about it and make the right choice for themselves.

About Tinkoff

Tinkoff Bank is a financial institution that has chosen a type of customer service that is not standard for Russia. The fact is that there is not a single branch of Tinkoff throughout the country. Branded ATMs are also absent. How does it work and what is the benefit for users?

Tinkoff was founded along the lines of Wells Fargo, which used a remote customer service model. Entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov suggested that this method of work could be introduced in Russia as well. As a result, it was foundedTinkoff Bank. Over the past 10 years, new products have been created, service levels have improved.

tinkoff black reviews
tinkoff black reviews

Tinkoff issues debit and credit cards for unsecured loans, provides a large selection of co-branded "plastic", allows you to make online payments and even arrange mortgages on the most favorable terms of other banks. Thanks to Tinkoff products, the user can significantly save on purchases in their favorite stores (Aliexpress, Google Play, Lamoda, Raspberry, eBay, One Two Trip) and purchase air tickets at competitive prices.

Terms of receipt

The Tinkoff Black card, reviews of which speak in favor of its acquisition, is issued jointly with two payment systems: MasterCard World or Visa Platinum. The account is opened in rubles, US dollars or euros. The card is valid for three years, after which you can close it or continue cooperation with the bank.

You can issue it without leaving your home. This will require the presence of the Internet and a couple of minutes of free time. At the initial stage, an advantage is already revealed: you do not need to go to a bank branch and wait for your turn. Of the requirements for a potential client - only the age of majority and the presence of a passport.

To get a Tinkoff Black card, reviews of which are very positive, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to the bank's official website
  2. Fill out the application for a Tinkoff Black debit card.
  3. Waiting for a calla bank employee who will clarify the correctness of the entered data and notify the timing of the receipt of the card. It will be delivered to the specified address (office, home).
tinkoff black card reviews
tinkoff black card reviews

In 1–2 days, the new Tinkoff Black will be in the hands of the user, after which it will need to be activated by visiting the official website or dialing the free number 8 800 555 10 10. Using this procedure, the client will find out his PIN code, required for transactions.

Card cost

One of the main questions about the product "Tinkoff Black", user reviews of which attract more and more new customers, is its price. How much will it cost to issue and maintain the card annually? The monthly bank commission for the Tinkoff Black card is 99 rubles. Total for the year comes out 1188 rubles.

Receipt and delivery to the specified address are free of charge. In addition, the bank provides the opportunity to issue up to 5 additional cards, for which you will not have to pay. Most services from Tinkoff are also carried out without additional monetary contributions. What do you need to pay for? If desired, the client can activate the "SMS-bank" service, with the help of which the cardholder is notified of all transactions made. This service will cost 39 rubles if the account is in rubles. With a currency card, the cost will be €1 or $1. The amount is charged monthly.

Free Services

The Tinkoff Black card receives good reviews due to favorable service conditions and high reliability of storage and usefunds. For example, the commission for using a card account can be 99 rubles, or maybe 0 rubles. Under certain conditions, the client disposes of the card free of charge. To do this, you need to make a contribution in the amount of 30,000 rubles. (€1000, $1000) or get a loan for the same money.

After registration, the following free services are automatically provided to the user:

  • "Internet Bank" - allows you to pay for services via the Internet, set up auto payment, view account statements;
  • "Mobile Bank" - an application for a smartphone, supports almost all platforms;
  • informing by SMS about actions on Tinkoff Black.

Customer reviews of the Tinkoff debit card confirm the high level of service and the availability of many convenient and free services that make use more comfortable and enjoyable.

money control

It is important for the user to know how much money is left in the account, where they were spent. In addition, the popularity of paying for utilities, cellular communications and Internet service providers using online banking is growing. When applying for a Tinkoff Black card, the client is offered to use the Internet Bank and Mobile Bank services free of charge.

tinkoff black card reviews
tinkoff black card reviews

To activate the online service, you need to go to the official website and go to the "Internet Bank" tab. A page will open with a form to fill out, where you need to enter the card number. After SMS confirmation, the user independently invents a login and passwordto enter your personal account. Now a bank client can carry out many transactions without leaving home. Among them:

  • automatic payment according to the specified details and amount;
  • money transfers to other accounts;
  • opportunity to learn about available fines and pay them;
  • reporting on used and remaining funds;
  • payment of utility bills, loans and more.

No less convenient program for controlling money on the card is "Mobile Bank". This is an application that works with almost any smartphone or tablet operating system: Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry. Login and password match the data specified in the "Internet Bank".

Tinkoff Black card: conditions and interest, reviews

When making a payment "plastic", future users are interested in any information regarding upcoming income and expenses for maintaining a bank account. What are the costs and benefits for the client with the Tinkoff Black card? Consider the values in the table:

Terms of use "Tinkoff Black"

Card expenses
Service/operation name Condition Commission amount payable
Account Service Account funds less than 30 thousand rubles. ($1000, €1000) $99 per month
With a balance of 30 thousand rubles. ($1000, €1000) or more 0 p.
Withdrawal or withdrawal of funds Amount less than RUR 3000 $90
Amount from 3,000 to 150,000 rubles. 0 p.
Amount over 15,000 rubles 2% (at least 90 rubles)
Transfer to a card account of another bank No more than 20,000 rubles. during the billing period 0 p.
More than 20,000 rubles during the billing period 1.5% of the amount (at least 30 rubles)
Card replenishment Via bank transfer 0 p.
Cash or from a card account of another bank in the amount of less than 300 thousand rubles 0 p.
Over 300 thousand rubles 2% of excess amount
Card income
Reward Type Condition Interest rate
Cashback Any purchases paid by card, except for communication services, amounts of replenishment of electronic wallets and payments made through the "Internet Bank" and"Mobile Bank" 1%
For certain categories of goods 5%
Spec. offers from Tinkoff partners Up to 30%
For cash balance If the account has up to 300 thousand rubles. and for the billing period purchases were made for at least 3000 rubles 8% per annum in rubles (0.5% in foreign currency)
The amount on the account exceeds 300 thousand rubles. or no purchases have been made 4% per annum in rubles (0% in foreign currency)

The billing period lasts 1 month and starts from the day the card is activated.

Interest is calculated daily, and income is paid once a month on the Tinkoff Black card. Clients give positive feedback on deposits: the bank has one of the highest percentages of remuneration.

Cash withdrawal

Probably everyone who has at least one payment card knows the problem of cashing out money. Precious minutes, and sometimes even hours, are spent in search of a "native" ATM. Tinkoff clients do not know such a problem. Despite the fact that there is no Tinkoff ATM in principle, cardholders can easily withdraw money from any other machine, without thinking about which organization it belongs to. And all because it makes no difference to customers where to cash out: the commission is either not charged at all, or the same everywhere.

tinkoff black reviews
tinkoff black reviews

When withdrawing an amount from 3,000 to 150,000 rubles. Tinkoff Black user won't pay a dime. If you need to receive less than 3 thousand from an ATM, you will have to pay an additional 90 rubles. In the case of larger amounts (from 150 thousand rubles), the commission increases to 2% and remainssuch until the end of the billing period.

Card replenishment

You can deposit funds to your account in different ways. To avoid paying additional fees, you can use the following methods:

  • transfer money from another card of any issuing bank;
  • use the services of Tinkoff partners, including Svyaznoy, MTS, Euroset, Beeline;
  • through the payment systems Qiwi, WebMoney;
  • transfer from another account by bank transfer (other financial institutions may charge a fee for external transfers to a Tinkoff card).

When crediting funds, it is important to remember that the operation is free of charge only if the replenishment amount does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. Otherwise, you will have to pay an additional 2% from the excess.

More about the Cashback system

Cashback makes the Tinkoff Black card even more interesting. Customer reviews often mention pleasant bonuses in the form of money that are returned to the account after making a purchase. It's always nice to save money, and with Tinkoff it's not that difficult to do it. The bank pays cashback on the Black card in the amount of:

  • 1% - on all purchases ;
  • 5% - for products from categories selected individually for the client;
  • up to 30% - for purchases on special promotions from bank partners.

Cashback is not credited when withdrawing funds and making transfers, paying for services or goods in the "Payments and transfers" section, replenishing electronic wallets, communications, utilities and some other operations. You can see the full list of exclusions on the bank's website.

tinkoff black deposit reviews
tinkoff black deposit reviews

Cashback is credited at the end of the billing period. You can track the process in the statement, which is provided to the client on a monthly basis. Up to 3,000 rubles are returned to the cardholder for each period.

About Tinkoff Black safety

The most important characteristic of the bank and the products it offers is the reliability of keeping funds in the account. Tinkoff Black is one of the safest cards. Several measures have been taken to achieve this:

  • chip that protects the card from copying;
  • customizable online withdrawal and payment limits;
  • 3-D Secure technology for secure online transactions;
  • option to disable payment for goods and services via the Internet;
  • blocking SMS notifications with one-time passwords;
  • creation of a safe account, which is designed to store funds.

Thus, the Tinkoff Black card is provided with all possible protection measures. User reviews confirm the high level of security and convenience of cash flow control.

Card benefits

Is it worth registering Tinkoff Black and what advantages distinguish it from other banking products? Consider the main positive aspects of the card:

  • simplicity of registration and receipt - without leaving home;
  • high level of service and safety;
  • convenience of withdrawing funds from any ATM and no commission;
  • freeservices;
  • when opening a deposit - interest and free maintenance;
  • Supports PayPass/PayWave wireless payment system;
  • cashback up to 3000 rubles per month.
tinkoff black card conditions and interest reviews
tinkoff black card conditions and interest reviews

There is also a referral program for Tinkoff Black users. For each brought client, a reward of 500 rubles is due.

Negative moments

Reviews about the Tinkoff Black card are mostly good, but not everyone liked it. Everyone has different goals for opening a bank account, and requests for a service package too. What disappointed some users of Tinkoff Black? The main reasons for dissatisfaction with the card boil down to:

  • conditions for receiving rewards for holding funds - someone uses the card only as a deposit, and for 8% per annum you need to make purchases;
  • maintenance costs (1200 rubles per year);
  • inflated minimum withdrawal amount without commission;
  • to a large number of conditions and requirements that affect the amount of commissions and rewards.

Tinkoff credit card: user reviews

Credits are the predominant part of Tinkoff's work. Getting a loan here is quite easy: fill out an online application and wait for the operator's call. It is almost always approved, the bank is not afraid to work with unsecured loans. But this is more than offset by the interest rate, which in reality is more than 40%.

tinkoff black reviews conditions
tinkoff black reviews conditions

The leader among credit cards of this bank is Tinkoff Platinum. Customer reviews about it are conflicting. On the one hand, there are such benefits as cashback (1%), low cost of annual maintenance (590 rubles), grace period (55 days). On the other hand, many users are alarmed by the ease of obtaining a loan, they are not satisfied with the high interest rate from 30 to 45% per annum. Spoil the impression and a lot of conditions and exceptions to them, which affect the amount of loan payments.

An interesting option to save and increase money is the Tinkoff Black debit card. Reviews, conditions for obtaining and using were considered in the article in full. It only remains for the reader to understand how acceptable the requirements of the bank are, and whether he needs such a payment card. Like any other banking “plastic”, Tinkoff Black was created for specific purposes - the accumulation and active use of funds. Only if these conditions are met, the card will be beneficial for its owner.
