Amount of state duty for various operations

Amount of state duty for various operations
Amount of state duty for various operations

Today, when applying to various government agencies for a number of legal actions, individuals and legal entities pay a certain fee. The amount of the state duty just depends on the type of operations that are supposed to be performed.

the amount of the state duty
the amount of the state duty

In accordance with the tax legislation, there are several main areas of services, the use of which entails the payment of this fee. These include:

- appeal to courts of various instances (from magistrates to the Constitutional Court of Russia) with claims, complaints, requests, etc.;

- making payments by court order (for defendants when making decisions not in their favor and exempting the plaintiff from paying state duty);

- contacting a notary for notarial acts;

- request for receipt of originals or issuance of duplicate documents;

- affixing an apostille and other legal actions.

Payment for the provision of public services in each case is carried out at a strictly defined time at the place of legal action. For example, when applying to the courts, feespayments are paid before the application is submitted, as evidenced by the receipt or payment order submitted by the applicant with a note of the credit institution.

amount of the state fee to the arbitration court
amount of the state fee to the arbitration court

The amount of state duty to the arbitration court is specified in the tax code (Article No. 333.21). It differs for statements of claim regarding property subject to appraisal, for claims for recognition of transactions as invalid or changes in the terms of transactions, for applications for the invalidation of a normative act. A different amount of the state duty is set for applications to the arbitration court to declare the debtor bankrupt, to cancel the decisions of an arbitration or foreign court, etc. For example, when an application for securing a claim is filed, the submitter pays 2,000 rubles. And for claims of a non-property nature (recognition of rights, etc.), the duty payment is 4,000 rubles.

The amount of the state duty for registration of an individual entrepreneur is determined by article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Today, this amount is 800 rubles and is paid when an individual registers as an entrepreneur. If a person wishes to terminate operations in the status of an individual entrepreneur, then he must pay a fee of 20% of the state duty for registration. The same fee must be paid for re-registration as an individual entrepreneur.

the amount of the state duty for registration
the amount of the state duty for registration

You can fully learn about what the size of the state duty is today from chapter number 25.3 of the tax code of our country. Here, in addition to duty payments when applying to the courts, fees are provided for registration of marriage and other acts of civil status, forregistration of citizenship, state registration of programs for computers, medicines or mass media, for the provision of various types of licenses, for the right to use the words "Russian Federation" or "Russia" and much more. The amount of the state duty can be set both in absolute and percentage terms. The same article of the code specifies the categories of persons who have benefits or exemptions from paying fees, and also contains information on the procedure for the return of excessively or incorrectly paid amounts.
