What is online and offline

What is online and offline
What is online and offline

The words "online" and "offline" have a special meaning in connection with computers and telecommunications. In general, the first term indicates a connected state, while the second hints at being disconnected.

what is online
what is online

Speaking about what "online" is, it should be noted that this concept has gone beyond telecommunication meanings and has moved into the field of human interaction and conversation. For example, discussions held during a business meeting are "online", while issues that do not concern all participants in direct communication should be resolved "offline" - outside the event.

Regarding mail

One example of the combination of these concepts is the mail user agent, which can be in the "online" or "offline" state. One such application is Microsoft Outlook. When connected, it will attempt to connect to mail servers (to check for new mail at regular intervals, for example). In standalone mode, he will not do this. The online or offline agent does not necessarily reflect the state of the connection betweenthe computer on which it is running and the Internet. That is, the device itself can be connected to the Internet via a cable modem or other means, while the user's status remains unconnected.

Online Games
Online Games

What is "online" in relation to the media

Another example of the use of these terms is in digital audio technology. The player, digital audio editor or other device located on the site is synchronized with the user's actions. When connected, playback starts, the device automatically synchronizes with the master and starts playing music from the same point in the recording. This technology continues to develop rapidly. Today, you can remotely listen not only to music, but also to watch movies and even TV shows online. This category also includes news, other video and audio resources available for direct viewing when the Internet is on.

What is "online" and offline browsing

A third example of how these concepts are combined is the web browser, which can be either online or offline. It will only try to fetch pages from servers while it is connected. In offline mode, users can perform offline browsing, where pages can be opened using local copies that were previously downloaded when going online. This can be useful when the computer is disconnected from the network, or it is not possible or desirable to connect to it. Pages are loaded either in the web browser's own cache inas a result of the user's online preview, or by using an application configured to save local copies of some pages. The latter are updated when he is connected. For example, when playing browser games online, you can save the page. And then continue passing from a certain level.

One such web application that can download pages for offline viewing is Internet Explorer. When they are added to the favorites list, they are marked as "available for offline viewing". Internet Explorer will load local copies as full pages.

series online
series online


Summing up the conversation about what online is, we can draw the following conclusions. When an Internet connection is available, it is constant access to various files, as well as communications. In turn, for areas that do not have such adequate network connectivity, users are trying to provide themselves with offline access to information.
