Technology of mechanical engineering: information about the speci alty

Technology of mechanical engineering: information about the speci alty
Technology of mechanical engineering: information about the speci alty

Any mechanisms that we use in everyday life consist of simple or complex parts and connections. All of them are products of mechanical engineering - the area of the national economy, which is engaged in the production of various mechanisms and machines. Engineering technology is a speci alty that allows you to master the knowledge and skills that allow you to work in the engineering industry.

Engineering technology
Engineering technology

The beginning of the development of this direction of the national economy in our country is usually associated with the name of Andrei Nartov, who invented the first Russian lathe back in the 18th century. At that time, there were only a few engineers, mostly enthusiasts and pioneers in their field. But the main impetus for the development of mechanical engineering technology was largely due to the wars of the 19th and 20th centuries, when victory often depended on the technical equipment of the troops. For Russia, the heyday of engineering fell on the period of the Second World War, when almost all enterprises of the country began to produce weapons, ammunition and equipment. And it was at this time that the speci alty "engineering technology" turned out to be extremely in demand, as the factories experienced an acute shortage ofqualified and competent engineers.

Unfortunately, at present, engineering is also developing due to competition between countries for the best weapons and defense system.

Speci alty engineering technology
Speci alty engineering technology

Engineering technology is a speci alty that remains in demand: every year at least 4 people apply for one budgetary place. It should be noted that engineers are trained only by state universities and technical schools, for commercial organizations this speci alty is too expensive. Mechanical engineering technology requires educational institutions to have special equipment (machine tools of various types), laboratories, computers with special programs for developing drawings, technological processes, creating 3D models, etc. That is why non-state educational institutions cannot compete with state universities, which have a good material base, a staff of highly qualified teachers (many of whom are candidates and doctors of science) and long-term teaching traditions.

Engineering technology speci alty
Engineering technology speci alty

Today, in modern production, the functions of a process engineer have changed significantly. Automatic lines, CNC machines, equipment directly controlled from a computer, and computer-aided design systems have been introduced everywhere at factories. All this has led to the fact that engineers must master computer technology at a high level. With this level of automation, the process engineer can control the entire processproduction: from the development of a product drawing to testing a finished assembly unit. Engineering technology is a rapidly developing and changing speci alty, which constantly adapts to new technologies that appear in production. Therefore, students who choose this profession need to know that they will have to study not only before receiving a diploma - engineers must improve their skills all their lives.
