Technical endoscope: description, characteristics, device

Technical endoscope: description, characteristics, device
Technical endoscope: description, characteristics, device

Endoscope is a device for inspecting hard-to-reach places. Its technical modifications are actively used in industry. At metallurgical enterprises, devices of this type are used to inspect furnaces. Also, endoscopes make it possible to look inside various tanks.

The main parameters of devices include resolution, focal length, tilt radius and viewing angle. To understand this issue, it is necessary to consider the device of the usual model.

technical flexible endoscope
technical flexible endoscope

What an endoscope consists of

Endoscope (technical) includes a tube, a tube, and a train. Lenses for models are used in different diameters. Locks are usually installed behind adapters.

Most devices are made with a connector that is a light source. The valve in the devices is designed for a certain pressure. Adjustment of the endoscope is carried out due to the lever.

Device types

By design, flexible and rigid devices are distinguished. Depending on the type of action, there are optical, lens, and gradient modifications. Devices are available with or without a repeater.

technical endoscope
technical endoscope

Description of flexible models

Technical endoscope (flexible, digital) is actively used to examine the condition of pipes. Valves for models are installed with heads. The limiting angle of inclination for the described devices is at least 40 degrees. Levers are used to control the end.

Lenses on a technical (flexible) endoscope are installed in a directional type. Most modifications are assembled with air supply valves. It should also be noted that there are models with a train. As a rule, they use a long tube. There are modifications with and without lighting.

Hard Device Specifications

Rigid technical endoscope is made with steel tubes. The lens diameter of the models is at least 1.3 cm. It is also worth noting that the suction valves can withstand high pressure. The maximum angle of inclination is no more than 10 degrees. Levers in devices are used with a connector. There is a special operating channel in the tube. The limiting pressure of modifications is at least 4 Pa. Loops are used in different diameters.

The average length of the tube is 8 cm. The locks are used with and without levers. Many endoscopes have biopsy valves. Models of this type can be used to examine not only pipes, but also complex mechanisms. The maximum allowable temperature for this type of endoscope is 40 degrees.

Optical modifications

Optical models stand out with their high resolution. There are many compact devices. They are used to supply air in the tubeadapters. Valves are generally used operating type.

The maximum pressure of devices is 4 Pa. The focal length is at least 2.5 cm. Tubes for modifications are used in small sizes. Some devices are well suited for instrument inspection. Air supply valves are used with overlays. It should also be noted that the devices differ in viewing angle. The ends are usually made of polymer. Switches are used with and without clips.

Lens Endoscopes

Lens endoscope (technical) is suitable for work in a humid environment. The specification of this device depends on the manufacturer. The tubes of the models are used with a small diameter, and the ends are set in different shapes. Most endoscopes are manufactured with a single head. The levers in this case are installed on the remote control. The supply valves are designed for low pressure. Locks are used with and without filters.

Some endoscopes can boast a compact size. Controllers are installed behind the tubes. The viewing angle in the devices reaches a maximum of 45 degrees. Operating valves are available with and without liners. Switches are used in different types. Guided tubes are used with a diameter of 1.3 cm or more.

Some devices are made with movable heads. It should also be noted that the maximum allowable temperature for using endoscopes of this type is 30 degrees.

borescope technical endoscope
borescope technical endoscope

Gradient device parameters

Gradient borescope-endoscope (technical)produced for inspection of large drive units. These models allow you to inspect tanks of different sizes. Some devices are made with channel tubes.

Most endoscopes are capable of withstanding pressures above 4 Pa. Devices with suction valves stand out for their compactness. They use lenses of small diameter, and the maximum angle of rotation is approximately 40 degrees.

Minimum focal length is up to 1.5 cm. Levers are used with connectors. Quite often, movable tubes are installed on endoscopes. Loops are used with a length of 7 cm. Supply valves are used for 3 and 5 Pa. Connectors are used with and without a connector. It should also be noted that tubes are used with controllers. Some modifications are made with two connectors.

rigid technical endoscope
rigid technical endoscope

Description of models with repeaters

Devices with a repeater are manufactured with a view of 40 degrees. Their tube diameter is no more than 1 cm. The supply valves are usually rated for 4 Pa. Locks are used only with pads.

Technical endoscope with repeaters is great for plumbers. Many modifications have short tubes. Heads are used with and without tips. If we consider models with operational amplifiers, then they use lenses of small diameter. The levers of the models are made with channel adapters. Universal cables are used in different lengths.

technical endoscope price
technical endoscope price

Tube devices

Tube modifications are actively used at large metallurgical enterprises. Most devices are made with contact type connectors. Some of them are made with one lock. The viewing angle averages 30 degrees. The minimum focal length is no more than 1.8 mm. If we consider devices with loops, then they are made with linear adapters. Most devices are made with long tubes.

It should also be noted that the mentioned modifications differ in size. If we consider models with controlled tubes, then they have a high resolution. Controllers are used with pads. Heads for devices fit different shapes. The maximum allowable temperature when using these endoscopes is 45 degrees.

JProbe ST models

Devices of this brand stand out for their high resolution. Modern models are made with movable tubes. It should also be noted that there are devices with contactors. Some of them work with a controlled head.

Controllers apply small size. Locks on the endoscope (technical), as a rule, are installed with filters. On average, the diameter of the tube is 1.4 cm. The supply valves for modifications are designed for 3 Pa. Ribbons are used with and without connectors.

Some models are made with connectors. As a rule, they are used to inspect containers. It is also important to note that the protection systems for endoscopes of this brand are used by the P30 series.

If we consider devices with operatingvalves, they operate at high pressure. Their angle of inclination is no more than 4 degrees. The optimal focal length is 5 cm. Repair of technical endoscopes is carried out only in specialized service centers.

technical flexible digital endoscope
technical flexible digital endoscope

Olympus endoscopes

Models of this brand are distinguished by movable tubes. Heads on the endoscope (technical) are installed with a small diameter. In this case, the pads are used from polyurethane. Most devices are made with adapters. Lenses are installed with and without overlays. The suction valves of the models are designed for a pressure of 4 Pa. Protection systems are used in the P30 and P40 series. Supply valves are used with connectors.

Some modifications work from controlled tubes. If we consider devices on biopsy valves, then they are made with short tubes. Their viewing angle is maximum 30 degrees.

The market price for a technical endoscope reaches 35 thousand rubles. The optimal focal length for examination is 4 cm. Locks for modifications are installed only behind the adapter. The maximum allowable temperature for the use of endoscopes of the specified manufacturer is 40 degrees. Among the shortcomings, only the high cost of goods can be noted.

endoscope technical specification
endoscope technical specification

Testo models

This company's endoscopes can be used to inspect ovens. Their minimum focal length is 0.5 cm. Tubes are used with a diameter of1, 4 cm. Levers are usually installed on convectors. Most of these devices are made with switches. Loops they are used with flexible racks. Some endoscopes are capable of operating in high humidity. It should also be noted that there are modifications with operational valves. Their ultimate pressure is at least 2 Pa.

Protection systems are used by the P33 series. The ends in this case are controlled by levers. Controllers are used with and without connectors. Connectors are installed only with overlays. The maximum allowable temperature for the use of endoscopes of the specified manufacturer is approximately 45 degrees.
