St. Petersburg, Pobeda driving school: employee reviews

St. Petersburg, Pobeda driving school: employee reviews
St. Petersburg, Pobeda driving school: employee reviews

If you are seriously thinking about buying your own vehicle, you should first master the science of management. Those living in St. Petersburg can contact the Pobeda driving school, reviews of which have long been heard by all local residents. Despite the fact that the educational institution opened not so long ago, it is already popular, people go there not only to get driving skills, but also to remember them.

The training program implies that the student will receive practical driving skills, as well as learn the rules of the road in as much detail as possible. The lectures will deal with various life situations that arise on modern roads. If necessary, everyone can also sign up for additional lectures on medicine, as well as classes on the analysis of the internal components of the car.

Most Popular Category

Victory driving school offers itsstudents to obtain a driver's license in categories A and B (motorcycle and car, respectively). Also, in an educational institution, you can take advantage of comprehensive offers, and immediately master two categories. We are talking about sets of categories AB, BC, BE, BD, available to everyone, while the cost of education here is cheaper than when receiving each category separately.

driving school victory reviews
driving school victory reviews

The most popular driving school "Victory" (St. Petersburg) is category B - driving a car. The training period is three months, during which time the student must attend more than 130 hours of theoretical classes, as well as travel at least 56 hours with an instructor. If necessary, you can buy additional hours for trips with an instructor, as well as take advantage of additional consultations of teachers on theory. According to statistics, more than 90% of students pass the exam at the traffic police the first time, the cost of education for this category is just over 19 thousand rubles per course.

Here you can get a category B license not only if you plan to drive a car with a manual transmission, but also if you plan to drive an "automatic". It also offers a specially designed program to restore lost driving skills, the average cost of which is 3 thousand rubles. For more information, please contact the school administrators.

Here they teach from 16

Victory driving school (St. Petersburg) is different from itscompetitors by the presence of a training program for high school students. It is similar to the usual one in terms of the number of hours of theory and practice, however, in this case, you can study from the age of 16, pass the rights to the traffic police at the age of 17, but you can get a driver's license only at the age of 18. The cost of training is a little over 19 thousand rubles for three months.

According to psychologists, it is at the age of 16 that a teenager is much easier to learn how to drive a vehicle, because it is then that he is drawn to try himself as a driver. And if the interest in driving is properly supported with the help of professionals, the child will be able to learn traffic rules and learn to drive confidently, acquire the necessary muscle memory and get rid of fears. In addition, at the age of 16 it is much easier to find time to study, which is also a significant advantage.

Complex offers

If you went to the Pobeda driving school (St. Petersburg) in order to get a driver's license in several categories at once, comprehensive offers are your way out. For example, if you plan to master two categories at once - A and B, you can do it for 30 thousand rubles. This package offers 112 theoretical hours, 56 hours of car driving and 18 hours of motorcycle driving. The benefit is obvious, so the offer is very popular.

driving school victory
driving school victory

However, most often, a driving school is applied for obtaining categories B and E, allowing you to drive a vehicle with a trailer. Only those drivers who have already masteredcar and have a driver's license. As part of the training, future drivers must listen to 100 hours of lectures, as well as receive 16 hours of driving, the issue price is 11 thousand rubles, the training period is 2 months.

What are customers saying?

If you are just looking for an institution where you will study for the law, and are interested in the Pobeda driving school, reviews about it will help you make the final decision. As positive aspects, clients highlight the responsiveness of instructors and their willingness to help in any solution to the issue, as well as a well-built training system. Despite the fact that each instructor has his own methodology, by the end of the training, the trainee confidently drives a vehicle and is ready to pass the exam in the traffic police.

As a disadvantage, clients highlight the huge workload of instructors who are responsible for the practice. Signing up for driving with them is quite difficult, since the client base is quite large, especially those who have previously received a driver's license and would just like to remember forgotten skills often experience difficulties. Also, clients see the lack of groups for teaching theoretical skills as one of the problems, while lecturers conduct classes in 5-6 groups at the same time.

Employee reviews

If you are looking for really high-quality training, turn your attention to the Pobeda driving school. Feedback from employees about this educational institution is very heterogeneous. Instructors are satisfied with their work, some of them complain that they are not allowed to work with only one day off and take morenumber of hours to work with novice drivers.

driving school victory st. petersburg
driving school victory st. petersburg

But some administrators note the irreconcilable position of the management towards them, which is expressed in the impossibility of changing the work schedule. According to them, in some cases it would be possible to change the opening hours of the school on weekdays, since there are fewer clients on these days than on weekends.

How to choose the right instructor?

There are quite a lot of instructors in the Pobeda driving school, and it is not so easy to make a choice in favor of one of them. It is worth being guided not only by the driving experience of the teacher, but also by his pedagogical experience. Many owners of driving schools note that now it is not at all necessary to have a long driving experience to get driving instructor certificates, three months is enough, the only condition is the successful passing of all the necessary certification tests.

In some cases, the trainee simply does not have the opportunity to choose his own instructor, since there may not be so many of them in the branch of interest to him. Discuss the training plan with your teacher, ask him all the questions you are interested in, try to be more attentive and diligent. Most importantly, never rush on the road and remember that you are expected at home.

Driving School Benefits

Victory driving school in St. Petersburg, reviews of which are very controversial, offers its students a gift - a free medical commission. Unfortunately, the city has long been in a situation where schools do not sign a learning agreementwithout a medical examination. This issue in Pobeda is solved simply - after the start of training, the trainee must independently go through a narcologist and a psychiatrist, and then bring the results of the passage to a driving school.

driving school victory instructors
driving school victory instructors

On a predetermined day, medical specialists come to the driving school and examine the trainees, on the basis of which the result of the commission is formed. Further, the received card, indicating that you have passed a medical examination, you will need when passing the exam at the traffic police. However, you can do everything on your own and go through the doctors at any time convenient for you, however, it should be borne in mind that the conclusions that they issue are not always accepted by the state inspectorate.

Fast program

One of the reasons for the popularity of the Pobeda driving school (St. Petersburg) is the feedback on its accelerated program. It implies that the trainee can independently master the theory without coming to the school grounds and not attending lectures. However, all practical hours will still have to be skated with an instructor, this is a prerequisite for participation in this program. The cost of training will be 11.5 thousand rubles, for more detailed advice, you can contact the single call-center. The phone number is listed on the official website of the organization.

Such a program is perfect for students, entrepreneurs, new mothers, as well as those who work irregular hours. To start learning, you just need to register on the official website of the driving school, all questions can be inask the theory teacher who supervises the student at any time.

Where is it?

If you go to the Pobeda driving school, the addresses in St. Petersburg that refer to it can be easily found on the official website of a private institution. All branches are divided into five lines, each of which covers a certain part of the city. Not every branch provides comprehensive training, so if you have chosen one of them, it is best to call them and check their availability.

driving school Pobeda addresses St. Petersburg
driving school Pobeda addresses St. Petersburg

According to the official website of the school, all training groups are divided into three types: morning, evening and weekend. In the morning, training always starts at 10 am, in the evening they start teaching at 18:30 or 19 o'clock, and on weekends you can study at 11 or 15 o'clock. Please note that weekend groups do not run as often, so you need to seize the moment.

The most popular classes of this driving school are those located near the metro stations "Prospect Veteranov" and "Leninsky Prospekt" (Avtovskaya St., 17) and "Technological Institute" (2 Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 9/3, lit. A). It is there that it is most difficult to get into training, as well as to roll back the required number of hours for the exam in the traffic police in a timely manner. Driving school "Pobeda" (St. Petersburg), whose addresses are quite numerous, offers to choose the most convenient branch near the house. The location of the nearest class can be found on the multi-line telephone, as well as in reference manuals.


Victory Driving School(St. Petersburg) also has a number of its own circuits, where you can hone your driving skills, as well as learn how to drive by signs and mirrors. These sites are protected, and only instructors with their trainees can enter them. You won't be able to study there on your own.

driving school victory SPb reviews
driving school victory SPb reviews

These sites are very popular, so in the near future several more such racetracks will appear in St. Petersburg. Particular attention will be paid to those that are located in the central part of the city, they should be as stylized as possible for city streets, so that it would be much more comfortable for beginners to ride them in the future. Please note that the circuit is the property of the school, so you will be held responsible for any damage to the equipment.

How to pay for services?

Victory Driving School, reviews of which have long been spread throughout St. Petersburg, offers several payment options. The easiest way to pay is at any branch of Sberbank, to confirm the payment, you just need to bring the printed receipt to your class. You can also pay in your own class, where you get theoretical knowledge, the only condition is that you need to do it in cash.

driving school pobeda saint petersburg address
driving school pobeda saint petersburg address

If you currently do not have the funds to pay for the services of a driving school, you can get the necessary money on credit. At any branch of the driving schoolyou can fill out an application for a loan, the answer to it usually arrives within an hour. Previously, it was possible to provide installment plans from the school itself, but this service turned out to be unclaimed.

Privileges for graduates

Definitely worth paying attention to the Pobeda driving school, reviews of its loy alty program, which offers benefits for its graduates, attract a large number of customers every year. If you have previously opened any category with the help of the teachers of this educational institution, you are fully en titled to receive a 10% discount.


Victory Driving School is a great choice for those who are not sure that they are ready to drive on their own. Intelligent educators approach each of their trainees and do their best to give them the confidence and desire to drive their own vehicle.
