"St. Petersburg beauty school": reviews, addresses

"St. Petersburg beauty school": reviews, addresses
"St. Petersburg beauty school": reviews, addresses

Reviews about the St. Petersburg School of Beauty are of great importance for anyone who is considering the opportunity to realize themselves in one of the professions associated with this industry. This educational institution is a network of specialized centers throughout the country. It develops intensive educational programs. Many years of experience in the field of education makes it possible to master the speci alty in the shortest possible time. Many employers highly value the diplomas of this school.

About company

Reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School can be found very different. It should be noted that the main principles of training in this company are affordable prices, a large number of practical exercises, modern methods.

The company regularly conducts detailed monitoring of prices in all related areas in order to form the best for customersoffer in their city. Much of the training is given to practice. It is important that the classes are taught only by practicing specialists, so students have the opportunity to gain professional skills on real clients. The training course programs themselves meet all educational standards, and the training conditions meet the most modern technologies.

School customer reviews
School customer reviews

The school is famous for the fact that specialists from different parts of the world have already become its students. Her certificate is highly regarded in the professional environment.

It is possible to achieve such results due to the fact that the educational program is built on 20% theory and 80% practice. In addition, teachers strive to visualize the theoretical part as much as possible, paying the most attention to obtaining practical skills by students. Without exception, all employees of the St. Petersburg Beauty School are specialists of a high category.

Intensive programs are constantly being developed that allow you to master the speci alty in the shortest possible time, start working in modern beauty salons. Students are provided with free supplies. You can take the course at an affordable price, as the specialists of the marketing department regularly study the offers on the market.

Based on the results of training, each student forms his own portfolio, which can immediately demonstrate a high professional level. After all, students will practice their skills on real clients.

At the end of training, everyone is given a diploma or certificate. The peculiarity of the courses lies in the modular approach, which makes it possible to choose the desired level of information and knowledge, as well as the affordable cost of education. After receiving education at the St. Petersburg Beauty School, students receive the skills and abilities that are in demand in the modern industry market. Almost everyone has the opportunity to get a job in salons across the country, cooperating with the school through one of the partner programs.


Customer reviews about the beauty school
Customer reviews about the beauty school

Reviews about the St. Petersburg Beauty School can be found from major cities across the country. Indeed, branches are currently open in more than a dozen cities throughout the Russian Federation. Today you can get a quality education in this educational institution in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Ufa, Voronezh, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Samara, Yaroslavl, Tyumen, Omsk and even in Almaty territory of Kazakhstan.

For example, in the Russian capital, the school is located on Novoryazanskaya street, 31/7, room 24, and in the city on the Neva - on the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, 96. It is in St. Petersburg that the head branch of this educational institution is located. It is a quarter of an hour's walk from Sadovaya, Sennaya Ploshchad and Spasskaya metro stations. In the immediate vicinity are also the Nikolsky Garden, the Yusupov Palace, the Museum of Railway Transport, the Yusupov Garden, the Kryukov Canal, the Moika River Embankment. These are all good points of reference that will allow you to find this school right away.

Course Builder

Speci alties in beauty school
Speci alties in beauty school

One of the most attractive offers that can be found in this educational institution is the course builder. Teachers offer a wide range of different speci alties. A student can independently choose exactly those courses that are required for him in order to master a particular speci alty, get the necessary profession, improve those knowledge in which there are tangible gaps.

When ordering several courses, a discount is provided, and the more there are, the more significant the amount will be saved. For example, if you choose two courses, you get a 10% discount, and if you take four courses, you get a 25% discount. You can get the maximum discount by completing ten courses at a time, in which case you will be able to pay forty percent less.

In total, there are six different schools at the base: make-up, manicure, fashion and style, hairdressers, cosmetology, and massage. Each has a wide variety of courses.

For example, as part of a makeup school, you can complete a training program for a makeup artist, eyebrow master, wedding makeup artist-stylist, makeup artist-stylist, make-up artist, makeup artist-cosmetologist.

The courses provided at the makeup school are intended for beginners, on stylistic make-up, professional make-up, eyebrow coloring and correction, eyebrow correction with thread or wax, face painting, theatrical make-up, special effects in make-up, face painting for children, for a wedding makeup artist-stylist.

At the school of manicure, you can get a diploma in 56 academic hoursspecialist manicure master for thirteen thousand rubles, for 88 hours - a master-universal nail service for 18.5 thousand rubles, for 48 hours - a master in nail extension for 13,390 rubles.

You can get a personal certificate for manicure courses for beginners, advanced training in manicure, nail design, pedicure, nail extensions of the first or second stage, hardware pedicure and manicure, manicure with one cutter, nail painting, gradient manicure.

Hairdressing School

Studying at the beauty school
Studying at the beauty school

According to reviews of the St. Petersburg School of Beauty, the school of hairdressers is especially popular in this educational institution. After all, this is one of the most sought-after professions in this field.

There is an opportunity to master five speci alties at once. Hairdresser - 294 academic hours, hair stylist - 350 hours, barbershop - 105 hours, hair stylist - 40 hours, hair stylist - 15 hours.

All kinds of courses are also provided for this speci alty. For example, for professional haircuts, for beginner hairdressers, for professional coloring and courses for beginners, for hair coloring, for barbers, courses for men's haircuts of the first and second stages, wedding and evening hairstyles, braiding of the first and second stages, hair extensions, lamination, botox, keratin straightening.

Fashion & Style

At the school of fashion and style, the training program for the speci alty of a stylist-image maker will be 96 academic hours, a seamstress-tailor -64 hours, fashion designer - 96 hours.

Stylist courses for beginners, effective shopping, stylistics in practice, psychology and image, cutting and sewing for beginners and professionals, designing and modeling hope, tailoring courses are open here.

Massage School

Two more popular and sought-after schools for cosmetology and massage. In this educational institution, you can master the speci alty of a massage therapist in 72 academic hours, paying 16,390 rubles, a cosmetologist-esthetician in 135 hours and 29,090 rubles, a masseur-esthetician in 120 hours and 25,090 rubles.

Here you can find massage courses for beginners, therapeutic massage, head and foot massage, relaxation and anti-cellulite massage.

A course of therapeutic massage can be mastered in two weeks by paying 6.5 thousand rubles. The training program will allow you to master the main points of this speci alty. Six hours will be devoted to massage and medicine, students will learn about the physiological effect of massage on the body, classical techniques of therapeutic massage, and the features of its impact. It will take another six hours to master the massage techniques. The student will be taught how to do traction and stretching correctly, explain the techniques of post-isometric relaxation. Six hours will be spent on manual therapy - the basics of this technology will be studied, practice on clients will be provided. Finally, six hours will be devoted to therapeutic massage. You will be able to learn acupressure, cupping-vacuum and segmental massage, master trigger points.

Cosmetology Specialists

Reviewsworkers about beauty school
Reviewsworkers about beauty school

At the school of cosmetology, the speci alty of a cosmetologist-esthetician can be obtained in 135 academic hours, a permanent makeup master in 144 hours, an eyelash master in 29 hours, a depilation master in 12 hours, an eyebrow and eyelash master in 45 hours, makeup artist-cosmetologist - for 133 hours.

In this school, if you wish, you can separately master courses for beginner cosmetologists, cosmetic facial massage, hardware cosmetology, body cosmetology, microblading, LPG hardware massage, eyelash extensions, botox for eyelashes, lamination of eyelashes, volume eyelash extensions, shugaring, depilation, deep bikini depilation, tattoo, nutritionist.


Classes at the beauty school
Classes at the beauty school

With such a large number of branches, not only customers but also employees are regularly attracted here. Most often, administrators are required to work. At the same time, it should be noted that professional teachers who are able to provide a high level of education to students are also always in demand and highly valued.

When hiring, a potential employee is guaranteed a wide range of various benefits:

  • This is a decent salary. After all, in an educational institution they value, first of all, the quality of the work done, and not the number of hours spent by the employee in the service. Therefore, we are ready to pay enough for real professionals. The main thing is that almost every employee has the opportunity to independently form their own salary, since it will depend onspecific items.
  • This is your experience, initiative, the ability to think outside the box, to achieve a solution to the problem, the desire to immerse yourself in the problem. The main qualities that are especially appreciated by management are initiative and independence in decision-making.
  • Employees can count on stable jobs. Here you will definitely be confident in your future. This is recognized by many in the reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Samara and most other cities where the educational institution has regional offices. After all, the company has been operating in this market for seven years, using advanced programs, and is ready to train professionals in the shortest possible time. About ten thousand specialists leave the school every year.
  • At work, new employees will encounter a friendly team and a truly homely atmosphere. Here, a relaxed atmosphere is necessarily created, which allows you to feel at work like at home. If necessary, there is an opportunity to undergo adaptation and training, career and professional growth is provided. The main guarantee of development is labor, multiplied by a responsible attitude to work. The management states that it is important for them that employees develop regularly and improve their level of education.

Customer Experiences

Courses at the beauty school
Courses at the beauty school

There are many positive reviews about the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Yekaterinburg and other cities. Many note with satisfaction that they go here to supplement theireducation, even if they have been working in this industry for a long time. However, in the field of fashion and beauty, there is always the opportunity to learn some new speci alty, which will allow you to receive additional income through the provision of certain services. The educational institution lays a good and high-quality initial base, which allows, after a little additional practice on friends and acquaintances, to switch to clients.

Judging by the reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Novosibirsk, students highly appreciate the fact that the school itself is located as conveniently as possible, so there is no particular doubt where to go to study. Most teachers are distinguished by high professional training, well-designed methodology and practical exercises.

You can find positive feedback about the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Voronezh, especially among those who have completed courses as a make-up artist-stylist. Most are satisfied with the level of knowledge and practical skills they have received. The main thing is to like this sphere itself, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

In the reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Ryazan, students praise the courses of the manicurist. Teachers present the whole technique in detail, as well as teach the basics of the shellac coating technique. Students are faced with a responsible and modern approach. As a result, there is an additional opportunity for earning money at home or on the basis of beauty salons. In reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Yekaterinburg and other regional offices, many emphasizehow important it is to them.

The school makes an extremely positive impression on most students, which serves as additional confirmation of how responsibly they approach the organization of the educational process. In reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Moscow, students admit that after completing one course, they soon switch to a new one in order to get as much necessary and useful knowledge as possible. The main thing is that everything is worked out in practice. Many reviews about the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Kazan are dedicated to the fact that here every teacher is a real master of his craft. In addition, there is the opportunity to practice on real models.

It is interesting that in some reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Krasnodar and a number of other cities, students complain about the little time they devote to practice, despite the fact that the educational institution itself positions itself as a platform that is ready to provide maximum time for development of practical skills, some still lack a theoretical basis. Such an opinion can be found in reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in St. Petersburg. The administration promises to think about how to fix this situation.


It is worth recognizing that there are quite a lot of negative reviews about the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Voronezh and a number of other regions. In particular, negative opinions are expressed about eyelash extension courses. Students are outraged that in fact they had to give money for nothing.

In student reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School inNovosibirsk students emphasize that the practice was unacceptably small. At the same time, the teacher told only about how to do the work in 2D, and after that she paid practically no attention to how the students perform the tasks, that is, she did not correct or correct them in any way. On the final day of practice, for some reason, it was decided to combine several items at once. According to reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Nizhny Novgorod, students were immediately taught biowave and lamination, but at the same time, in practice, it was not possible to master these techniques in full. There was a lack of time and basic technical equipment. As a result, many had to retrain and master these speci alties from other masters. The same situation led to a lot of negative reviews about the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Ufa and other cities.

Another significant disadvantage is the poor organization of the educational process itself. In reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Novosibirsk, students admit that classes are regularly postponed and canceled without a clear explanation of the reasons. And if they do, they often take much less time than originally planned. After such a disregard for students, many write statements demanding the return of their money. Fortunately, the funds are really returned if the course of study was not completed in full. True, not immediately, but after some time.

In addition, in reviews of the St. Petersburg Beauty School in Yaroslavl, students emphasize that diplomas are oftenand certificates are issued to completely negligent students, not at all caring about what skills and abilities they have managed to master. For example, according to the results of courses on professional hair coloring, a diploma was awarded even to a student who, during practical classes, was unable to wash the dye from the client's hair. It is difficult to even imagine what such a specialist can do without the teacher's control. As a result, knowledge is given only about basic things; it is not possible to get a complete picture of the speci alty. Some believe that here they are ready to give a diploma to anyone, regardless of whether he has learned anything during this time. Because of this, some employers are wary of specialists who are released from the walls of this school.
