How to open a construction company: a business idea

How to open a construction company: a business idea
How to open a construction company: a business idea

How to open a construction company? This question has been and remains relevant at all times. Today, this type of business is one of the most profitable in our country; many people build their own housing or make repairs in apartments. If we talk about licensing this type of activity, then since 2010 a license for construction work is not required. But it is necessary to get permission from the SRO. To join a self-regulatory organization, you must provide a package of relevant documents and an application.

How to start a construction company
How to start a construction company

Organizational matters

Before you start a construction business, you need to get at least some experience in this area. This will help to avoid many mistakes in business management and in its further development. Then you need to register a legal entity. The registration procedure includes the collection of a package of documents: an application, statutory documentation and information on the number and qualifications of employees. After that, you need to register with the tax authorities and get a TIN there.

Requirements for company employees

Beforeopen a construction company, you must find qualified personnel. It should be managed by employees with special education and experience in this field. In addition, employees must be able to work with modern building materials. In addition to full-time employees, you will also need temporary workers.

Open a construction company
Open a construction company

Construction Company Services

The construction company provides customers with the following services:

  1. Conducting survey and geodetic works at the site of the planned construction.
  2. Building objects of any complexity.
  3. Finishing and repair work.
  4. Small repairs and domestic work.

If you wish, you can open a construction company offering a wider range of services.

Construction tools and equipment

Before you open a construction company, you need to purchase special equipment and tools. Each team selects a list of everything necessary on their own. It is not worth buying expensive equipment; the necessary equipment can be rented or leased. It all depends on your financial capabilities.

Advertising campaign

How to start a construction business
How to start a construction business

Before you open a construction company, you need to conduct an effective advertising campaign. First of all, you should take care of creating your own website, which will provide possible projects and examples of your work, prices for company services, and so on.

If there arenew buildings, then hand out flyers in the area. It is here that you can find a large number of customers for repair and finishing work.

And, most importantly, in order to open a construction company and make it successful, it is necessary to ensure the maximum quality of services. Always personally supervise and accept the work of your employees. The client should not have the slightest claim to the quality of work.

It is worth noting that the construction business has a fairly high entry threshold, but this type of activity is highly profitable. To organize a construction company, a capital of about 11 million rubles is required. But at first, equipment can be rented, thereby reducing the size of the required investments. If you believe the practice, then the payback period for a company providing repair and construction services is about a year. And if you approach business planning correctly, then investments can pay off in a much shorter period.
