Logistics: what is it and what are its tasks?

Logistics: what is it and what are its tasks?
Logistics: what is it and what are its tasks?

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Before the introduction of Americanisms into the speech of a simple Russian person, the word "logistics" meant only the branch of mathematical logic and everything connected with it. Current logistics: what is it? In the world of modern business, this word denotes an entire area that provides the essential needs of any functioning enterprise.

what is logistics
what is logistics

Logistics tasks

The main responsibility of logistics is to meet all the needs of consumers by maintaining the normal operation of production, marketing and other sectors of the enterprise. In other words, logistics provides us with fresh bread in the store, fresh newspapers and strawberries in the market. And as an auxiliary moment, it ensures the flow of flour to the bakery, fertilizers and seedlings to farmland. Logistics: what is it, what are its main characteristics? Speed, availability of goods, uninterrupted supply, as well as flexibility of processes are the main tasks of this area of development of any business.

Functional areas

Before the term "supply chain" appeared, logistics allowed minimizing costs with the help of functional areas. Changing settings in any such areaenterprise can affect its work as a whole.

logistics tasks
logistics tasks

Logistics infrastructure is a complex of interconnected objects with different characteristics and having a certain geographical location. For example, a plant may be located near sources of raw materials, and a warehouse (there may be several of them) may be located in a completely different place. All objects of this infrastructure are interconnected in a certain way.

  1. Transportation - communication between individual infrastructure facilities. Mass transportation is carried out using road and rail transport. In the case of long distances, water, air and pipeline (for transporting oil and gas) are used.
  2. Cargo handling and warehousing. The first process involves loading and unloading, moving products and materials around the warehouse. Warehouses can be linked to production or independent.
  3. Order management - the correct calculation of the required amount of stock at each point of the infrastructure, depending on the needs of the entire chain.
  4. Logistics: what is it? Information support is the most important part of its entire working system. Information technology has turned individual functional areas into a single integrated system that minimizes the overall costs of the entire supply chain. They provide the main development of logistics.
development of logistics
development of logistics

The most promising way to organize logistics is to attractspecialized logistics firms. They have a complete understanding and knowledge of what logistics is, what it is in the business world and what role it plays today. Companies will help to competently organize the entire supply chain for the client. Good luck with your business!
