Removal of encumbrance on Sberbank mortgage: documents, terms, reviews

Removal of encumbrance on Sberbank mortgage: documents, terms, reviews
Removal of encumbrance on Sberbank mortgage: documents, terms, reviews

Clients of banks know that with the registration of a mortgage they become the owners of their own living space, purchased for credit money, but an encumbrance is imposed on real estate. The borrower will be the owner of the property, but not all transactions with it can be carried out without a bank. After paying off the debt, the encumbrance on the mortgage is removed. Sberbank, like other institutions, offers to carry out this procedure competently.

Last payment

Paying a mortgage is hard enough. It is necessary to remember the date of payment in order not to be listed in the list of delinquents. But after long payments, the day of the last installment still comes. After that, it's too early to relax. To become a full-fledged owner of real estate, it is necessary to remove the encumbrance on the mortgage. Sberbank in this procedure is not much different from other credit institutions.

removal of encumbrance on mortgage Sberbank
removal of encumbrance on mortgage Sberbank


Encumbrance involves a set of conditions that restrict the actions of the property owner. For example, it will not be possible to sell an apartment, perform an exchange, redevelopment, or register relatives. Realize itsucceed, but only with the written permission of the bank, which is considered the pledgee. What transactions are prohibited to be made is specified in the contract.

removal of encumbrance on mortgage Sberbank terms
removal of encumbrance on mortgage Sberbank terms

Even making the last payment does not lead to the automatic removal of restrictions on living space. Sberbank does not perform the removal of an encumbrance from an apartment on a mortgage on its own. To do this, the client must apply to the registration authority with an application. What documents are required should be specified in Rosreestr. If the burden is not removed on time, then this becomes the cause of difficulties in the future. For example, when selling real estate, many may not agree to buy such housing.


The procedure for removing the encumbrance from an apartment on a mortgage in Sberbank is carried out according to the established rules. When making the last payment at the bank, you need to take a certificate of no debt. It is provided after 3 days and for free. This document is not mandatory, but it is better to have it. There are times when there are pennies of debt on the account with incorrect calculations. Then pen alties and fines are charged on them, because of which the client may become late.

removal of an encumbrance from an apartment on a Sberbank mortgage
removal of an encumbrance from an apartment on a Sberbank mortgage

Accepts documents for the removal of the encumbrance on the mortgage Rosreestr. Sberbank will provide a certificate of no debt. You need to collect the following documents:

  1. Letter from the bank confirming the lack of fulfillment of obligations under the contract. Sometimes it is necessary to provide a loan account statement with him.
  2. Statement of the parties, signedand certified by bank officials. A sample can be obtained from a bank or Companies House.
  3. Mortgage agreement with its copy.
  4. Original and copy of the mortgage bond, which indicates the performance of obligations, as well as the maturity date.
  5. Passports of persons indicated in the certificate of ownership. They must be present in person at the time of application.
  6. Proof of ownership.
  7. Confirmation of payment of state duty.
  8. Court decision if the mortgage agreement ceased to operate on its basis.

The exact list of documents can be found in the registration authority at the place of residence. Each region has different requirements. Performs the removal of encumbrance on the mortgage Rosreestr. Sberbank offers to submit documents immediately after paying the debt, so that the procedure is completed in a timely manner.


An important step is to write an application. It indicates information such as:

  • personal information about the owner;
  • name, details;
  • loan details;
  • information about the absence of mutual obligations;
  • request for removal of encumbrance.

Make up an application on sheet A4.

Document options

Where is the removal of the encumbrance on the mortgage? Sberbank invites customers to contact Rosreestr. There are only a few ways to do this. The standard option is a personal appeal to the Federal State Registration Service. There are no intermediaries in this case, the actions are performed personally by the client or representativesbank.

the procedure for removing the encumbrance on the mortgage Sberbank
the procedure for removing the encumbrance on the mortgage Sberbank

You can send documentation by mail with a valuable letter. Signatures on applications are notarized, but the letter itself is sent with a description of the attachment and an acknowledgment of receipt. But this option will take a lot of time - visiting a notary, sending the item. But still, you will have to receive new certificates in person.

Can perform the removal of encumbrance on the mortgage of Sberbank in the MFC. Such organizations operate in many cities, carrying out various public services. At first, the centers were created to simplify the procedure for submitting various applications and reduce the time for execution. But in practice, things don't look quite like that. The terms of execution were increased due to the fact that the courier is engaged in the transportation of documents.

It is also possible to perform the removal of encumbrance on a mortgage in another way. Sberbank offers to use a convenient option - via the Internet. You must apply through the website of the State Service.

There is still an opportunity to carry out the procedure with the help of re altors and agencies that provide such services. They will do all the work, only it won't be free.

Going to court

Sometimes the removal of the encumbrance cannot be done with the consent of the pledgee, and therefore everything is done through the court. This will be the case if:

  • bank closed;
  • occupier disappeared;
  • the borrower does not want to remove the encumbrance voluntarily;
  • borrower passed away.

In these cases, you need to provide the court with an agreement, checks, documents on inheritance. Thenthe procedure will take longer. This will be spent on filing a statement of claim in court, and then a meeting will be scheduled. If the court makes a positive decision, you need to wait for its entry into force. Then an application is submitted to the Registration Chamber for the removal of the encumbrance and a court decision.

Procedure order

The procedure for removing the encumbrance on a mortgage in Sberbank is carried out on the basis of the following steps:

  1. Receiving documents from the bank. You need to take the originals and make the necessary copies.
  2. Paying the state duty.
  3. Entry into the electronic queue of Rosreestr.
  4. Meeting with a bank employee, providing him with an application for the removal of the encumbrance.
  5. Obtaining a receipt from the registrar regarding the acceptance of documents.
  6. On the appointed date, you need to visit the Registration Chamber and receive documents on the removal of the encumbrance.

How long will it take for the removal of the encumbrance on the mortgage in Sberbank? Reviews indicate that it takes about a month, but it may take two. This procedure should be performed immediately after paying off the debt, because then in the future there will be no difficulties with real estate transactions. The procedure for removing an encumbrance on a mortgage in Sberbank is the same as in other organizations.


It is important to timely remove the encumbrance on the mortgage in Sberbank. Deadlines are set for mandatory completion of the procedure. It is advisable to contact the bank a month before the planned closing of the contract. This time is enough for recalculations, registration of the necessary packagedocuments and other work.

the procedure for removing the encumbrance on a mortgage in Sberbank
the procedure for removing the encumbrance on a mortgage in Sberbank

When the settlement has taken place and the papers have been submitted to Rosreestr, then after that 3 days are given to make entries on the payment of the mortgage. Therefore, there can be no delay. This applies to cases where the procedure is performed by the borrower on their own. You need to notify with a statement to the USRR.

If you do not take any steps, but simply apply to the bank, you will have to wait 45 days until the burden is removed from the former borrower. It is automatically withdrawn after the expiration of the mortgage term, the approval of Rosreestr with the bank and the adoption of a decision.

It may take about 3 months. Therefore, if neither a bank representative nor the client himself submits an application, then the automatic removal of the encumbrance takes place within 3 months.

For 3 years, former borrowers must keep statements, receipts for payments and other documents related to the bank. This is the statute of limitations, which must be waited out and the mortgage documentation not destroyed. After Rosreestr makes changes, the client can create title documents for the purchased housing in this body, where there will be a bank mark. But this service is paid - you have to pay the state duty.

Property for sale

It is important to know how to properly sell housing if it is still under the burden of the bank. This happens when the borrower has no funds or there are difficulties with paying the mortgage, because of which the pledge becomes the property of the bank. To pay off the loan, the property must be sold, andThe proceeds will be used to pay off the debt. The client has some money left.

removal of an encumbrance on a mortgage Rosreestr documents Sberbank
removal of an encumbrance on a mortgage Rosreestr documents Sberbank

It will be difficult to carry out the sale of real estate on your own, since the bank controls all transactions that the borrower is trying to complete with collateral. In addition, for the implementation of the sale, it is important that the object is not encumbered. Therefore, the transaction can be executed with the permission of the bank itself.

The buyer needs to take a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the amount of the mortgage debt. It is required in order to know how much is left to pay the loan. In practice, the removal of encumbrance takes about 2 months. But banks can delay the deadlines. The procedure itself is simple, you just need to complete it in a timely manner.

Dispute Resolution

Usually it takes more time to remove an encumbrance than to apply for a mortgage. The reason for this is a thorough check by loan officers of whether everything has been paid by the borrowers. But this may be due to technical measures to control and amend the Register of Rights.

removal of encumbrance on mortgage Rosreestr Sberbank
removal of encumbrance on mortgage Rosreestr Sberbank

Often there are situations that 2 months after the closing of the contract, a notification is received about the need to pay certain amounts. If this happens, you need to contact the bank with a certificate of payment of the debt. It can only be a technical error or human carelessness.

Charging pen alties

There are also situations when the client did notsome payment was made on time, and a pen alty appeared that was not paid. Such cases happen often, so you need to be prepared for them. If the bank has legally accrued the debt, then it is best to pay it off by closing the mortgage in full. There are clients who argue on such occasions, refusing to pay funds. Then the bank goes to court, which makes a decision in its favor. And the client only needs to pay the designated amount.

When the encumbrance is removed, the owner of the property becomes its full owner. Therefore, he can make various transactions, for example, sale, exchange, lease. And everything will be done legally.
