Reviews: Casual Club - a dating site or a customer scam?

Reviews: Casual Club - a dating site or a customer scam?
Reviews: Casual Club - a dating site or a customer scam?

The current age of high technology is nullifying human communication in the usual "real" way. It is difficult to imagine meeting in a restaurant or on the street; rather, it will cause bewilderment or fear. But, during working hours, at home and on a walk, we are absorbed in being in another world - the virtual one. Take a look around when you get to a crowded place.

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casual club reviews

Every second person is consumed by their electronic assistants - mobile phones and tablets. We spend time there, it is there that we boldly communicate and get to know each other, we talk, and only after that we risk extinguishing the object of attention to the meeting. Emoticons have long replaced emotions for us, and the keyboard has replaced live speech. That is why people are interested in what they say about modern places for dating - dating sites, for example, they are interested in the reviews of the Casual Club, a "closed club" that appeared not so long ago.

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Dating sites - who benefits from them?

Dating on social networks is not a surprising thing nowadays and is quite acceptable by society. Why not - where to get acquainted with those who spend mornings and evenings in the office?Bars and restaurants generally do not involve communication with the opposite sex, as it used to be.

At the same time, sitting on your favorite sofa or at a comfortable table with a cup of coffee, you can easily and naturally "converse" using the keyboard, first finding out what the interlocutor is, and then making an appointment with him.

For what purposes are dating sites created, and what benefits do the organizers receive? Users can actually meet who they are looking for, and creators are rewarded financially through ads.

Innovation in online dating

Not so long ago, a brand new dating site was launched at Reviews of grateful and ungrateful customers have already appeared on the network. What is the peculiarity of this virtual "institution"? This organization does not bring lonely hearts together, but rather embodies the secret desires of each of us. By registering on the site, the user gets the opportunity not only to share his most unusual thoughts, but also "the opportunity to put them into practice with those who share the views" - this is exactly what is written on the main page of “Casual Club - a dating site”. Reviews of grateful customers are given here, for those who are interested in the experience of those who used the resource. In addition, the user can read the recommendations of printed publications that the developers have placed in a prominent place and read articles on psychological topics. It should be noted that the topics of the articles relate mainly to the assessment of treason as a misconduct and joys.from the realization of fantasies.

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Favourites: Casual Club makes life easier for spouses and couples

To be fair, it should be noted that even without registering on this site, the very idea of adultery is presented in an interesting wrapper.

"Are you bored with married life? Bring some fire into the relationship!" or "Insipid intimate life can be diluted with an unexpected acquaintance that will refresh the old romance." It turns out that promotes Casual Club? Cheating the faithful for the sake of "preserving the relationship".

Promiscuity has no justification and that's what distinguishes people from animals that they can control their desires. If the relationship has become insipid and boring, isn't it better to just break up? Why cheat on your soul mate under the plausible excuse of "saving love"?

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casual club dating reviews

What does the club promise users?

So, the first negative reviews of Casual Club are collected even from not registered users, but from deceived wives and husbands.

Otherwise, the activity of this "club" is quite typical for an intimate dating site. You can register as a single or a couple, describe in the questionnaire what exactly you expect from dating and wait for our call to respond. The site involves finding a suitable partner for you and a gift in the form of an unforgettable adventure without obligations.

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casual club dating site reviews

However, there are obligations, as those who wish to adventure have seen thisexperience.

Registration in a private dating club

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match casual club reviews

When registering, you will need to provide a bank account number. For some reason, this did not surprise or scare many users at all, although financial institutions and law enforcement agencies warn us to transfer personal and such important information to anyone. After that, you find yourself in the "holy of holies" - a closed Casual Club. Users note the inconvenient interface, and one cannot but agree with them. If the main page resembles an intimate boudoir, then the "main office" of users seemed to be assembled by an inept child. You do not see the information of interest about other users, you cannot view their photos and send messages. These and many features are not available until you send an almost free SMS to connect to VIP status. But the site, as it were, pushes the participants to this - without a fee, you can see the age of other participants at most, and being on the site in such a right is of no interest.

The procedure for sending SMS also did not cause concern among the majority of those who registered. "Just think - SMS, especially since it is quite inexpensive," the majority thought so. True, in reality it turns out that you need to send three SMS with a total cost of 900 rubles, after which you become the owner of a subscription payable at 2,400 rubles once a quarter.

Match Casual Club - reviews on whether to do it

After registering and obtaining the status of "VIP", most ofof respondents wants to cancel the service immediately. And this is not accidental - having discovered that a dating site is very expensive with low functionality, users want to break off relations with it as soon as possible. But here a difficulty arises - it turns out that the site's server is located in Switzerland, so the only option is to send a fax to the number 0041 91 6046509. Those who try to do this maneuver speak extremely unflattering about the system - it is impossible to get through, and sending a fax seems just a cunning maneuver. Why such difficulties in the age of advanced technology? It's just that the developers do not want to lose their customers and their money, and therefore they will do everything so that you stay in the club as long as possible.

By the way, deleting a profile for clients without VIP status will not cause difficulties, but this is logical - such "free" clients are not of great value to the club, and therefore parting with them occurs by mutual agreement.

Appeal to the bank to terminate "cooperation" with the dating site

When a client discovers that a fairly large amount is being debited from his card once every three months, the first desire is to delete the profile without sending written statements by fax. But, alas, by deleting your page, you will not achieve anything other than losing the right to use the site. And your money will be debited from your card. I just want to hide the card!

According to user feedback, the only way out of this situation will be to close the function of auto payments abroad, which will be issued to you by the issuer of a bank card according to yourstatement.

Reissuing the card and changing the PIN, according to customers, will not bring the desired result, since the current account remains the same and this will not prevent you from withdrawing the amount of 2,400 rubles from your card once a quarter. And what, you have to pay for pleasure!

So, as testified by the reviews, Casual Club will do whatever it takes to keep your membership and won't let you slip away so easily.

Is Casual Club worth the money?

Perhaps there are people for whom 2400 rubles is just a trifle. Let's see if such a fee for the services provided by the site is justified?

casual club site reviews
casual club site reviews

To draw such conclusions, I had to study the confessions on the forums of Casual Club customers. Reviews about the site are all negative. Users complain about a large number of automated bots, the same limited potential, and the number of live people in no more than 20-30% of the total number of customers.

Someone managed to get acquainted on the site, but according to the assurances of dating lovers who fell for the bait of the Casual Club, such a pleasure is not at all worth 800 rubles a month.

Of course, there are enough positive reviews on the Internet, but they are very enthusiastic and similar to each other, while negative statements are emotional, with great detail of the described problem and are very truthful.

How not to give your money to scammers?

It seemed that we were all taught from childhood not to talk to suspicious people and not tell them anything about ourselves, but as adults, weforget about the simple rules of your safety. It is the provision of your data that entails undesirable consequences for you. Will Casual Club bring you dating? Customer reviews indicate that, yes, you have a chance to meet. But this will not bring the desired results and will cost you 800 rubles a month, not counting the money spent on SMS. Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you. However, traditional, "old-fashioned" and at the same time completely free methods of dating have not yet been canceled.
