Characteristics of ships: classification, device, description

Characteristics of ships: classification, device, description
Characteristics of ships: classification, device, description

A vessel's characteristic consists of several criteria or parameters. This applies not only to river and sea watercraft, but also to aircraft. Consider the types of classification parameters in more detail.

Vessel Specifications
Vessel Specifications

Linear criteria

One of the most important characteristics of a vessel is its dimensions. The maximum length is measured from the extreme bow to the stern equivalent mark (Lex). Also included in this category are the following sizes:

  • The length of the object, fixed at the waterline level from the stock steering axle to the front part of the stem (L).
  • The maximum width of the vessel between the outer edges of the frames (BEX).
  • A similar indicator recorded on the midship frame in the area of the summer load waterline (B).
  • Indicator of the height of the sides (D). The gauge is measured amidships from the end edge of the upper deck beam to the identical point on the horizontal keel. Also, the parameter can be controlled up to the intersection of the theoretical contours of the side and the upper deck (on ships with a rounded joint).
  • Draft (d). The criterion is fixed amidships from the waterline to the tophorizontal keel.

Types of precipitation

The general characteristics of vessels also include draft fore (dh) or stern (dk). This criterion is measured by the marking of the recess, which is available at the end of the sides. On the right side of the object, it is applied in Arabic numerals (in decimeters). On the left side put marks in feet in Roman numerals. The height of the signs and the distance between them is one foot, on the starboard side - 1 decimeter.

The obtained drafts on the marks of the recess show the vertical distances between the waterline and the lower edge of the horizontal keel at the points where the marks are applied. Midship (average) draft is obtained as half the sum of the bow and stern indicators. The difference between the parameters is called the trim of the court. For example, if the stern is more submerged in the water than the bow, such an object has a trim to the stern, and vice versa.

Volumetric parameters

This characteristic of the vessel includes the volume of all rooms oriented to the transportation of cargo in cubic meters (W). Capacity can be calculated according to several criteria:

  1. Transportation of piece cargo in bales. The parameter covers the volume of all cargo compartments between the internal parts of the protruding elements (carlings, frames, protective and other parts).
  2. Cargo capacity in bulk. This includes the total indicator of all free volumes of transport premises. This criterion is always greater than the bale capacity.
  3. Specific characteristic per ton of net load capacity of an object.
  4. Gross tonnage (measured in registeredtones). It is designed to calculate fees for the use of canals, pilotage services, factories in docks and the like.

The general characteristics of the vessel include the capacity of containers. The indicator is measured in DEF (the equivalent of twenty-foot containers that can fit on deck and in the holds). In place of one forty-foot box, two twenty-foot boxes can be installed, and vice versa. On Ro-Ro models, cargo capacity is indicated in thousands of cubic meters. m. For example, the designation Ro / 50 indicates a parameter of 50 thousand cubic meters.

Ro-Ro vessel
Ro-Ro vessel

Cargo figures

The cargo characteristics of the vessel include the following data:

  • Specific cargo capacity.
  • Coefficient for correcting design differences in holds.
  • Number and dimensions of hatches.
  • Deck load limits.
  • Carrying capacity and quantity of special ship equipment.
  • Technical ventilation devices, including climate control in transport compartments.

Since the specific capacity of the cargo is closely related to the net indicator, the technical characteristics of ships in this regard can be considered a constant value only taking into account the true carrying capacity parameter. Comparison of these indicators makes it possible to calculate the capabilities of the object when it is loaded with different types of materials. Liquid tankers also take into account the parameter of their specific carrying capacity.


The specific load capacity criterion is a general characteristic of ships,showing the number of tons or kilograms that an object can hold in terms of one cubic meter.

As a rule, the specific cargo capacity is taken into account at the design stage of the vessel and, depending on its purpose, is distributed as follows:

  • Ro-ro - 2.5 to 4.0 m3/t.
  • Universal modifications - 1, 5/1, 7 m3/t.
  • Timber trucks (pictured below) - up to 2.2 m3/t.
  • Container versions - 1, 2-4, 0 m3/t.
  • Tankers - up to 1.4 m3/t.
  • Ore trucks – 0.8-1.0 m3/t.
Sea timber carriers
Sea timber carriers

The following are the provisions of the International Convention on the General Characteristics of Ships in terms of Measurement (1969):

  • Take into account the final parameters in cubic meters.
  • Minimize the benefits of shelter-deck and similar versions.
  • Designation of gross tonnage - GT (Gross Tonnage).
  • Net Load – NT (Netto Gross Tonnage).

According to these rules, GT and NT gross tonnage characterize the total and commercial usable volume, respectively.

Types of fleet

Ships are classified into several types depending on their purpose and features of operation:

  • The fishing fleet - for the extraction of fish and other ocean or marine life, transshipment and delivery of goods to their destination.
  • Production vessels - seiners, trawlers, crab, squid, seaweed mining ships and their analogues.
  • Processing fleet –floating facilities focused on the reception, processing and storage of seafood, fish and sea animals, while providing medical and cultural services to team members. The same category includes refrigerators and mother ships.
  • Transport vessels - serve the mining and processing fleet. The main feature is the presence in the equipment of specially equipped holds for storing products (transport, refrigerated and similar ships).
  • Auxiliary fleet - bulk carriers, cargo-passenger, tankers, tugboats, sanitary and fire modifications.
  • Special vessels - equipment designed for advanced, educational, operational intelligence, scientific research.
  • Technical fleet – floating workshops, dredging and other port facilities.

Registered tonnage

This conditional indicator is also included in the general characteristics of the vessel. It is measured in register tons, one unit equals 2.83 cubic meters or 100 feet. The specified parameter is focused on comparing the values of objects and fixing the amount of various port dues, including statistics on taking into account the mass of cargo.

Varieties of register tonnage:

  • Gross - the volume of all compartments of the vessel in superstructures and below deck, designed to be equipped with ballast tanks, wheelhouse, auxiliary devices, galley, skylights and other things.
  • Net register tonnage. This includes the useful volume that serves to transport the main cargo and passengers. Register exchange is confirmedspecial document (measuring certificate).

Coefficient of constructive difference of holds

The value of this technical characteristic of ships varies between 0.6-0.9 units. The lower the criterion, the higher the parking rate when performing cargo operations. The number and dimensions of hatches are one of the defining criteria for carrying out cargo operations. The quality and speed of loading and unloading operations, as well as the degree of comfort during operations, depend on the number of these elements.

The level of convenience and general characteristics of Russian ships largely determines the lucidity coefficient, which is the ratio of the total volume of transport movements to the average cargo capacity of an object.

Decks and their area

Among the permissible loads on the deck, the depth of the hold plays a decisive role, especially on single-deck boats. This parameter determines the transportation of packaged goods in several tiers and the restriction of the transportation of high objects. Usually, most of the materials are transported taking into account the installation height restriction, in order to prevent crushing and crushing of the lower layers.

In this regard, an intermediate (tween deck) deck is additionally mounted on universal devices, which allows protecting the load on the hold. It also makes it possible to increase the total space for transporting bulky and bulky items. The technical characteristics of Ro-Ro vessels in terms of carrying capacity are one of the most important parameters. To increase the working area, similar designsequipped with removable and intermediate decks.

Equipment with technical facilities

On Ro-Ro vessels, each job site must be designed to withstand the double load of a 25 tonne DEF. For other types of watercraft, this indicator is calculated within the following limits:

  • Ore trucks – 18-22 t/m2.
  • Universal modifications - on the upper deck up to 2.5 tons, tween deck - 3.5-4.5 tons, cargo hatch cover - 1.5-2.0 tons.
  • Timber trucks – 4, 0-4, 5 t/m2.
  • Container ships (pictured below) – DEF minimum load is 25 tons per six tiers.
Container ships
Container ships

In terms of equipping with technical equipment for ventilation and ensuring the microclimate, ships are divided into three categories:

  1. Models with natural-forced ventilation. Here, the air flow into the tween decks and holds is supplied through air ducts and deflectors. Such a scheme is ineffective for storing cargo in difficult hydrometeorological conditions, especially on long-distance trips.
  2. Versions with mechanical system. They are equipped with air distributors and electric fans. The performance of the mechanisms depends on the specified air flow exchange rate. For standard universal vessels, this indicator is enough within 5-7 cycles. On ships transporting vegetables, fruits or other perishable goods, this parameter should be at least 15-20 air exchange units per hour.
  3. Variants with air conditioningin the cargo hold.

Speed and cruising range

Vessel speed is a defining parameter indicating the carrying capacity and period of cargo delivery. The criterion largely depends on the power of the power plant and hull contours. The choice of speed when creating a project is uniquely decided taking into account the capacity, lift and power of the main motor of the craft.

The considered main characteristic of the vessel is determined by several varieties:

  1. Speed delivery. The parameter is fixed according to the measured line when the engine is turned on at maximum power.
  2. Passport (technical) acceleration. This indicator is controlled when the power plant is operating within 90 percent of its capabilities.
  3. Speed is economical. This takes into account the minimum fuel consumption required to overcome one unit (mile) of the path. As a rule, the indicator is about 65-70 percent of the technical speed. Such a measurement is appropriate if the characteristics of the vessel under the project include a margin of time for delivery to the destination or lack of fuel due to certain circumstances.
  4. Autonomy and range of the campaign. The specified criterion depends on the volume of the fuel tanks, the proportion of consumption is from 40 to 65 percent when operating at maximum load.
Passenger ship
Passenger ship

Main engine and fuel type

Characteristics of the courts of the Russian Federation by such parameters are subdivided as follows:

  • Steamboats with piston enginestype.
  • Diesel motor ships.
  • Steam and gas turbine passages.
  • Nuclear-powered objects.
  • Diesel-electric versions and similar analogues.

The latter options are most popular with low-speed transmission and low specific fuel consumption. Such power plants are as close as possible to the optimal combination of consumption, quality, price and efficiency.

Modern ships are mainly equipped with small and lightweight main motors operated by a reduction gear. In terms of their resource and reliability, they are as close as possible to their low-speed counterparts, which are distinguished by their smaller dimensions and high productivity.

Aircraft characteristics

According to the positions of the International Aviation Federation, aircraft are divided into several categories:

  • Class "A" - free balloons.
  • Version "B" - airships.
  • Category "C" - seaplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.
  • "S" stands for space mods.

Taking into account the brief characteristics of the vessels, the version under the “C” index is further subdivided into a number of categories (depending on the type and power of the engine), namely:

  • First category - 75 tons or more.
  • Second - 30-75 t.
  • Third - 10-30 t.
  • Fourth - up to 10 t.
Aircraft characteristics
Aircraft characteristics


Aircraft characteristics combine typical parameters determined bytechnical and economic indicators. In fact, the units in question are a flying unit, which is maintained steadily in the atmosphere due to interaction with air reflected from the Earth's surface.

An airplane is a device that is heavier than air, designed to fly with the help of power engines that create thrust. Also involved in this process is a fixed wing, which, when moving in the atmosphere, receives an aerodynamic lifting force. The features by which aircraft are classified are diverse, interconnected and form a single system, which also provides for many market criteria.

Depending on the technical characteristics of the vessel and the type of operation, civil aircraft are divided into the following categories: GA (general aviation) and commercial modifications. Equipment that is regularly used by companies for the transportation of goods and passengers belongs to the commercial direction. The use of aircraft and helicopters for personal or business purposes classifies them as GA.

Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of general purpose aircraft. This is due to the fact that the devices are capable of performing tasks that are not typical for commercial units. This includes:

  • Agricultural work.
  • Transportation of small loads.
  • Training flights.
  • Patrol.
  • Tourist and sports aviation.

At the same time, caller IDs significantly save users' time, which is achieved due to the ability to move withoutlinked to the schedule. For takeoff and landing of most of these units, small airfields are sufficient. In addition, the consumer does not need to issue and register a ticket, choosing a direct route to the desired destination.

With few exceptions, general purpose aircraft have a takeoff weight of up to 8.5 tons. Depending on the purpose, two categories are distinguished, regardless of operating conditions: multi-purpose and specialized modifications. The first group is focused on performing a wide range of tasks. This possibility is due to the re-equipment and modernization of a certain aircraft with minimal structural changes to solve a specific task. Multi-purpose analogues are divided into variants with ground and water (amphibian) bases. Specialized units are aimed at performing one specific task.

Aircraft with horizontal tail
Aircraft with horizontal tail

Aerodynamic schemes

The type of aerodynamics means a certain system of bearing parts of an aircraft. These elements include wings (participating in the creation of the main aerodynamic thrust) and additional plumage. It is focused on the stabilization of equipment in the atmosphere and its control.

The following is a brief description of the vessel in terms of existing aerodynamic schemes:

  • "Tailless".
  • Normal-standard scheme.
  • "Duck".
  • Integral and convertible design.
  • With forward or tail horizontalplumage.

Air units, according to some signs of aerodynamics, are classified according to the design parameters of the wing (see the table for information).

Wing configuration and placement Variety of power elements Form in plan
Brace monoplane or biplane Combination circuit Parabola
Cantilever biplane Monoblock version Ellipse
Triplane Caisson system Circle
Parasol Spar version Trapezoid
Tilted monoplane Truss type Triangle with or without flow
One and a half plan Arrow design
Seagull Rectangle
Monoplane Animated form
Annular view
Reverse or variable sweep

In addition, aircraft are classified according to fuselage design, landing gear parameters, types of power plants and their placement.

Importantfor civil aviation has a division of aircraft depending on the range of their flight:

  • Short-haul units of major airlines (1-2,5 thousand kilometers).
  • Medium aircraft (2.5-6.0 thousand km).
  • Long-distance units (over 6 thousand km).
