PCA members: list of insurance companies

PCA members: list of insurance companies
PCA members: list of insurance companies

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers is a non-profit corporate institution, which is a single Russian association, which was based on the principle of membership of partners providing insurance services for car owners. This union acts for the purpose of interaction, and in addition, the formation and implementation of general norms of professional activity in the framework of the implementation of compulsory insurance. One of the directions of the PCA is also the provision of technical analysis of cars in accordance with Russian legislation. Find out which insurance companies are included in the list of members of the PCA.

rsa members
rsa members

Russian Union of Motor Insurers and its functionality

PCA was established in August 2002. Forty-eight largest insurance companies in the country are considered its founders. The activities of the union are carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 40, which sounds like “On Compulsory Insurance of Car Owners' Liability.”

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers is included in the register of associations of insurance subjects and has the status of a professional center. PCA is the first professionalassociation in the insurance market, whose status is fixed by law. Thus, to date, seventy companies that are full members and six observer organizations are members of the PCA.

The professional association of current members of the RSA performs a number of the following functions:

  • Ensuring the interaction of members in the framework of their implementation of the mandatory insurance procedure.
  • Development along with the establishment of mandatory rules for the professional association, as well as its members, as well as monitoring their compliance.
  • Providing and protecting interests in the authorities related to the performance of compulsory insurance services by members of the trade union.
  • Carrying out compensation payments to victims in accordance with the constituent documentation of the professional association, as well as the requirements of the law.

RSA Rights

Members of the RSA on e-CTP are vested with the following powers:

  • Creation and use of information resources that contain information on compulsory insurance, as well as data on compulsory insurance agreements, along with personal details about the victims. Such information must be used in accordance with the law.
  • Protection of the interests of members of the union association, because the members of the PCA carry out insurance.
  • Performance of the assigned functions for information, and in addition, organizational and technical support for the implementation of the law within the framework of its activities.

Carrying out compensationpayments

According to Russian law, the RSA makes a number of compensation payments to citizens injured in traffic accidents. This happens in the following situations:

rsa members providing insurance
rsa members providing insurance
  • In the event that the institution in which the liability of the perpetrator was insured in the incident had its license revoked, or if it was declared bankrupt.
  • In situations where the perpetrator of the accident is unknown.
  • In the event that the responsibility of the person responsible for the incident is not insured.
  • As part of the implementation of compensation payments, RAMI members regularly form a reserve fund, which is based on the amount of three percent of the collected insurance premiums.


The amounts of compensation for damages to victims when applying to the Russian Union of Motor Insurers do not differ from the general limits of payments for OSAGO. They are:

  • up to 400,000 rubles in case of damage to property;
  • up to 500,000 rubles in case of harm to life and he alth.

Payment terms

The professional association of insurers is obliged to consider the application of the victim within 20 calendar days, except for weekends. Within this period, the PCA is obliged to either make a payment (transfer money to a bank account), or send a reasoned refusal to the victim.

The term begins to be calculated from the day of receipt of all necessary documents.

Regress to the culprit

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers may file a recourse against the culprit of the accident(requirement to compensate the incurred losses in the amount of payments to the victim and organizational expenses). This occurs in the following cases:

  • if the culprit of the accident did not have a valid OSAGO policy;
  • the culprit fled the scene of the accident.

List of union insurance companies

As already noted, today the RSA has a total of 71 members of the RSA, among which the following organizations are represented:

  • "Absolute Insurance".
  • Alpha Insurance.
  • "Bin Insurance".
  • Renaissance Insurance.
  • Rosgosstrakh.
  • SOGAZ.
  • Spassky Gate.
  • Tinkoff Insurance.
  • Ugoria.
  • "Support".
member insurance companies
member insurance companies

And now let's take a closer look at the members of the RAMI who issue electronic policies, as they are the most famous and in demand.

Absolut Insurance Company

Organization "Absolut Insurance" acts as a universal service provider in its field and is also a member of the PCA. Its assets amount to five billion rubles. As for the authorized capital, here we are talking about one billion. At the end of 2016, fees exceeded three billion rubles, which is twenty-two percent more than the previous figures.

This year the company earned the ruA+ rating, which confirms its high level of reliability. This company has a developed network of branches, as well as representative offices located in fourteen economically developedregions of the country.

The activity of this company is based on the principle of openness, and in addition, maximum attention to the needs of each consumer. In addition, in the current market conditions, Absolut Insurance aims to provide a high level of comfort for everyone who trusts the protection of their risks. Thus, this insurance company provides quality service along with impeccable fulfillment of its obligations. The clients of Absolut Insurance are enterprises, as well as organizations of various forms of ownership that conduct their business in certain areas of the economy.

The range of programs of this organization includes dozens of different items, including auto insurance. Specialists develop and offer individual offers for each client. "Absolut Insurance" has a rich experience in the field of insurance activities.

member companies
member companies

Company "Rosgosstrakh"

Company "Rosgosstrakh" is the largest insurance company and a member of the PCA in Russia and dates back to 1921. Clients are both individuals and various organizations. Rosgosstrakh offers the following products:

  • Motor and travel insurance.
  • Property, life and he alth insurance.
  • Liability, investment and savings insurance.
  • Agricultural and commercial insurance.

The work of this full member of the PCA is aimed at protecting the well-being of people throughproviding them with affordable, and moreover, appropriate insurance products.

Today, this organization is represented by three thousand offices throughout the country. More than forty-five million customers are under the insurance protection of this company. There are three hundred and eighteen claims centers that serve customers without queues and stress. At the moment, Rosgosstrakh is busy developing online insurance for the convenience of consumers.

Ugoria Company

"Yugoria" - a member of the RAMI, has recently been issuing electronic policies. It is a state insurance company that was founded twenty years ago. The sole shareholder of this organization is the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, which is represented by the Yugra Property Management Department. The company's assets are equal to sixteen billion rubles. The group headed by Yugoriya also includes a subsidiary called Yugoriya-Life.

The authorized capital of Yugoria today is more than a billion rubles. The clients of the represented society are sixty-four thousand legal entities, and in addition, over a million citizens.

rsa members registration of electronic policies
rsa members registration of electronic policies

Today, Yugoria can be called a universal insurance organization, a member of the RAMI, providing a huge range of insurance services. This organization has the right to carry out activities in twenty types of insurance, applying sixty different rules of this industry.

DirectlyGovernor of Yugra N. Komarova gives guarantees for the support of the company. The government of this Autonomous Okrug has all the necessary resources to perform its functions in this market with 100% guarantees. All required leverage is used to keep the organization in the lead.

The uniqueness of this insurance lies in the ability to harmoniously combine the reliability of the state and commercial structures. At the moment, Yugoria pays special attention to the development of its branch network, which currently consists of seventy-three branches and more than two hundred agencies, as well as points of sale that operate in fifty regions of our country.

Yugoria's prospects are connected with the introduction of even higher standards of activity along with the desire to improve the quality of insurance products, as well as customer service in this industry.

Alpha Insurance Company

Alfa Insurance Company is also considered to be a large Russian organization, a member of the RAMI, carrying out a universal portfolio of services. The company's products include comprehensive programs aimed at protecting business interests, as well as a wide range of insurance options for individuals. Operating under a license, this organization offers over one hundred products.

Alfa Insurance Company is quite widely known as a member of the PCA, issuing electronic policies. So, on the territory of our country, insurance activities are carried out by more than two hundred and seventy representative offices. The products of thisorganizations are used by more than twenty-three million companies as well as individuals.

Following the results of 2016, Alfa Insurance significantly strengthened its position in the market and began to take fourth place among the largest domestic insurers. The company's total fees are two hundred and fifty billion rubles, and the market share is nine percent.

"Alfa Insurance" can boast of a reputation as a reliable and sustainable institution. To date, this group is responsible for its obligations thanks to its own funds with an authorized capital of fourteen billion rubles.

PCA members who process electronic policies
PCA members who process electronic policies

Two years ago, Alfa Insurance passed the international assessment stage, after which it received a quality management system certificate. In addition, in recent years the work of the group has been marked by a number of professional prizes and awards. Also, for the thirteenth year in a row, the company's management occupies a leading position in the list of an authoritative annual rating called "Top 1000 Managers of Russia".

Spassky Gate Company

Company "Spasskiye Vorota" in particular specializes in the corporate type of insurance. Its clients are the largest industrial enterprises along with transport and trading companies, banks, subsidiaries and representative offices of transnational corporations.

Today, the assets of the presented company exceed one and a half billion rubles. Own funds of the institution "Spasskiye Vorota"amount to nine hundred million rubles. In addition to the fact that the Spasskiye Vorota group is a member of the RSA, it is also a member of the union of the All-Russian and National Unions.

Opora Company

Joint-stock company "Opora" is an insurance company, a member of the PCA and today is considered a reliable, open and dynamically developing insurance organization. The stability of this company is confirmed by many years of work in the insurance market. Opora has been carrying out its insurance activities since 1996.

The authorized capital of the Opora institution today is one billion rubles. Like previous companies, Opora acts as a universal insurer, offering a wide range of modern products and services in its field. Opora's clients are corporate and private individuals.

members of the rca
members of the rca

Global insight into the changes in the Russian insurance market, along with customer needs, gives Opora the ability to offer customized solutions that best meet the interests of consumers in this industry.

Thus, today the PCA includes seventy-one insurance companies. You can apply to any separate subdivision or branch of any member of the PCA in order to provide all the necessary list of services. But it should be noted that the list of RSA is regularly updated, as this association is always open for new partners and members to join.
