When you can sow seeds: planting, timing and seedling care

When you can sow seeds: planting, timing and seedling care
When you can sow seeds: planting, timing and seedling care

Each owner of the land since February begins to think about when it is better to sow seedlings, what crops he will grow. Someone seeks to plant seeds, covering as many crops as possible, while someone plants only some types of plants in a small amount. In any case, every gardener has the same question: "When to sow the seeds?".

Features of crops

Each type of crop has its own sowing dates. Some vegetables and flowers are planted in a permanent place at a certain age. For example, tomato seedlings should be 60 days old, and cucumbers - 21-23 days old. Knowing these features, many gardeners themselves calculate the timing of sowing, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate.

planting seeds
planting seeds

Sowing dates for the nightshade family

Planting seeds of the nightshade family is carried out at different times. This group includes: tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, physalis, eggplant. All these crops were brought to Russia fromEurope and America. Almost all plants are thermophilic and in most regions of the Russian Federation are grown only through seedlings. Although now there are varieties that have time to grow and fully give the harvest even with direct sowing in open ground.

Potato is one of the most important crops. It is grown by planting tubers in the ground. Usually, landing is carried out under the condition of warming up the earth, when the average daily temperature does not fall below eight degrees. In terms of terms in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, such conditions occur approximately from the end of April - the beginning of May. It is during this period that potatoes are planted.

Growing peppers, eggplant and tomatoes

Peppers and eggplants are grown through seedlings, as these crops are thermophilic and do not have time to give a harvest when planted directly. In the southern regions of the country, they can be grown by direct sowing, but not all varieties. But in the central zone of the Russian Federation, pepper and eggplant are necessarily grown through seedlings. Planting of seeds is carried out in the last decade of February - in early March. Seedlings are planted in the garden from mid-May.

Tomatoes are grown in the same way, that is, seedlings. Planting seeds is carried out closer to mid-March, when there is enough sunlight for the normal development of the plant. If it is planned to plant seedlings in a heated greenhouse, then it is sown earlier. When planting tomatoes in open ground, planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in late March or early April.

In Russia, such a crop as physalis is grown. It is not as common as tomatoes or eggplants. This type of plant is grown through seedlings: timingcrops are the same as for tomatoes.

Planting seeds in open ground
Planting seeds in open ground

Cultivation of pumpkin crops

This species includes: pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, watermelons and melons. Usually, sowing seeds in open ground is carried out at an average daily temperature of at least 14 degrees, that is, after May 10.

Watermelons, melons, cucumbers and zucchini can be grown by crops in the open field or through seedlings. This method allows you to get earlier harvests. Sowing seeds is carried out in late March - early April, and planting seedlings in a permanent place - at the end of May. The age of cucumber and squash seedlings should be no more than 23 days, the rest of the crops are planted when they reach the age of 50 days.

When growing pumpkin seedlings, it should be borne in mind that cucumbers, watermelons and melons do not tolerate transplantation well. Because of this feature, seedlings are sown in separate containers so as not to damage the root system during transshipment of plants. When planting plants, you should take care of their shelter, since all plants of the gourd family are afraid of frost.

Most gardeners grow these plants by direct seeding in the ground in the spring. Usually, crops are carried out after May 5 under a film or directly in the garden in early June, when the threat of frost has passed.

Planting seeds for seedlings
Planting seeds for seedlings

Sowing cabbage crops

Cabbage vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, Beijing, red cabbage, kohlrabi. Among all cultivated crops, white cabbage is most often grown. Plant shootswell tolerate small frosts (up to -3 degrees). The seedlings themselves appear quickly, approximately on the seventh day from the moment of sowing. Usually cabbage is sown for seedlings in open ground in mid-April, covering the beds with foil.

Seeds planting and caring for them
Seeds planting and caring for them

Features of care

Vegetable crops are grown in several ways: sowing seedlings in boxes, direct sowing seeds in beds, sowing seedlings under cover, sowing in a greenhouse. Each method has its own characteristics.

Planting seeds and caring for seedlings grown in boxes is more difficult than caring for seedlings under shelters or in a greenhouse. This is mainly due to the peculiarities of watering and providing seedlings with the right amount of light. Seedlings grown on the windowsill must be accustomed to natural light (hardening).

After planting seeds of tomato or other crops in boxes, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with the right amount of light. It is best to place the boxes on the southern windowsills. Be sure to monitor the level of moisture: tomato seedlings during overflow are affected by the black leg and die. With other planting methods, this happens extremely rarely, we can say that these are isolated cases in the entire history of growing seedlings under shelters.

Planting tomato seeds
Planting tomato seeds

Tricks of sowing seeds

It will be useful for every gardener to keep a table of sowing dates at hand. It will help you navigate the crops of different crops.

Culture Seedling age in days Term for sowing seeds for seedlings Features of crops When to plant in a permanent place
Tomatoes 60 days 1 - 5 March Boxes with placement on the windowsill. Crops can be carried out in heated greenhouses, but only in boxes. When sowing in the beds, the dates are shifted by 30-45 days. 5 - 10 May
Cucumbers 20 April 15 Separate containers placed on the windowsill, greenhouse. Seedlings on the windowsills are stretched, which is why it is recommended to light them up or sow them on balconies with bright light. May 10 -15
Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and other types 45 10 -15 March Room, greenhouse, greenhouse. When grown indoors, seedlings are provided with very bright light for at least 12 hours. April 15 - May 10
Late carrots April 20 - May 15 To the garden, to the greenhouse. Carrots are not grown in greenhouses due to space savings.
Beets by direct seeding May 15 -20 To the garden. Beets are not sown with seedlings, they are not grown in greenhouses. This crop can be grown under temporary shelters (undercovering material, film).
Parsley April 20-25 To the garden, before this time, sowing is carried out under cover or in a greenhouse.
Zucchini, pumpkins, squash 27

10 - 20 April

May 25-June 1

In the greenhouse, a bed under the film. In open ground.
Radishes, daikon

April 25th

May 15

June 25

Sowing is carried out in open ground. With earlier sowing, radishes are sown in greenhouses. In heated greenhouses, radishes can be grown all year round.
Dill from April 25 Sowing is carried out in open ground. Earlier crops are carried out on beds with shelter. In heated greenhouses, crops are carried out all year round.
Planting seeds in the ground in spring
Planting seeds in the ground in spring

Using the presented table will help to sow different types of crops in time and get a good harvest at different times.
