How to connect unlimited Internet on Tele2? Simple, convenient, inexpensive

How to connect unlimited Internet on Tele2? Simple, convenient, inexpensive
How to connect unlimited Internet on Tele2? Simple, convenient, inexpensive

Modern communication devices provide an excellent opportunity to access the Internet at any time and from virtually anywhere in the world. For those people who do not have a PC, this is the only way to use the global network. Therefore, the popularity of the services offered by Tele2 is growing every day.

how to connect unlimited internet on tele2
how to connect unlimited internet on tele2

The few people who have not yet connected mobile Internet mistakenly believe that the cost of this service is too high. This is not true. Subscribers using the Terribly Cheap Internet tariff know that Tele2 Internet is simple, convenient and inexpensive.

Affordable rates allow you to freely visit various sites, make purchases, use many programs and communicate with friends.

The Tele2 company is quite well-known, its divisions are located all over the world. Recently, the company offers customers an additional service - unlimited Internet.

Internet from mobile phone

Mobile traffic can be used for any kind of action: download applications, watch content or just "walk" through the expanses of the World Wide Web. This is very convenient, as the Internet will always be within reach.

How to connect mobile Internet?

The company has its own official website where users can create personal accounts, and also have the opportunity to figure out how to connect unlimited Internet to Tele2. To activate the service, you need to go to your personal account. Next, following the instructions, you need to activate the mobile Internet.

unlimited internet tele2
unlimited internet tele2

Users can contact operators by dialing 611, calls to which are free. Upon request, specialists will activate the service "Internet from phone".

To activate it, you can use the USSD command. The key combination must be found on the Tele2 website. You can ask the operators how to connect unlimited Internet on Tele2 in this way, since this service is not available in all regions.

Unlimited Opera Mini

unlimited Internet
unlimited Internet

This tariff plan is unique, as Tele2 is the only company that offers it. A feature of the powerful Opera Mini browser is the ability to compress data. This significantly saves traffic.

Using this tariff, the user has the ability to access the Internet using the Opera Mini browser. If you use other browsers, you will need to pay forservice at a different rate.

It is worth noting that this tariff does not apply to Opera Mobile or Opera Browser browsers. A suitable version of Opera Mini can be downloaded directly from the Tele2 website.

How to connect to the tariff?

You can connect to the tariff plan, which is provided through the Opera Mini browser, in the following ways:

  • Contact the operator at 611 and inform about your desire to use this tariff. In this case, you will need the user's passport data, so you should make sure that they are at hand at the time of the call.
  • Use USSD command. On the mobile phone keypad, you need to dial a combination of numbers and press the call key. The tariff will be activated automatically. You can find out this combination on the company's website.
  • Enter your personal account on the Tele2 website and activate this service.

Basic tariffs offered by Tele2

Tele2 makes sure that users and future customers receive complete information about all services in a timely manner. Therefore, on the site you can get answers to all your questions.

Currently, the mobile company presents to the attention of users a fairly large selection of different tariffs and additional features. Operators will help you understand the tariff plans and choose the most suitable option in a particular case.

Partner service package. This tariff plan provides an opportunity to communicate with subscribers of this operator for free. For calls tohome area will be charged 50 kopecks per minute if the subscriber uses 3000 minutes, which are included in the tariff package.

A call to a Tele2 subscriber located in any other region will be free as long as the provided minutes are available. Then you can chat for 50 kopecks per minute. The service package includes 500 free SMS messages. Very convenient is the ability to use the mobile Internet. The fee for it is charged only when the traffic exceeds 500 megabytes. The price of such a tariff package is 750 rubles.

Expert is considered a beneficial package. Using it, the subscriber receives anonymous calls (outgoing and incoming) to all numbers of Tele2 users who are located on the territory of one region. The usage threshold is 1500 minutes. Then - 50 kopecks each. Internet is limited, the price of the full package is 400 rubles.

Unlimited Internet - simple and secure

Today, those subscribers who spend most of their time online have the opportunity to purchase tariff packages that provide unlimited Internet. Tele2 takes into account the needs of all customers. This cannot go unnoticed. Those users who do not want to pay more know how to connect unlimited Internet to Tele2.

internet for a day
internet for a day

How to connect?

To activate the "Unlimited Internet" ("Tele2") service, you need to work in your personal account located on the company's website. It can also be done using a USSD request. Internetper day will cost 4.5 rubles. If for some reason the user wants to refuse the tariff package, you need to go to your personal account and disable the option.

internet tele2
internet tele2

Those users who know how to connect unlimited Internet on Tele2 have the opportunity to use additional options. If you buy a modem, you can access the network from a laptop or computer.
