Shrimp farming business plan

Shrimp farming business plan
Shrimp farming business plan

If an aspiring entrepreneur thinks through all the nuances, then the shrimp farming business can bring good profits. After all, the market for such products is quite large. In addition, caring for shrimp is not very difficult, and the equipment can be considered relatively inexpensive. The benefits of such a business are obvious. So, how to sell shrimp? Keeping, breeding and caring for them does not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances of such a business.

shrimp farming
shrimp farming

Is it profitable to breed shrimp

Before starting a shrimp farming business, it is worth considering all the advantages and disadvantages of such an activity. It should be noted that this direction is not so strongly developed in our country. Almost no competition:

  1. Investment to start - 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Low market saturation.
  3. Difficulty indicatoropening such a business is 7/10.

If the sales market is properly established, the enterprise will pay off very quickly. In addition, it is not necessary to open a large shrimp farm. You can start with a small aquarium.

Do I need to register

Home shrimp farming is a business that may not require registration with the tax office to start. Of course, this is in the event that it is not planned to open a large-scale enterprise. However, in this case, one should not rely on cooperation with large wholesale buyers, as they prefer to work only with legal entities.

If you want to start with a large farm, you need to formalize your business in the form of LLC or IP. In this case, it is necessary to obtain permission to breed shrimp from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. After registering a business, all products for sale will be checked for compliance with all quality standards.

It doesn't take a lot of time and financial investment to start an artificial shrimp farming business. In addition, there are not so many requirements from the supervisory authorities.

shrimp farming at home
shrimp farming at home

Choose direction

Is the shrimp easy to breed? The conditions for breeding shrimp are quite simple. However, before starting the activity, it is worth deciding on the direction of the business. There are only a few of them:

  1. Cultivation of shrimp for sale and consumption. This direction is considered the most promising and profitable. After all, such products are always in demand and the sales market is quite large. There will always be interested customers. At the same time, breeding of king prawns or tiger prawns is considered more profitable.
  2. Growing decorative specimens. In this case, the business is based on breeding shrimp, which serve as decoration for aquariums. They are not used for cooking. Basically, dwarf shrimp or filter-feeding shrimp are used for such purposes.

When choosing any of the directions, you should take care of the first copies. Experts recommend buying only freshwater shrimp. Keeping marine species requires special conditions that are very difficult to maintain.

shrimp breeding conditions
shrimp breeding conditions

Where to buy "planting material"

Where are freshwater shrimp sold? Breeding such animals requires special attention. To begin with, the entrepreneur must purchase "planting material". These will be the first shrimp to breed. It is quite difficult to buy such a product in our country. Before buying shrimp, you should ask about the conditions for growing and keeping this species. It is also recommended to inspect the subsidiary farm. This will ensure that the products are in good condition.

If you wish, you can start with a shrimp larva. However, for beginners, this option is not suitable, since for successful cultivation it is necessary to thoroughly know the process technology. In addition, in order for the larva to develop, certain conditions must be maintained.

Bestbuy "planting material" from the owners of large fish farms located near you. After all, transporting individuals over long distances may require significant financial investments, since a special container is required to maintain their vital activity.

freshwater shrimp breeding
freshwater shrimp breeding

Where is the best place to breed shrimp

Shrimp farming is an easy process if you choose the right place. Do not try to grow products in open water. In many regions of our country, the climatic conditions are simply not the same. "Planting material" may die without bearing fruit.

For growing shrimp, it is recommended to use specially equipped pools or aquariums. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

breeding shrimp in an aquarium
breeding shrimp in an aquarium

Pool Breeding

Such an artificial reservoir is recommended to be installed in an open area. But you can build it indoors. The latter option is more preferable, since the shrimp do not tolerate the cold that occurs outside the pool. In many cases, individuals simply do not survive, even if the water is heated. In addition, when installing a pool inside the building, it becomes possible to grow products throughout the year.

The depth of the artificial reservoir should be at least 1-1.5 meters. The liquid in it should be slightly greenish. In this case, the pH should be 9. Shrimp shelters should be provided at the bottom of such a pool. For this you canuse broken stones, bricks, tiles. To reduce costs, you can purchase special equipment designed for shrimp farming. This will maintain the required temperature in the reservoir, as well as the level of oxygen and light.

Shrimp breeding in an aquarium

The technology of breeding products in an aquarium is not much different from a full-fledged farm. The only difference is the size of the reservoir. In this case, the business can be attributed to home activities, since you are unlikely to be able to sell products in large volumes. Most often, when breeding shrimp in an aquarium, adults are sold as "seed material".

To start an activity, you need to purchase a container well equipped with all the necessary equipment. It is impossible to grow shrimp in an ordinary aquarium.

farming king prawns
farming king prawns

Features of cultivation

In order for the shrimp farming business to be profitable, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the reproduction of individuals. Before you buy expensive equipment, you should ask more experienced farmers how to properly grow such products. It is worth considering that the process has its own subtleties. At the very beginning, it will be difficult for a beginner, but over time, experience will appear. In general, growing shrimp in a RAS has the following nuances:

  1. Water temperature should be between 22 and 28°C.
  2. River shrimp does not tolerate close proximity. If a pond or aquarium is overpopulated, then individuals will begin to eat each other. Eventuallythis will result in loss of profits.
  3. Shrimp should have free access to feed. It is worth considering that the larvae eat the most. Feed should be purchased from trusted suppliers or prepared independently. In the first case, it will save time. In addition, the finished feed is more balanced. And this is important for the normal growth of shrimp.
  4. Shrimp tend to shed. Many specimens may die during this time. To prevent this from happening, you must carefully monitor the temperature in the reservoir. It is best to use the automatic system.
shrimp keeping breeding
shrimp keeping breeding

If the conditions for keeping shrimp are met, then during the year each individual can gain up to 100 g. You can get the first profit already 10-12 months after the start of the activity. It will be possible to sell products to catering establishments, private fish outlets, large supermarkets. The amount of profit depends largely on the size of the farm, as well as on the conditions under which the shrimp are grown.
