Developers of Yekaterinburg: housing "for demolition" or a fair game?

Developers of Yekaterinburg: housing "for demolition" or a fair game?
Developers of Yekaterinburg: housing "for demolition" or a fair game?
Yekaterinburg developers
Yekaterinburg developers

Regardless of the situation in the financial market of the country or the world, a person has always sought to acquire housing. The desire to find a "roof over your head" gave rise to the creation of a huge number of different companies offering services for the construction of housing that a person dreams of. The cost per square meter is steadily growing, so most often we pay attention not to dreams, but to the fact that desires correspond as closely as possible to possibilities. The size of the individual housing market is growing in every city. Developers in Yekaterinburg, Perm and Saratov, for example, offer interested parties to purchase both finished housing and consider projects for future buildings. Most companies around the world use this technology.

Times and manners

Builders in Yekaterinburg and other Russian cities are going through hard times. Newlaws in the field of land acquisition confuse even large and "adult" companies. So, if in Yekaterinburg a few months ago municipal authorities de alt with the issues of land delimitation in the city, since May this paragraph of urban planning has been regulated by the Ministry for State Property Management. It is precisely because of the intervention of third-party forces in the process of building new housing that has been worked out over the years that developers in Yekaterinburg spontaneously refuse to be active at auctions.

new buildings in Yekaterinburg from the developer
new buildings in Yekaterinburg from the developer

Scandal of IZHS Yekaterinburg

In 2012, many companies in this city were involved in a scandal. The project of individual housing construction (IZHS) got on the table in the prosecutor's office. The thing is that the developers of Yekaterinburg, handing over ready-made houses, did not bind themselves with the obligation to verify compliance with safety standards. As a result, several high-rise buildings were demolished. Some have been declared uninhabitable. All construction companies are divided into two camps. Some are striving with all their might to legalize their "offspring". Others, using sharply fallen prices, buy up and seize hectares of land to build housing, which again will be demolished. It is worth noting that the erected houses did not pass even half of the registration steps, so the city administration recognized them as illegal.

apartments from the developer in Yekaterinburg
apartments from the developer in Yekaterinburg

Affordable apartments for demolition

However, numerous apartments from the developer inYekaterinburg continue to be born at a steadily growing pace. With the same speed, the prosecutor's office receives applications for unauthorized seizure of land. Representatives of some companies agree that most of the buildings were built by negligent speculators who sought to save on materials, labor and design procedures. However, there is a percentage of those developers whose buildings meet all the requirements. However, the location of buildings in the IZHS zone equates companies to violators. In this matter, there is the fault of both the administration and construction organizations.

Moreover, the scandal continues to gain momentum. Some bold holdings come up with public projects like "Affordable new buildings in Yekaterinburg from developer N". At the same time, they pay little attention to the fact that in such apartments, pre-programmed for demolition, hardly anyone will live happily ever after.
