Secrets of a successful business: is it possible to sell sunflower meal?

Secrets of a successful business: is it possible to sell sunflower meal?
Secrets of a successful business: is it possible to sell sunflower meal?

Sunflower cake is obtained after processing seeds - this is one of the few by-products of production that can be profitably sold. That is why many are interested in the processing of this culture, because it is practically waste-free. Oil is produced from sunflower seed kernels, while cake and husks are used in animal husbandry, crop production, construction, and even in the manufacture of biofuels.

sunflower cake
sunflower cake

Many businessmen have already realized that under certain conditions it is possible to achieve a sufficiently high profitability of processing shops. To do this, it is necessary to purchase high-oil varieties and hybrids of sunflower, the yield of food products from which is at least 60%. The remaining waste will not be lost - they can also be sold. By the way, do not neglect the stage of cleaning the seeds from the husk, because this increases the oil yield, and the accumulated husk can also be sold. But many businesses do away with this by pressing oil from whole, unshelled seeds.

If you decide to go into this business, the main thing is to find distribution channels, both for oil and for by-products. With the sale of the mainproduction problems usually do not arise, but not everyone knows who to offer sunflower cake to. First of all, it is in demand in animal husbandry.

Sunflower cake price
Sunflower cake price

The content of protein and vegetable fat in it exceeds those of other grains. That is why sunflower cake is included in the compound feed: its use contributes to the rapid development of young animals and the high productivity of grown animals. In birds, in whose feed it is included, there is an increase in egg production, in cows and goats - milk yield and fat content increase, and live weight gain increases.

Sunflower cake can be used daily, but you should find out about the percentage of husks in it. If it is at least 14% of the total mass, then it is better not to give it to piglets up to 4 months and calves up to six months of age. For older individuals, an increased content of husks will not cause harm. Cake can be given both in a dry, moistened form, and in the form of mixtures with various feeds.

But it is so important in the diet not only because it is high in fat (about 7%), fiber (up to 20%) and protein (more than 30%).

Sunflower cake
Sunflower cake

Sunflower cake is also rich in nitrogen-free substances, which it contains more than 25%. Such a quantity helps to improve digestion, making it easier for ruminants to digest coarse, overgrown grass or straw. The introduction of this supplement has a beneficial effect not only on the processing of food in the stomach and intestines, but alsoon metabolism in general, strengthening immunity and improving productivity.

Cattle farms are the main marketing channel for this by-product from cold-pressed oil production. But if you want to build relationships with customers, then keep in mind that you must have good sunflower cake. The price for it should be at the level of the average market. It can only be raised if your processing plant does not neglect the process of seed hulling, and the content of husks in the cake is minimal. In this case, it will be in additional demand, because it is useful for calves, piglets, rabbits, promotes rapid weight gain and improves the he alth of babies.
